Chapter 64

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WARNING! I am lazier than Payson, with the grammar skills of Ethan, so please excuse my mistakes. When I am done with editing, go ahead and pick at it like Bride-Zilla and her dress, but please understand, if I was as picky in my writing, as I will be in editing, you would see maybe an update a month. I write then edit, I am as good at multi-tasking as Ethan.

Chapter 64

"Calm down! We will get through this, were in it together." I huffed pushing the glasses farther up my face. The party was extravagant, a long table was set up in the middle of the area. Who would of thought to rent a gold course for a summer-like business party? The grass was bright green and accented the gold color scheme of everything. A large tent with many smells of food coming from it, was sat in the middle.

Contrasting to the elegance of the party, I wore a maroon red pencil skirt with shin-high white school socks. A white puffy shirt, that I purposely smeared mustard on the shoulder of, with a red and gold tie. The glasses felt huge compared to my normal ones, and I wrapped white tape in the middle of it, for what I would make an interesting story. The make up on my face, showed false zits and I took hair from false eye-lashes and gave myself what looked like a soon-to-be uni-brow. My hair I pulled into a pony tail, and frizzed to look puffy and un-organized. I hadn't recognized the girl who stood in the mirror, and neither had Tyler.

"I swear to god this better work. I feel so out of my comfort zone its not even funny." I muttered as we walked hand in hand. We showed up an hour late, on purpose of course. I saw Andrew and took a deep breath. "Here I go." I whispered before giving the loudest, ear piercing squeal known to man.

"ANDREW!" I shrieked, running across the green and ramming myself into him. The girl next to him glared at me as I kissed both of his cheeks, making him laugh good-naturally.

"Hey Nerdy." He said using his nick-name for me.

"Hey Andrew! Glad to see me here! Tyler brought me!" I smiled, laughing loudly. And by laughing I mean giggling and snorting. I climbed up his muscular back and latched on piggy-back style. All eyes were on us, by the time Tyler jogged up.

"Sheesh, I could of gotten you a leach for spider monkey if you asked bro." Andrew said pointing to a grinning me on his back.

"Andy baby, who is that?" A girl asked, using a not-so-nice tone when referring to me as 'that'.

"This is Ty Ty's little pet. I call her Nerdy. It fits doesn't it?" He asked, as if he really didn't care about her answer. I suspected that was because he didn't.

"Yes it does. What a little freak. Why are you on his back?" She snapped at me, staring at her nails.

"Why are you so eager to get on yours?" I asked innocently, latching further on to his back.

"Fella." Tyler warned but I saw the amusement spark in those baby blue's.

"TYLER!" I shrieked next to Andrews ear, causing me to fall to the ground.

"God damn.Nerdy, you banshie." Andrew snapped rubbing his ear. So to farther add to the dramatic, I wiggled my lip and threw myself into full thrown hysterics, crying and everything. The looks we received were less than respectful, that was until they realized that a girl was crying on the ground, and a huffing annoyed Andrew standing over me. I looked up to him, trying to give my face the beaten dog look.

"Bbbb...bbu...buttt." I quivered, Andrew's eyes grew wide as he looked down at me, and rushed down to my aid.

"Shit, Nerdy. I am so sorry. I didn't even think about what I was saying, let alone that I dropped you on your ass." Andrew apologized, his face has that look most people have, when they try to convince their sibling not to tell on them, for getting hurt. And guilty, he really looked guilty. Tyler brushed past Andrew and picked me up without a word, leaning me against his side, as I let my hysterics pass.

"I'm so sorry." Andrew pleaded, I noticed how everyone was looking, including Mr and Mrs. Peterson. So I took a deep breath, gave a big smile, and took off to the food tent.

"I'M HUNGRY!" I screamed like a battle cry. It was comical watching everyone who was next to the food tent, stumble as they walked away from the tent, I heard Andrew and Tyler chuckling behind me, I looked at all the food and took a deep break.

"Oh my gawd! It all looks so good!" Then i saw it..... caviar. Or better known as raw fish eggs, I saw many people had eaten it, so I decided to launch into a nerd speech. I looked to the cook and pouted. He instantly looked scared I would start crying again.

"When did you get there fish eggs?" I asked, he looked cautions on his answer.

"I got them from fresh fish, three days ago." In my mind I was instantly disgusted, but I made my face look fascinated.

"I never knew what rotten caviar would taste like! Did you know that after being taken from the fish, within three days it starts to mold on the inside, but you cant smell or see it, because it in the fish egg. Its protected by the layer over the egg, to stop the babies from molding! WAIT!" I screeched at the end, to be honest I have no idea if any of it was true. But the many people spitting things into their napkins, showed they weren't taking the risk. "You ate baby fishies!!!" I sobbed, and once again waited until Tyler calmed me down, and then planted a huge noisy, non-PDA kiss on him.

"Your My hero Ty Ty. Your the Thymine to my Adenine, the nucleotides to my DNA. The chocolate to my cookie!" I grinned, and he grinned down at me.

