Chapter 2- Im your Favorite???

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Okay!!! I already have 10 votes... Thats freaking AWSOME!!! Thanks Guys.

The More Love I get the more Love you get:D So here is your update:D

 Dedication goes to Marietsoui For her many votes:D and because she is what i would call an awsome kick-ass person.

Song On Side is Popular Girl- by Nelson


Chapter 2- I'm Your Favorite?

***Ella's POV***

"Your parents just left town right?" The principle asked, his calm look, was hiding a shit storm, of anger.

"Yes, Sir" I said, hoping to get out. I have been in this room a total of 12 times this year, I left every-time with warnings, and three days detention. This time, I wasn't going to be that lucky.

"Well, you know your a good student. But the problem is, that Scarlett plans on pressing charges. You do know who her dad is right?" He asked, lifting a perfect brow. Let me tell you this. Mr.Rakes was the principle every high school scandal had in it. He has devastating blue eyes, and a body that you would want to see, with out the suit and tie.

However, He was a happily married man, and took over, after Scarlett's mom started sleeping with the old principle. And I kept to myself, and sadly was underage, and to unattractive for such flings.. But that didn't mean I couldn't fantasize.

"Mr.Prince? I dont know who he is" I said, and Mr.Rakes looked at me in pity. A sicking feeling in my stomach formed.

"Mr. Prince would be the top lawyer in New Jersey. I'm sure you've heard of him. Part of Andrew Sues Company" He stated. He was right, I had heard of that company. It was known for sucking the opposers dry. As in once a guy was sewing his ex-girlfriend, for taking his neck-less, after cheating on him. She ended up paying over 4,000 dollars. Later proved that he had been wearing the neck-less to the court hearing.

Pissed me off, to hear such a unfair trial. I gulped as I realized, I would be whom he was suing, well me and my parents.. I was so dead!

"That's not all of it either" He said, and my mouth dropped open.

"What else?" I asked, not really wanting to know.

"The school bored is demanding that you be put on probation, for two years, and community service. Since this is your third violent offense" He said, and he shook his head, like he couldn't believe they would do it. "I tried to talk them out of it. Your my favorite student, and no matter what I tried, they said if I pushed it farther I would loose my job. I have a divorce to pay for, I couldn't push any farther. I think that is because Scarlett's mom is on the bored. "

"Thank you for vouching for me, I wouldn't ask you to push your job. But a divorce? I thought you were happily married? And me being your favorite? I thought you hated me. AND Probation" I groaned "My mom is going to kill me." I sighed.

"To be honest, your mom doesn't have to be notified, until after the charges are applied. And I thought I was happily married, until I realized my wife, was happy with someone else. And your my favorite student, because you have great grades, never skip class, have a spunky attitude, and dont dress like a hooker." He stated. I was very shocked.

"I'm sorry about your wife. Cheating is a low blow. And I'm glad to hear I'm your favorite student. But I cant believe I'm getting in trouble. I didn't know she was there when I spit the paper out." I said, begging to dread the consequences.

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