Chapter 33- Blushing

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NOT EDITED!!! I will go through and edit it either today or tomorrow.

Chapter 33- Blushing

Tyler's mouth dropped open, and Bud let out a cat whistle, Ethan basically just stared at Payson with hungry eyes. I rolled my eyes at them, they need to just bang and hook up. Tyler's eyes trailed up my body.

"Geez!." Bud yelled dramatically. "The sexual tension is just filling my nose." He yelled, I blushed. In fact, I think Tyler, Ethan, Payson and I all blushed red. Payson had put me in a deep navy blue Bikini. My C size breast, were covered, but still felt exposed. My muscular stomach, was on display, also my tattoo, a couple of them. My Sonic tattoo, and the rose that rested on my hip bone. I had one tattoo on my ankle, and one on my inner thigh. WAY up close to my girl-y-ness.

Payson wore a bright blue swimsuit, that stood out stark against her skin, and I felt like a rectangle next to Payson. She had curvy sides, a slightly rounded tummy, that looked sexy. I felt envious of her, yet I still felt really pretty, but I felt self-conscious with Tyler staring at me. Bud, Tyler and Ethan all wore swim shorts.

"Come on!!!" Payson yelled, running toward the lake area. We all ran after her. A small waterfall, entering a lake was the reason we had chosen as the area we sat camp up at.

"You look really pretty Ella. All teasing aside." Bud said when I caught up to them. Tyler nodded, and Ethan grabbed my hand. Tyler glared at his hand, but I waved him and Bud ahead.

"What's up?" I asked, he looked nervous, and opened his mouth but shut it again.

"I like Payson." He spat out. I laughed, and then I laughed again. He looked at me as if I was mocking him. "What's so funny?" He asked in shock. I sobered up realizing how much he had to open up to tell me this.

"Its obvious you like her. Everyone can see it." He sighed.

"What do I do?" He asked. I looked at him in confusion.

"What do you mean? Swoon her with your charm." I said in a duh voice, he groaned.

"But, I really like her. I never actually liked someone. I mean sure I picked up, fucked and dumped. But I actually like her. I don't know how to make her like me back." He explained impatiently, I looked at him in shock. Can he really not see that she is crazy about him? He took my silence bad, and nervously filled it up with blabber.

"I mean it first started as she was someone who loved my sister that died of cancer as much as I did. She was a friend, but I stopped hanging out with her for awhile, and now hanging out with her again, I really want to be with her. But she can do so much better than me. And I cant stand thinking about Bud walking in and...." I slapped my hand on his mouth, and huffed in annoyance.

"Holy Fuck, you are annoying." I hissed. "She likes you, it would take someone as blind as a bat not to see it. Do something romantic."

"I figured something out, but I wanted your opinion. I would have to talk to a girl named Annabella, but your Payson's friend, and I need your opinion." I nodded, trying to hide my smirk, that he was actually asking 'Annabella' without knowing it. Although, once he told me what he wanted to do, I knew Payson would be putty in his hands. In fact I couldn't wait until Tuesday, when he took the stage and told Payson his feelings. I had no doubt he wasn't planning on playing her, and I made sure he knew what I would do to him if he hurt her.


"Happy Birthday Weekend!!!!" Everyone yelled at me, I smiled and took the present that Payson was handing me.

"I told you guys not to get me anything." Everyone turned sheepish. Payson's present was wrapped in orange paper, when I unwrapped it, I was speechless, It was a scrapbook.

"What's this?" I asked, more asking what was in it. She smiled shyly.

"Well, I take a lot of pictures, and I know your memory is terrible so I wanted to make something for you to remember stuff." Payson shrugged, looking shy about it. I smiled brightly, we were all sitting in the sandy area around the lake.

I looked through the book, and the first page was of the first day I met Payson, and Josh. And so on the pictures went, all the way up to the day before the dinner. The last picture was me in my Nerd outfit, Tyler had made up. I laughed at the subtitle. 'The Ultimate Nerd'. There were a lot of blank pages.

"I plan on adding to it a lot, the last thing we put in will be graduation, but I wanted to give it to you now." I smiled at Payson, jumping up and giving her a huge hug.

