Chapter 66 - Dominos

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A/N: Unedited, due to last minute writing. Kind of a filler but not really. It was planned to be this way, and this short.

Song to Chapter : Leona Lewis - Bleeding Love

Chapter 66 - Dominos

"I can't do it! I'm not going to do it!" I huffed as I got in the car. I had been working up the nerve to tell him all day, praying to whatever high power was out there, for him to kiss me silly when I tell him. But the second I got in the car, the fear came crashing in so hard, I had to let bud drive.

"It kills me to see you like this babe, but you need to tell him. First, the Annabella thing is a big secret, he needs to know. The love he just needs reassured. Guys don't like rejection, so when a girl matters they rarely go after them or make the first emotional move. You have to do this." Payson consoled, in a rare serious moment. I nodded, but the panic cut me deep. Today would change so much. I found myself reflecting on the time when I was so alone, I never noticed. After rubes died, and I isolated myself, I felt closed off, but never lonely. Its crazy to fear loosing the thing you never noticed you were missing.

People say that you shouldn't love someone whom doesn't love you back. But can you really choose who you fall in love with? I mean Tyler is the last person I would choose to give my heart to. But I guess the worst thing about getting close to someone, is the deep soul-crushing fear, they can leave at anytime. For no reason, for no purpose. Then again maybe real love is showed by when the mere thought of loosing them can put you to tears.

"It will go fine El, life has a way of working itself out. It wont change because it hurt your feelings, time to grow up, and be a big girl. In the words of Fergie, big girls don't cry." I nodded, and we arrived at school.

"Here goes nothing." I took a deep breath and Payson pulled me into a hug when we climbed out and searched my eyes with a lingering glance.

"Don't be a bitch! Tell him!" she shook my shoulders and I found myself laughing despite my fear. Which, I knew was her intent.

"Love you guys! Here I go." I marched into school and went to Tyler's locker. He wasn't at school yet, so I waited at his locker. But when the warning bell for class rang, I made my way to class wondering where he was. Since the only classes I had with Tyler was after lunch, it wasn't until then did I start to wonder what happened. But it wasn't his absence that scared me, it was Ethan looking like a kicked puppy dog, and Scarlett gloating.

"Have you heard yet?" Scarlett asked when I sat down at the table.

"Look if I want to hear from an asshole I would fucking fart. What the hell do you want bitch?" I snapped.

"Well then, obviously your haven't talked to Tyler today." she smirked and walked away, which I knew only meant one thing. She thought she already won. I had an unsettling feeling I was missing something. Payson walked up and sent me a look, one that had more sympathy than anything. Ethan trailed behind her, looking confused and kind of pissed off.

"Hey Ethan, is Tyler here?" I asked when he sat down.

"Ella, I have been thinking. Maybe you shouldn't tell him, maybe its best to wait." Payson said, I sent her a confused look.

"I'm not chickening out, not after working myself up for this all day." Ethan and her shared a look when bud sat down, at least he was acting normal. I pulled out my phone and texted Tyler.

- hey where are you? Ethan is tight-lipped. - Ella

- skipping - Tyler

His answer was short compared to our normal texts, and took awhile for him to answer. I gave a confused look to my phone when bud's phone went off. I turned to bud when he started choking on his food.

"Shit are you okay?" I asked sitting up startled. He gave a pale-faced look at his phone. 'is it them?" I asked when Pace was not looking, he shook his head 'no'. I relaxed, happy it was not the mysterious fag-hater, who kept threatening bud. I looked back at him, wondering who it was and he sent me the replica look that Payson kept giving me. I knew then I was missing a piece to the puzzle, and my friends were not going to tell me.

-your not missing much, everyone is acting strange. Even Scarlett, lol - Ella

- oh - Tyler

I glared at my phone, 'oh'? That is all I get. I tried not to get to worked up about it, today was to important so I ignored the strangeness from my friends, and stopped trying to talk to Tyler. It was best to wait until the end of the day. The more the day went, the less scared I was. I wasn't going to back down, I couldn't keep lying to Tyler about Annabella, and I couldn't keep lying to myself, that I would be able to let him go. 

"I'm just going to head over to his house." I said to Payson when school came to an end. Aside from a few triumph looks from Scarlett, the day was dull and boring.

"Maybe you should just wait for him to come to you?" she asked, I glared at her. Ready to confront her on her drastic change on the tyler idea.

"Okay, what is..." my phone cut through my sentence and Tyler's name and a picture of us laughing flashed on my screen. I flipped it open, not sure how to start the conversation. Tyler beat me to it.

"Hey fella! I have great news! You wont believe it, and I have something big to tell you. But face to face, you know the little park out by the woods on my end of town?" he asked, I felt my heart lurch. This is why Payson didn't want me to go to Tyler's house, she knew he already planned to tell me somewhere else.

"Yea, I know the place. Can't wait! I will be there as soon as I can!" I grinned into the phone, and felt unsure in the stillness on his side of the phone.

"Okay, see you when you get here!" his voice was cheerful, but something was off. Then again if he was going to confess his feelings, then he wouldn't see different. I grinned and turned to Payson, pulling my curvy friend into a tight hug. She has to of known, and that's why she was acting so off.

"I am heading to see him now!!" I felt oddly light headed.

"Wait, Ella.." Payson started, I stared at her but she just paused and shook her head. "Call me when your done." she offered me a small smile, it made me pause for a second and my smile slip. But then Ethan came out and sent a look to her.

"I'll talk you later! Love ya pace!" I threw over my shoulder as I made my way to my car. I put the car into drive and smiled. I would go to Tyler's and I would open up about my feelings, if he didn't first. And when we go to prom next Saturday, hopefully it will be as a real couple. It seemed my life was in domino effect, only for the first time. Its everything falling into place.
_ - _ - _ - _ - _ -

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Bleeding Love - Nerd Remix

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