Chapter 19

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Matt's POV: After a while of relaxing in bed with Gabby, I noticed she fell asleep. Probably because of the pregnancy. Quietly slipping out of bed, I smiled as I went to cover her up before walking over to her bags. I decided that this was going to be a good time to start some laundry for her. All of these clothes needed to be washed and put away in storage. Then, I need to go take apart the guest room. Oh god, that's going to be our kid's room...again. It's where Louie stayed when he was with us and now, it would be a nursery. Grabbing her bags, I went to walk out of our room and quietly closed the door while walking to the guest room.

Going to walk in and set the bags down on the bed, I smiled when I opened it because of what was on top of Gabby's bag. It was the pregnancy test that she used to find out she was pregnant. Looking at it, I smiled because it still showed the positive test. This was something I never got to see the first time she was pregnant, and while I didn't get to see it right after she took it this time around...I at least got to see it now. Going to set it down on the dresser, I then went to take out Gabby's clothes and brought them towards the washer. I also made sure she was still asleep.

Looking at her in our bed, I couldn't help but smile because she looked so peaceful while she was sleeping. I could tell this was exactly what she needed right now. She probably hasn't had good quality sleep in a long time. I mean, other than last night of course. Whether that be just because Puerto Rico is always hot or because she is really worried about the pregnancy, I could tell that her rest was well deserved. Carrying more of her clothes towards the washer, I then went to put her first bag away. Yes, I said first bag. She had a total of 3 bags of clothes.

That's when I heard Gabby wake up. "You didn't have to go through my bags." Turning around to look at her. "Did I wake you up? I literally just left maybe 2-3 minutes ago?" Gabby then shook her head. "No, I can't sleep that long anymore. When you're in Puerto wake up every couple of hours to readjust. Between it being hot and the mosquito need to readjust a lot during the middle of the night." Gabby then walked over to the dresser and smiled. "I see you found this." I smiled and nodded. "Yeah, it's nice to see." Gabby agreed with me, grabbing it.

Walking over to her and moving my arms around her, I smiled as I went to cuddle up to her and then looked at the test with her. Gabby smiled when we did this because it proved to her that I really meant it when I said we are in this together. "By the way, I wanted to say that this is what I always wanted for just look at a pregnancy test together. Hopefully, it would've been right when I took it but...this is okay for now I hope." I nodded and agreed with her. "Hey, of course this is okay. Gabby, you are pregnant with our first child...nothing can make me happier."

Gabby smiled when I said that because it was the truth. "You are going to keep saying that until it sinks in for me aren't you?" I nodded and smiled while stepping close to her and leaning down to kiss her softly. "Sometimes it takes repitition for you to get it in this think skull of yours." Gabby then laughed when I said that. "You are lucky that I am too happy to be mad at what you just said." I nodded and agreed with her, knowing exactly what she meant. I then went to wrap my arms around her again before kissing the top of her head.

"Gabby, I am in this with you okay? Now listen, if you want me to do this later...I can." Gabby then shook her head. "No, you go ahead and keep working. I am going to help though. I need to make sure I get my comfortable shorts that I can keep out when I work out." I was confused when she said that, looking at her. "What, you don't think I am going to workout while I am pregnant?" I then sighed and looked at her. "Honestly, I would rather you not."

Gabby then turned to look at me. "What?" I then sighed. "Gabby, please just hear me out. I just don't want you to overwork yourself. Gabby, this preganncy is already risky as it is because of the aneurysm. Gabby, for my sake...I need you to take it slow and relax. Babe, you are more than just my are my whole world. Don't overdo it okay? I am going to be so scared and I just don't want to have to make that choice again. Did I ever tell you what I said to Will?" Gabby was confused when I said that.

I then went to grab her hand and led her to the bed we had in the guest room. Sitting down, looked at her and brought her close. "So, this was back during your first pregnancy. But...when you were rushed in the OR, I pulled Will aside." I then teared up when I said this. "Gabby, I told him that...if it came down to it, to save you instead of the baby." Gabby then looked at me. "You were that scared?" I nodded. "Gabby, I wasn't your husband then...but I felt like I was. We were having a baby together in my head. And the together part is the most important part to me."

Gabby nodded when I said that and understood what I meant. "I get it Matt." I then looked at her. "And Gabby, I would say it all over again if it came down to it. Because now, I have you as my wife...and we are having our first child. And I really hope we do get a chance to meet this baby, to find out whether it's a boy or a girl. To hear the heartbeat and everything. Everything I Wanted to do last time we were pregnant. But we can only do that if we are careful. Gabby, stuff is different this time. First, we are together from the start...we are also married this time around and three, we are aware of what the risks are. I need you to promise you'll be careful."

I then went to look into her eyes and she nodded. "I promise Matt, I will be careful." I smiled when she said that and went to hug her. "Listen, what do you say we go do something? We can go out somewhere if you want?" Gabby then shook her head. "Nope, all I want to do is spend the day here. Tomorrow we are going out. I mean, unless you want to get gifts for my family." I laughed when she said that. "And no, you aren't getting your gift early." Gabby nodded and smiled. "I hope that this is okay as your gift. I haven't really thought about it. Sorry."

I nodded and understood. "It's okay Gabby. This is great. Us having a baby is all I need for Christmas. But listen, how about we put some of these clothes away or are we getting rid of them?" Gabby then bit her lip. "Are we ever going to go back to Puerto Rico? Because then I would like to keep some of them." I thought about it and then sighed. "Gabby, I hate to say this but...I need to tell you I lied to you about the whole going to Puerto Rico with a baby. I am not sure if I am comfortable doing that." Gabby nodded and understood. "Then, we can get rid of it."

I then sighed and looked at her. "Gabby, you hesitated. Want me to keep it just in case? That way, we can leave our options open? I just said with a baby, I said nothing about with a toddler or stuff." Gabby then looked at me and ran way. Confused, I went to run after her. "Gabby!"

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