"Well little Fella, I guess that means were meant to be." He grinned intertwining our hands. Some people picked back up their conversation, which frustrated me to no end. I had to be the worst, more terrifying shit hole here. I turned and pretended to just see Mr and Mrs. Peterson. The second they caught my eye, I watched them look away quickly. I gasped.

"Ty Ty Bear! Mom and Dad are here!" I said loudly, then began dragging Tyler fastly to Mr and Mrs. Peterson. "Mom! Dad!" I waved, and yelled loudly until we landed in front of them. It's so nice to see you! I mean, I know I saw you not so long ago. But that was then, and this is now. And now I am happy. I mean, I am so happy it's like a cure to cancer. Well, maybe not that big, because that would be a huge scientific discovery, and save so many lives. Speaking of lives, do you like the caviar? And speaking of the caviar, I was thinking about inviting my twin cousins over to the part on Wednesday, they are great. And they are cooks, much better than fish-for-brains over there. Anyway, they are just like me! SO I know you will love them!" I rushed, to  be honest, I am shocked they understood anything I said, because I talked so fast, even I had a hard time keeping up with where the conversation was going to go.

As expected the second I brought up bringing someone else Wednesday, the look on their face went form false smiled, to horrified in seconds.

"Well, darling. I thought you weren't coming." The smile was all forced, but people were watching, so its not like she could flat out be rude. I mean look what happened last time, when Mr. Peterson snapped at me.

"Oh no! I wouldn't miss it for the world! After all, we will be family some day!" I gushed, and I think she gagged at the idea. And I don't mean the immature fake gag, I legitimately think she almost puked at the idea. I grinned to myself. Good.

_ -_-_-_-_-_-

"Oh dear! What happened to your glasses?" The old woman from the grill, had found me not much later and pulled me into a hug, making sure that Mr.Peterson was being on his best behavior, and sent him a dark look. Tyler explained that they owned a large inner-national company that supplied furniture, and elegant room sets. Mr.Peterson has been trying to get a deal for a year, to supply his hotel rooms.

"Oh its so funny." I snort laughed. I had managed to get a crowd of people, whom to my shock, many liked me. The more of them that liked me, the less of them gave polite smiles to Mr. and Mrs. Peterson. "Tyler and I were on the sweetest date, but his dad called and said something funny about a Mr.Smith, and Tyler started laughing. I started laughing to, and then had to pee. I didn't want to wet myself, so I was running for the restroom, when my heel broke, and I fell on my face. I tapped my glasses together, I think it gives them character." I laughed, hoping she would take the bait.

"You mean Richard Smith?" She asked, I giggled.

"Yea! He said if his furniture is as generic as his last name, he wouldn't be payed enough to have it in his Hotel. Which I know is mean to whoever Mr.Smith is, but it was funny." I giggle-snorted, and I think Mr.Peterson almost passed out, his mouth dropped to the floor. I think the funniest thing, was he actually had said it.

"Is that so..." She said in a cold voice, giving Mr.Peterson a look so cold Elsa would shiver. God damn it, I just mentioned that movie again. One time of watching it and I have it stuck in my head. Maybe I should mention something, I was talking to Mrs.Smith. Husband of Richard Smith, owner of the previously mentioned company. Tyler offered an awkward look, which I don't think he knew I was going to bring it up.

"Oh my gosh!" I yelled breaking through the thick silence, offering another shriek that had people clutching their ears. "Andrews back!! Wait.... Why is your shirt on inside out." And just like that, the light shined on the post-sex looking Andrew and his pale-faced girl.


"Oh my gosh!" I slapped my cheeks. Mr.Peterson had been talking about work, then brought up a his scheduled, and I saw my opportunity.

"My period if off schedule! I should be on it!" I threw my hand over my head, in a dramatic movement. Even Tyler turned bright red at the scandalous looks we were given.

"Fella, I don't think they want to know that." He cautioned, I gave him a confused look.

"Why wouldn't they want to?" I turned to Mr.Peterson. "You would want to know if you were going to be a grandparent right?" I asked, putting him on the spot.

"Um, no." He said embarrassed, I gasped.

"You would turn me on the streets? Pay me off, and tell me never to show my face. He would be a little Peterson! Don't worry! We would get married before I gave birth!!!" I sobbed, even I was embarrassed.

"Lets not get ahead of ourselves." He deflected. Many people have left, and Tyler had been saying goodbye, but we were waiting to see Mr. and Mrs. Smith say goodbye.

"Robert, I will be expecting a conference call tomorrow." Mr.Smith said, even though his looks were that of a kind older man, he seemed to grow sizes and look at Mr.Peterson like a disappointed dad.

"Yes, Sir." Mr.Peterson looked embarrassed and flushed.

"Bye Ms.Smith! It was so nice to see you!" I rushed into hug her, and she offered me a kind smile. 

"By Mom and Dad!" I said pulling Tyler with me, they offered a fake smile.

