Chapter 8 Part 4.2

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Earlier on before the assassination of the retired major.

I observed the 4 of them and it is pretty much safe to say that they are scared of the film. I in particular wasn't, however I was interested in the plot.

" O-Onodera-san! Turn it off! " Tokugawa shouted

" Oi, Oi I thought you will keep Date in comfort. " Onodera said proudly with her legs trembling.

Why are these girls fighting.

Onodera and Tokugawa then stood up, and also they are wearing shorts, and yeah they are.....I don't know what to say honestly.

" Eh? Onodera, why are you trembling on your feet then? Are you scared? " Said Tokugawa while shaking.

" Hah? And you have the right to say that to me with your legs shaking at the same time? Hah?! " Onodera answered back.

" I-it's the movie okay? I didn't expect it to be this eerie. "

" Well, let us stop fighting and just stay together to watch the movie. "

" I.....I think that is a good idea. Come closer Date, Shimazu and you Onodera, let us stay together in this blanket. "

" I-if you say so. " Shimazu answered

" O-okay. " Date answered.

Onodera then sighed and smiled.

" Why are we fighting again Tokugawa-chan? "

" I don't know as well. "

The 4 of them laughed and continued to watch the movie.

I fail to see what is funny on that, but it seems like they are enjoying theirselves which is great.

As for myself, I am very attentive towards the movie so that I won't miss any keypoints that will lead me to the conclusion of the show.

" KIYA!! " The 4 of them shouted when the movie showed the body of a hundred people hanging in the forest.

They held my legs, is this how they make theirselves feel safe?

" Uhm, why are you 4 holding my legs, are you guys okay? " I asked.  

" EH?!! " The 4 of them exclaimed, and then stopped holding my legs.

" was nothing okay? " Onodera embarrassingly said

" Yeah-yeah it was nothing. " Tokugawa added.

Date and Shimazu stayed silent and just blushed.

" Hmm..... "

The movie then started to get intense, as far as what I am seeing or understand.

The movie started with a guy that was always alone, always wanted to be happy but never got the wish he wanted, he was then chosen to participate in an experiment of a very famous company, where every single day he has to clean the tombstone of the owner's daughter's grave. He gladly accepted it when he knew the price for this was all of his happiness, the main character was a fool to believe this but why would he waste such an opportunity to finally be happy? That was because in his own mind, he can't believe that he will ever experience joy and no one told him that he would experience that, not until the moment where the company offered this as his reward.

The thing that was a bit scary about this was the fact that the movie wasn't a supernatural type of horror movie, he was losing himself in his own imagination, every single day he thought of the reason why the company wants him to do this, he even tried to understand the words that were carved in the rock behind the tombstone of the girl, weeks past his emotional state was getting unstable, and his sanity is draining off, he finally understood the words by cleaning the rock all day, everyday and it says " You and I are the same, I wished for happiness from my father, but he never gave me that, he just left me rotting in my own imagination because I was depressed, the reason for this is that my mother died and my friends kept on bullying me, I was a part of his experiment where if this turned out successful, he can finally find the serum for happiness, and after discovering that it was a fail he left me decomposing here, whatever you do, just don't believe everything you see in this place, or else you will die. " Then blood was marked on the rock. He then shouted with all his might that they should let him go,but they didn't listen and no one could hear him, so one day he decided that he had enough and he will make the father pay, he walked for weeks to get out of the grave, he finally sighed from relief as he saw a road, but when he realized that the other side was the graveyard he started to walk on the road to see if he can catch a ride. As he was about to see the light, he then again realized that he was just running in circles and that he can't get out of here. He then cried and continued to walk hoping that he can get out of this place, but after 5 times, he gave up and returned to the graveyard's shack.
The next day he was seeing everything that anybody wouldn't dare to stare at, the tombstone's path turned into blood, everything was crimson red and everything was made out of flesh, herbivore animals started to eat out everything, they ate the meat and flesh of the forest, when he panicked he locked himself in the shack with nothing but light.

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