Chapter 75

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Gabby's POV: When Matt asked me whether it was selfish for him to be happier that I am back in his arms rather than in Puerto Rico helping people, I sighed because that was a hard one to answer. I mean, of course he would be happier I am home...yet I also would like to be there helping people. But at the end of the day, I also have to look at our current circumstances. Since Puerto Rico still is in rough shape, I think he should be glad I am back considering the odds are much better that we will have a successful pregnancy here rather than in Puerto Rico anyways.

Looking at Matt, I went to grab his hand and then smiled at him. "I think in our current situation, you are okay being happier that I am here rather than in Puerto Rico." Matt nodded when I said that. "I really hate saying this Gabby but...if we were doing the pregnancy down there, I don't think I would be comfortable doing it. Heck, I think I would've demanded you go against your morals and have an abortion. That is the honest truth babe and I know it hurts to hear it." I nodded and understood what he meant before cuddling up to him. "I understand Matt."

Matt smiled when I said that before going to wrap his arm around me. Feeling it get tighter around my waist, I smiled as I went to grab his hand and intertwined our fingers. "Seeing that makes you want to hold me closer and tighter doesn't it?" Matt then nodded when I said that. "It makes me a lot more scared. And sorry to say also makes me feel really bad I didn't come." I then sighed when he said that because that was never my intent. "Matt, hey...listen to me, that was never my intent...I promise." Matt nodded and agreed with me. 

"Still, had I known it was this bad...I would've gone because I would've wanted to keep you safe. This explains why I didn't hear from you some nights. It was scary to wonder and very worrisome...not know whether you were alive or dead." I then went to put my hand on his face, feeling bad for him. "Babe, why didn't you tell me that? I would've made sure to call you more." Matt sighed when I said that. "I didn't want to make you feel guilty. You were helping a lot and I didn't want you to worry about me here at home." I nodded and agreed. "I did anyways."

Matt then looked at me. "You did?" I nodded. "How could I not Matt? You are my husband and just like me, you were always in dangerous situations. I prayed all the time for me not to get a call saying that you were injured or died in a fire...or that you are not in a coma or something." Matt nodded when I said that before wrapping his arms around me more. He then went to lay me down on the couch and leaned over me. "I promise to you right now, I am going to be very careful when it comes to my job okay? You are never going to loose me."

I sighed when he said that. "Babe, you can't promise me that and you know that...we've come really close to loosing each other once already. When you said goodbye." Matt sighed when I said that and nodded. "Oh, and when you jumped into the river. By the way, that was so stupid that you even did that." Matt laughed and nodded. "Oh and don't even get me started about how horrible I still feel about how I technically am partially to blame for the peeping tom incident." I looked at him when he said that. "Okay, you are going to have to explain that one to me."

Matt sighed when I asked him that. "If I hadn't done the jump into the river...the photographer would've never gotten those amazing pictures. Then, he would've never been asked to come document a day in the life at the firehouse." I sighed when he said that. "Well, I don't blame you whatsoever okay? It wasn't your job to vet him and you in fact saved me if I recall correctly." Matt laughed when I said that. "I still regret not going to be with you instead of just walking away to go talk to Boden in his office after I punched him out. You were there in a towel."

BTW on that note...I mean seriously Chicago Fire, Matt should've went and stood by Gabby instead of going right to Boden's office! That was ridiculous. No husband would've walked away from his wife right after that. Sorry but, be realistic guys and have better common sense. What Matt should've done was stand by her and wrap his arms around her until the guy was gone. He should've gotten Boden to take care of it. Only when the guy was out of the building should he and Gabby have left the washroom and went to talk to Boden together, at the same time.

Gabby looked at me when I said that and nodded. "You're forgiven. It's okay Matt...honestly." I nodded and sighed when she said that before going to kiss her quickly. I then went to lay down on top of her again and just stared into her eyes. "Tell me right now if you want me to stop okay? If you don't want to go further...I will stop. But we are not having sex here." Gabby laughed when I said that and then pushed me off. "Well, you just ruined your chances at getting it when you said that. Seriously, you should've just picked me up and carried me to bed."

I laughed when she said that and nodded, agreeing with her. "You know, I still can..." Gabby laughed and shook her head when I said that. "Nope but, what I do want to talk about is are there any social events I should know of? Did we already talk about Cruz's wedding and our plans for it?" I smiled when she said that. "I've already been asked to be in the wedding party would be sitting down. I hope that's okay?" Gabby nodded and agreed with me. "Who are you partnered with?" I then smiled at her. "Sylvie, so it's not anybody we don't know."

Gabby nodded and agreed with me. "I am going to be more than halfway through the pregnancy by then." I smiled at her when she said that and nodded. "God, that is going to be amazing." Gabby smiled and agreed with me as she went to kiss me softly. "Yes it is. Now listen, I want to make sure we are on the same page...we are not going to the after party." I nodded and understood. "Nope, you are going to be exhausted." Gabby smiled and nodded when I said that. 

Just looking at her as we held each other close, I smiled. "What, do I have something on my face?" I shook my head and laughed. "Nope, you just look beautiful." Gabby smiled when I said that and nodded as she went to kiss me softly. "You do realize that we have stuff to do today that I completely forgot about." I then looked at her. "Oh, and what type of things are those?" I then went to start kissing her, thinking she meant sexual when she stopped me. "We need to go get groceries for me."

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