"What was that about?" Tyler asked when we got in the car.

"What?" I asked pulling out the braces, taking off the glasses, and removing as much of the make up as I could, which he seemed distracted laughing at.

"The abrupt leaving." I turned to him, even thought he was facing forward.

"The last time we pulled this stunt, your dad busted your eye and lip, I wasn't going to wait around for him to be able to drop his front." I explained, and it was true. I didn't want his dad to go loco, because today I had stepped up the game, and I prayed that it worked. Without a word Tyler pulled the car to the side of the road, I gave him an odd look.

"Fella." He said turning toward me with his arm thrown over the seat. He wrapped his other around my waist and slid me across the seat and next to him, cupped by cheek and pulled me in for a sweet and soft kiss. "I love the fact you even care." I stared at those baby-blues, and felt my chest lurch.

"I'll always care. And speaking of which, your staying at my place. No way in hell I am letting you in his hands until he lets his anger fade off." I didn't really leave room for an answer before giving his another kiss. He offered an off-handed smile before turning back to the wheel, and pulling into traffic with me tucked to his side.

- - - - -- 
Tyler walked out of the bathroom bare-chested, and in my father old sweats.

"Hey fella, does this make me look manly?" He started flexing his boob muscle and I felt myself glare at him, trying to look at his face. But my eyes fell to the boob once again, or pec, whatever.

"Stop!" I said laughing and looking away.

"I know I am sexy, you don't have to hide from it." He mocked.

"Stop calling yourself sexy, you can barley turn on a microwave." I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Ouch! I have feelings you know!" He gasped clutching his chest. I just rolled my eyes.

"You know with how often I stay here, I should just bring some clothes over so I don't have to wear your sweats." He teased, I offered him a small sad smile.

"It's not like my dad will be needing them any time soon." I said closing the book I was reading. I was sitting on the bed with may hair pulled back and wet after my shower, in shorts and a large t-shirt that fell off the shoulder. Tyler fell onto the bed and grabbed the book from my hands.

"I like to whip little brown-haired girls like you Anastasia, because you look like the crack whore. My birth mother." He said flipping to a random page, I turned bright red.

"Oh my gosh! It's Hunger Games, not 50 Shades of Spanked." I said ripping the book from his hands. I will admit, to myself. I had read that book, it was enough to make me blush. Not that I was into the idea of BDSM, I enjoyed the book, not that it truly went into the aspect of that kind of shit.

"Why don't you just finish the chapter you were on." He said out of the blue, I looked at him, shocked. "You have looked at the book the whole time like a girl wanting to ask for the steak on the menu, but saying 'salad'." I offered a sheepish look, but it was true. I mean I ended in a terrible spot! "Go ahead, I will just read over your shoulder." I grabbed the book grinning, as he took his place beside me but kind of leaned over and rested his chin on my barred shoulder.

However, my capability of ignoring him and reading is demolish when he peppers kisses on my shoulder. It took everything not to let my head lull to the side, and in the words of E.L James, let my inner goddess run free, or tango. I tried to ignore it.... I really did, but when I focused on the words he would do it again.

"Can you stop!" I groaned, he looked up from the book confused.

"Stop what?"

"Planting little kisses all over my fucking shoulder, it is distracting." The asshole just smirked.

"Hmm." He kicked the book off the bed, and had our positions moved in a blink of an eye, because the next second I was laying flat on the bed, with him hovering over me. So close, yet so far. He was on his knees and hands, so not really anything other than the bottom of his legs touched me.

"Do my little kisses effect you?" He sent me a teasing dark look.

"I am a nerd, not an alien. When a block of jock starts kiss you don't not get affected." I snapped.

"Well, I am a jock, so when a cute little nerd is effected by your kisses, you stop kissing her." I raised my eyebrow, what kind of logic is that?

"Why?" My breath came out in a huff, which I think had to do with his face moving just  an inch closer.

"To see if she will kiss you. But nerds normally wont." I heard the challenge ring in his words, and that sarcastic little asshole smirk.

"Well, then I must not be a nerd."

"And why's that?" He breathed.

"Because I will kiss you." And with that, I grabbed him by his hair and showed him just how much this little nerd could kiss. It went from barley any-contact, to not knowing where I ended and he began. His lips were soft but pressing and I found my mind spinning and being ripped in a hundred directions, small doubts splintered my mind. Then the jock released his inner play-boy, and swept his tongue across my lips, a polite demand. And as the kiss heated, the doubts disappeared. And despite my cynic outlook on anything romance, I lost all reason of anything other than the man kissing me, and was pulled in some dramatic land of butterflies and rainbows.

The feeling made me expect that Damien would pop up and say "She doesn't even go here!"

------ Akon- Dont Matter Parody----- 

Everybody wanna see them together, but they dont' know

Cause I diddn't sayyy so.

Everybody think they gonna be together, but they don't know,

cause I didnt sayyyy so.

The Nerd Introduced to the Jocks Parents (In Editing)Where stories live. Discover now