Chapter 26

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Gabby's POV:
After making our way into the firehouse together, I smiled when I looked at Matt. Taking off his coat, Matt then looked at me. "Here, give me your coat and I am going to go put it in my office okay?" He then turned to look at Antonio. "Antonio." Antonio then turned to look at us and smiled. "What's up?" Matt then smiled. "How about you give me your jacket? Then you can go back to flirting with Sylvie." Antonio laughed when he said that before going to give him his jacket. "Where you putting it?" Matt then smiled. "My office. No sense carrying it."

Antonio agreed and smiled. Matt then looked at me. "Wait for me to be back okay?" I agreed with him and smiled as I looked at Antonio. Giving him another hug, I smiled. "I am so glad you are here. Honestly, I am going to need you here." Antonio nodded and agreed. "Hey, of course Gabby. I am here for you. But rely on Matt okay? That's his job as your husband." I nodded and smiled when he said that before walking over to Mouch. "Hey Mouch." Mouch then got up and smiled as he came to hug me. "How are you?" I smiled. "Good, tired. Long 72 hours."

He agreed and smiled. "I didn't even know you were in town." I smiled when he said that. "Yeah, I am actually moving back permanently. Not sure if there is a job here for me yet." Boden then looked at me. "Gabby, I am going to pull some strings...I promise. We already spoke about that earlier." Antonio then looked at me. "You already spoke to Boden." I nodded and then smiled. "He came by the appartment earlier because Matt left stuff here. Heard he was still in town. We talked about why I was back." Antonio then nodded, liking how I was talking in code.

Walking over to the table, I smiled when I went to sit down in what was always my chair. "Gallo right?" Gallo then looked at me and smiled. "Yeah, Gabby right?" I nodded. "Mind maybe moving over? I am going to want to sit with Matt." That's when Matt came out. "Sorry babe but, I am going to sit in my seat. We can be apart for a little bit." I then glared at him. "We have been apart for long enough." I then got up and went to move to the chair next to him. Grabbing my hand, Matt smiled at me when he turned to look at Gallo. "I see you met my candidate."

Boden then spoke up. "Okay Matt, calm down. He is not a candidate tonight. You are not cooking tonight Gallo." I then laughed and smiled. "You guys miss my cooking?" Everybody nodded and agreed. "Yes!" Matt then smiled at me. "Same here. I am just glad I am going to learn some recipes." I smiled when he said that. "Yes, because you are going to be cooking more. Especially when it comes to the end of next year." Matt smiled and looked at me. "You want to make the announcement right away don't you?" I nodded and smiled when he said that.

I then looked at everybody. "Okay guys, we are not going to hide this anymore." Everybody then turned to look at us when I saw Severide look at me. "You want to make the announcement now?" I then smiled and nodded when he said that. "Matt, how about you do it? I mean, you are the Captain." He agreed and smiled while I said that. "Okay guys, listen up. I want to say that Gabby's reasons for coming back are not exactly all because she missed me. There is actually another reason why she is back." Everybody stared at him and was confused.

Matt then smiled at me. "I'm pregnant." Everybody then smiled, shocked as they all got up. Gabby then got up too and went to walk around the table to hug them.

Matt's POV:
I smiled when I saw Gabby walk over to our friends and hugged them. Meanwhile, I just stood back and watched as Gabby celebrated this with our friends and family. That's when Boden walked over to me. He then smiled at me. "I am sure this time around, things will go much better." I nodded and agreed with him. "I hope so. You can still pull the strings right? I would like her to work here. I am just a little scared this time around after what we went through."

Boden nodded when I said that. "Matt, she is going to be fine. I promise. You just need to relax." I nodded when he said that. "Just to let you know, if she ever wants to leave for Puerto Rico are going to need to find a new leader on Truck 81. I am not doing long distance ever again. It was so hard." Boden nodded. "Of course. Now, how about you go get her some food? I am sure she's hungry." I nodded and agreed. "Where is it anyways?" Boden then smiled.

"It hasn't been taken out yet so get yourselves some plates. It's in the oven so be quiet." I nodded and agreed with him, going to walk over to the kitchen so that I could grab some food out of the stove for Gabby. She needed to eat first because she was pregnant. I then looked at Antonio and waved for him to come over. If Gabby was eating, Antonio might as well eat too. I can do that as Captain. And if anybody complains, I am going to play the pregnant card.

Walking up to me, Antonio was confused. "What's up?" I then whispered to him. "Boden let me cut in line to get food first. You want it fresh out of the oven or not?" Antonio nodded and smiled when I said that before going to (quietly) grab a plate for himself as we both went to make some plates for ourselves and Gabby.

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