Chapter 105

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Matt's POV: Once me and Gabby finished in the bath, I smiled because we both agreed to do a lunch date instead of a dinner date. And I know that is normally the best time to go on a nice romantic date considering it's night time and you can sit under candlelight wasn't the case for us. At least not anymore. Right now, she was pregnant with our twins and that made her tired at night. So, going out at lunch just makes so much more sense for us. It allows us to have quality time together while also just letting us go out and have fun for a while, as if we're kids.

Walking into the bathroom after putting my watch on, I look at Gabby to see her wearing a tight dress. "Wow, that's..." Gabby then looked at me and then sighed. "You think it looks hideous." I then shook my head. "Hey, of course not. In fact, I am lost for words babe." Gabby then turned to look at me. "Sorry, I am just body conscious. This dress looked better when I first bought last week." Stepping close to her, I put my hand on her growing baby bump and smiled at her. "Babe, don't say that. You are gorgeous in this dress. This is so beautiful on you, it's the honest truth."

Gabby smiled when I said that and nodded as she put her hand on my chest. Moving close to her while putting my hand on her hip, I went to kiss her softly and concentrated on her. Picking her up in my arms and setting her down on the counter, I went to put my hands on her stomach while kissing her slowly. "Nothing and I mean nothing looks more beautiful in my opinion right now than the sight of my beautiful wife in her tight dress." Gabby smiled when I said that and just moved her hand to my face. I then went to rub her arms and while she hugged me.

"Sorry for accusing you of saying things just to make me feel better." I nodded and understood when she was coming from. There are times where I do tell her things because I want to make her feel better but...this was not one of those times. I honestly thought that she looked gorgeous in this dress and she needed to know it. That's why I said that. Moving her down off the counter, I stepped close to her and smiled at Gabby. "Listen babe, here is the honest truth okay? You look gorgeous in this dress and I don't want you to change out of it. That's how beautiful you are."

Gabby smiled at me when I said that before wrapping her arms around me. "I should've known that was the case. Sorry for not believing you." I smiled as I held her. "Believe me Gabby, I am never going to lie to you when I say that you are beautiful. To me, you are always beautiful. Bed head or hair done up...I don't care what you look like because what is really beautiful is your personality and the things that make you the woman I love. So believe me when I say this babe...even when you don't think you look beautiful, you look stunning."

Gabby smiled at me when I said that. "I am just going to say this now. I am not wearing a bra under here and let's just say that you sir have just earned the chance to take off this dress and my underwear later if you want too." I smiled when she said that and then went to grab her hands. Stepping close to her again, I moved my hands to her hips before bending down to kiss her softly. "Listen, let's get out of here. We have a nice dinner to go to. Then, we are going for a walk down the beach. I am not wearing sandals but...I don't care." Gabby nodded and agreed.

Grabbing my phone and the room key from the bathroom counter, I smiled when I put my hand out for Gabby to grab. Intertwining our fingers once we were holding hands, I smiled as we went to walk out of our room together. "Just to let you know, I want you not to order wine together. Sorry but, we are not ordering anything that I can't drink. It's a waste of money in this instance." I nodded and agreed with her. "Oh my god, yes. I looked at the menu for one of the restaurants. The wine is so expensive. Believe me when I say this, I am not ordering it."

Gabby smiled when I said that when we arrived at the elevator. Stepping close to me, Gabby cuddled up to me while I wrapped my arm around her waist. I then turned my head and went to kiss her softly. "I love you and still think that you are the most beautiful woman in the word. So, don't ever feel ugly or anything okay? You are beautiful in my eyes Gabby and that's all that matters at the end of the day." Gabby nodded and just cuddled up to me when the elevator arrived. Walking into the elevator with her, I smiled when I wrapped my arm around her again.

Pressing the button to go down to the lobby, I smiled when I felt Gabby get close to me once the door was shut. Moving in front of me, Gabby went to wrap her arms around my neck and just looked at me. "Tonight Matt, I am wearing something nice you can touch. But, no sex okay? We don't need that anymore. We are pregnant with twins. I want you to just kiss me okay? We need to practice being calm." I nodded and understood what she meant. She was talking about for when the kids were born. "I understand." Giving her a quick kiss, I smiled at her.

"However, no promises on the second last night here. I am going to want to have my girl in my arms one last time before we leave. I am not doing it the day before we leave though because you are going to be tired." Gabby nodded and agreed with me when I said that. "Good idea." I smiled and nodded before going to grab her hand. Intertwining our fingers, I smiled when I heard the doors open to the lobby. Leading her out of the elevator, I smiled while leading her to the restaurant where we were going to have lunch together.

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