Special Chapter: American Anti-Project versus German? Project

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In the desolated lands of Miami.

A young American man is walking in the desolated coast of Miami.

What happened here is something worth mentioning.

Germans ruined some places in USA but Miami in particular was the city that was greatly affected by the infiltration of the German Soldiers, using high-technology and engineering they confidently want to conquer large cities of America. Although they aren't that proud enough to want to conquer the hearts of the country, New York, Washington, Detroit and Chicago for these places are known to be impenetrable since it's technology is combined with both pure US tech and New Japan's, it is purely just a really non-sensical idea conquering these cities with no proper preparation or tech that can go up against these cities' level of defensive and offensive technology.

How the Germans succeeded however remains a mystery, Miami isn't only desolated but the city itself is also highly radioactive and the most bizarre part was the radiation is controlled to not affect certain places such as the ocean, scientifically speaking this just isn't possible since radioactive chemicals tend to affect areas that it can reach and can spread uncontrollably in a certain radius and in this case the radiation could easily just affect the ocean. There was no detonating of Nuclear Bomb in Miami so this radiation case must be investigated.

"Bizarre radiation survey out of all missions to have? what a bummer." The guy that was walking casually on the coasts of Miami said.

The man appeared tall, masculine and quite matured even when his appearance was partly covered up by his anti-radiation suit you can definitely tell he is handsome.

The man then begin to take a look at his device that seemed like a watch.

"In the middle?! Are you fucking serious? Even when I am wearing a goddamn anti-radiation suit I can get toasted when I get near the center of the radiation's point of origin especially considering this radiation is relatively new." the guy angrily complained.

"Yeah, whatever." the guy then turned his watch-like device off.

He sighed and then walked towards the epicenter of the radiation.

"That's weird."

"The radiation, is...thinning out in it's center?" the guy was confused as to why is this the case.

"As a matter of fact, a human can easily withstand this amount of radiation without any side-effects or whatsoever."

The guy started to walk in a building which he believes is the center of the radiation.

He prepared his gear to readily fight off possible German Soldiers with hazmat suits or anti-radiation techs.

He slowly cleared every room and floor of the building to make sure that his speculations aren't what's the truth.

The guy even checked for some possible traps that might possibly be protecting what is causing this radiation.

As he reached the top-most floor he saw a young boy sitting down gloomily.

He didn't let his guard down and ready'd his gear.

"Kid...who are you?" The guy asked.

The kid slowly turned his head towards him.

"Help me..." The kid spoke in German.

The man understood the language and was preparing to help the child but was unfortunately stopped by one woman.

"My, my, seems like someone paid you a visit Ruth, why don't you say hi, before I-"

The lady then pointed a gun towards the American man.

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