Chapter 8 Part 3

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Well, most likely Tokugawa figured it out already, that I was lying that is.

It's not that it is something very lethal to my daily life, if anything she would be asking for my help once she finds out the truth about my real capabilities.

She is not even a threat, and she will never be.

But if she becomes a pest that disturbs my way of living, of course elimination is something that could not be prevented, it might not look like it but I actually get pissed a little bit.


When the Television was on, the News highlight caught the attention of the five of us.

Breaking News!!

Imperial City's murder rate has increased, although not that many people are getting killed in the City, the Emperor of the City is taking precautionary measures against this drastic rate of change in the place.

" I believe that the people that are getting killed is connected to one another, it seems like the murderer doesn't plan to kill people carelessly and mindlessly. Clues that can help us catch the killer is still none, and the people that might possibly be connected to the people that have died are already being protected by the Imperial and should not panic. " Emperor Tsukishima humbly said.

Although this news might make you panic, please stay calm because the Emperor also stated that security in the city is getting tightened up to protect the lives of it's people, especially the students. 

The way that these people are killed is very graphically stricted to people who can't bear to see people getting slaughtered, we are censoring the pictures. We are showing you this to tell you how dangerous the murderer that's lurking in the shadows of Imperial City is.


A murderer in the city? Another pain in the ass.

Things just don't go really well when I think of relaxing huh.

" Oi....we should be more careful huh? " Shimazu said with a worried voice.

" The city has 1 murderer, and yet he did it very brutally to each person he assassinated. " Tokugawa worryingly said.

I really don't think the 4 of you should worry about it, the highest chance of the 4 of you being killed by the same murderer is like 4 to 1000000, which is like lesser than 1%.

If someone should be a bit worried, that should be myself.

If this guy is one of the people that is on the hunt to assassinate me then I should be careful as well, but if he is like the guy that called me back then, it will really be much worse to deal with and I hate it.

" I don't think we should be panicking, the killer might be lurking in the shadows of the City, then we just have to keep safe right? We just have to remain calm at all times and just hope that things will get even better for all of us. " Onodera comforted Shimazu, Date and Tokugawa.

As expected of Onodera, she really can calm a group of people down with her usual optimistic way of thinking.

" Eh? U-Uesugi-kun? Aren't you worried or anything? " Date asked

" Why should I be? " I asked

" Uhm, we could assume that the guy who is around Imperial City could be a friend of Ryuu you know? What if we are the next ones in his target list? What if we are going to die the next day? " Date said while looking panicked.

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