Chapter 13 Part 4.2

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Moments before the mysterious creature let out a loud roar.

A very tall yet muscular man's silhouette is shown in the picture.

"Bruh, I thought hunting would be more entertaining, it turned out to be rather plain." the man uttered to his self.

"Fukuhara really lied to me huh...she said there will be unique creatures to fight around here but there are none, and here I thought I can finally use my strength." he added.

This man is Ryumi Hanma the strongest teenager alive in the 22nd century.

His feats are known in the world, beating world records as if they are just pasttimes he managed to garner a ton of attention towards himself and was reached out by the academy because of his physical strength.

His feats include crushing the toughest material in the world with his bare fist, running up and down in Mount Everest within a single hour, defeating a lot of notorious criminals in such a young age and defeating an A class anti-project in a fight using raw strength.

The man thought that he would finally have some challenge in this academy, meeting a lot of very strong opponents, however he isn't successful as violence really isn't allowed in the academy and doing so will get him expelled.

Expulsion would not be an issue if it were not for the fact that he wanted to be scouted and become an anti-project to fight strong opponents, however his patience begins to thin down as his boredom started to consume him slowly.

"Where the hell is that creature?" He angrily asked himself.

As moments passed he then heard the breathing of an unusually large creature.

He halted on his tracks and checked if the beast truly is unnatural.

To his surprise it really is a unique creature.

"Holy shit, that's awesome." He excitedly said.

The creature is a genetically engineered bull, configured to be bigger and to become a creature that is built to withstand tons of ferocious blows that even a tank can barely scratch it. The creature is as big as 30 meters.

A minotaur.

With a smile on his face he approached the creature in a rushed manner, obviously wanting the creature to wake up.

With a moment's notice the minotaur was alerted by Ryumi's presence and woke up angrily.


Ryumi didn't feel any fear and was instead feeling excited that he started laughing.


The minotaur then blowed it's nose seemingly prepared to attack Hanma, as it then quickly charged towards him, the charge was so fast that it seemed like the minotaur teleported in front of Ryumi leaving it's very huge footprint from where he charged and cracked the earth around it.

It then threw a punch at Ryumi and the impact of the attack was so strong that the ground began to break in a bursting manner causing the rocks to fly in random directions, additionally the pressure of the impact was enough to sway the trees with a huge area ratio covered around the two.

The minotaur then started to lift his fist away from Ryumi, confident that it's one attack was enough to kill him.

But to the creature's surprise Ryumi blocked it's attack and is completely unscathed, he was only pushed back a bit by the minotaur's destructive attack as Ryumi then lowered his block down revealing a smile shown on his face.

"Now we are talking!" he excitedly shouted as he then began to fight back.

Hanma charged towards the creature seemingly copying it's attack.

The minotaur underestimated Ryumi's attack and didn't put his guard up.

When Ryumi finally reached the minotaur's front he quickly threw the same exact punch that the minotaur did just a while ago and hit it's head hard.

Ryumi's imitated punch was so destructive that the minotaur almost had it's head flying and both it's skull and jaw was broken with a lot of blood flying out of it's mouth, the minotaur also lost it's balance but the creature quickly rebalanced itself and quickly threw a counter.

However Ryumi quickly anticipated this and clashed against the fist of the beast.

The minotaur's fist bursted upon impact.




The creature put it's guard up as it immediately noticed that Ryumi is following up with another heavily charged up punch.

"OHO DON'T FAIL ME NOW MINOTAUR!" Hanma shouted whilst preparing to punch the creature.



Ryumi's fist was blocked by the beast, however his fist broke the creature's guard and penetrated it's arms breaking it in the process allowing him to be able to successfully hit the minotaur's centermost torso and pushed the creature back by quite a distance, it was hit so hard that it was sent flying and furthermore destroying the trees that were on it's path of impact.

The minotaur then let out a roar of agony.


Ryumi clenched his fist as he then brought it closer to his own face.

"You are pretty durable, you could have been the perfect opponent if you were to last a lot longer against me." he laxedly said as he then again punched the creature with his own technique.

Fist of a King

A technique where Ryumi focuses all of his power into his fist, extremely relaxing the rest of his body as he then swings his fist in a gruesome manner.

Ryumi hit the creature with the Fist of a King downside and the minotaur was crushed along with the earth where it is laying dead.

He then lift his fists away from the minotaur's corpse as he then looked at the blood on his hands.

"That was it?" he mumbled to himself

"How disappointing." he added.

"I wish a project just comes out of nowhere to fight me, that minotaur thing truly was just big and durable and that beast can't really be considered that dangerous." he said to himself whilst preparing to walk away from the minotaur's corpse.

He then cleaned his hands and walked away from the minotaur's habitat seemingly headed back towards their class base.


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