Chapter 9 Part 2

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" Okay Class we will be having an announcement now. " Sensei shouted.

The class turned silent with just sensei saying those blunt words of hers.

" First of all, I would like to congratulate everyone because we didn't lose anyone in this exam! Let us give ourselves a round of applause. " Sensei happily announced.

The students then shouted and clapped their hands.

" Wooho!!! " The guys shouted.

" Congratulations to us! " Kaguya shouted.

I stared at them and then looked at Onodera and Tokugawa, unlike my classmates they were just wearing plain faces.


In my mind, I started to think about something rather irrelevant.

Iko and Gujo huh?

While I was starting to sigh, I noticed Onodera staring at Kiba and her fist clenched.

I then paid no attention towards it and started to face the window.

" Okay now listen everybody! " Sensei told us.

My classmates then started to stop their applauses and then noises started to fade.

" Okay since now it is quiet I will start to announce the things that teachers and the student council discussed. "

Student council?

I never thought that the student council also partakes in the meetings of the teachers, aren't they students as well?

Anyways, I swept out the thoughts of it.

" Starting tomorrow, you will be having your semester break. "

Of course this caused the classroom to be filled with unbearable noises of joy.

As the class started to cheer and shout they were then silenced by Asako-sensei.

" Of course that wouldn't be the only thing that I will be announcing. " Sensei calmly said.

" I know most of you have already knew this, but I will be telling this to you guys anyways. In the middle of this semester break you will be having your first ever special exam somewhere outdoors." She continued.

" S-special exam in the outdoors? " Gujo asked.

" Oh yes Gujo-kun, you shouldn't worry that much about it because I am pretty sure all of you are going to enjoy it! " Sensei answered Gujo.

" Enjoy? " The class questioned.

" Well it depends on how you tackle this exam, but as far as I understood it, it is enjoyable. " Sensei said with a smile on her face.

The class then felt relief and then started to smile again.

" Alright that would be all! The special exam's rules will be announced in the day where it will be taken okay? Enjoy your break everyone! I will be hoping to see you soon! "

" Alright!!! " The class shouted.

The bell rang and the students hurriedly went out of the classroom and started to have fun, except for Shimazu, Tokugawa, Date and Onodera of course.

Shimazu sighed.

" Uesugi-kun did really well in the exam. " Shimazu said.

" Wait really? " Onodera changed her expressions.

" Yeah and he deserves to be congratulated for that. " Shimazu said with a smile on her face.

" Okay okay let us surround Uesugi-kun and applaud him! " Onodera suggested.

" Wait- " I tried to interrupt them but they started to be so loud.

" CONGRATULATIONS UESUGI-KUN!! " The 3 of them said loudly, Tokugawa didn't include herself to this.

Was it just because I am the only guy in their group? Well, this is embarassing.

" We all did our best in this exam so let us all congratulate ourselves as well. " Onodera added.

They then started to clap and congratulated each other.

" Woo, finally stress is now weighing off huh? It feels very good not stressing out you know? I kinda miss it. " Onodera said.

" Say, everyone. " Shimazu called for our attention.

" The Imperial City's beach will be opening, would you guys like to come? " She suggested.

" Beach? " Tokugawa asked.

" Yeah, I heard parks will be open as well, that means we can enjoy most of our vacation in this place. " She added.

" I see, that might be a good idea but.... " Onodera said then stared at me along with Date and Shimazu.

" I will be going. " I said.

" EH?! " They were shocked, that Tokugawa started to stare at me with intense look in her eyes.

" W-wait you really are coming Uesugi-kun?? " Onodera asked.

" Well, you don't want me to, do you? " I asked.

" W-well, you see, everyone might make fun of you. " She said.

I asked.

" Why? "

" You are the type of guy that would most likely just keep your shirts on right? "

" Yeah? And what about it is embarassing? " I asked.

" Well, as a guy you know it is normal to show off your body in a beach you know. "

" Oh that? I don't have anything to show off and that is why I am wearing a shirt when we go there. "

" Eh...... " Looking disappointed Onodera, Shimazu and Date started to look away.

What is with these women?

" Tokugawa-san, would you come with us? " Onodera asked.

" Uhm, yeah sure. " Tokugawa answered.

" Really Tokugawa-san? " Onodera double checked.

" It is not a problem, I guess it would be fun so I will come. "

" Okay then it is settled! All of us are gonna come! " Onodera shouted.

Date, Shimazu, Tokugawa and I then nodded.

" Alright let us go home now? I need to water my plants. " Shimazu said.

" Uhm...I also need to go home, I have to make something " Finally the Timid Date started to talk.

" You finally talked Date-san. " Onodera noticed.

" I too quiet? " Date shyly asked.

" Oh no you are fine, right Shimazu? Tokugawa? Uesugi? " Onodera said and asked the three of us.

" Yeah, it isn't a problem Date-san don't worry that much about it. " Shimazu said and smiled

" There is nothing wrong with it Date-chan don't worry. " Tokugawa consolated Date.

" Yeah. " I said

" Alright let us now go!! "

" Okay!! " And at this moment, we finally started to move out of the classroom and then talked while walking.

So this is the way normal students live their lives huh?

I am feeling a bit relaxed, and honestly comfortable surrounded by this group of people.

Can I trust you guys in the even longer run?

We finally exited IATH and walked towards the direction of our dormitories.

They still were talking about something and I can't hear them that well.

The beach, what awaits us there?

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