"Thank you so much Payson, I love it." She smiled, and Bud thrust-ed a bag in my hand.

"I don't wrap shit." He explained. I laughed grabbing the bag.

"Well, I love stuff being wrapped." I pouted, Bud raised his eyebrow.

"Well, that does avoid pregnancy, wrapping it." I rolled my eyes, at his immaturity.

"Hey why does Dairy Queen make burgers."

"Why?" Tyler asked, when no one else would.

"Because Burger King, didn't wrap his burger." Bud started laughing, everyone glared at him for his terrible joke, I turned to the gift bag and opened it up. What I saw shocked me to the core. A picture of Me and Ruby in our Sonic and Shadow costumes, we wore for Halloween. Also, Bud placed in a thing I had gotten for Ruby, a neck-less, a half of a heart. Her side had been red, mind had been blue. Mine was lost in the accident. Bud places a neck-less in my hand, the other half.

Tears weld in my eyes, and I stood up, wrapping the Red half of heart necklace around Bud's neck, and wrapping the blue one around mine.

"Thank you so much Bud." I whispered, and threw my arms around him.

"My mom was given both necklaces, because we didn't know, until I read her Diary, and met you. I am glad you want me to be the one to wear it."

"You are the only person who should wear it. I have gotten lots of pictures."

"My turn!." Ethan shoved a bag in my face, I looked inside and saw a half eaten sandwich. I wrinkled my nose.

"Oh you don't want it?" He asked, I shook my head no, he grabbed the sandwich, and shoved it in his mouth. "No need to waste it then." I laughed at him. Typical Ethan move. Tyler smacked him in the back of the head, and placed a small wrapped package in my hand. I looked at him in shock, he had gotten something for me.

I opened it up, and It was a necklace shaped like a Oval, a elegant E sat on it, and I opened it. I laughed, a picture of Tyler and I sat on ones side, a picture we got from a photo-both at a store. We both had our tongues hanging out, and laughing. The other side had Ethan Bud and Payson, one a small picture. I smiled.

"Thank you Tyler, It's beautiful." I felt really touched he had even gotten me something.

"No problem, stand up and hold out your hand." I looked at him cautiously, but did it anyway. "Close your eyes." He said, I huffed but closed them.

A cold metal hit my wrist, and I felt Tyler's warm fingers graze my wrist. He told me to open my eyes, I looked down and gasped. A silver chain wrapped around a beautiful Blue pendant. I read it and laughed at what he had made it say. 'Fella' was connected to the chains, and gems rested into it. I realized that it was my birthstone. Sapphire. My April birthday actually had  a pretty stone.

"I love it, shows it's from you. Thanks Tyler." I wrapped him in a hug, and he held me closer when I went to pull away.

"Happy Birthday Fella." He whispered in my ear, I pulled away smiling, and we all grabbed our drinks and food before we swam. It was fun and uneventful until I was trying to finish my juice really fast, so we could all jump in the water. and it tasted realllyyy good. However, I had to drank to much at one time, and it began trickling down my neck.

"Jeez, have a whole in the side of your mouth Ella?" Bud smirked. They all laughed, and I glared at them all.

" NO! I put it in my mouth and it tasted really good, and I wanted it to be quick. But then I had to much of it in my fucking mouth so it came out." Everyone just busted out laughing, what did I say?

"That sounded soooo dirty." Payson gasped, I rolled my eyes.

"You guys are so immature."

"I agree, but it was pretty funny." I turned and saw a boy with dark brown eyes, and messy brow hair, wearing a smirk. He was dressed in similar clothing as the other guys. Swim trunks, but this guy was very muscular, not as much as Tyler but still. Tyler came up, and wrapped his arm around my side, tucking me into him. My bikini covered body, felt cold next to his warmer side.

Ethan, Payson, and Bud stood up. I wasn't sure if I was the only one see the boys eyes trail hungrily up Bud's chest, or the fact Bud was doing the same to new guy. Thick pregnant silence filled the air. He looked like a college student, or at least around that age.

"I hadn't meant to interrupt, I live right down the road from here, and come here to swim. I didn't know anyone else uses it." He started to turn, but I stopped him.

"I don't see you at school." I yelled, trying to keep him here. Tyler's grip tightened on my side. The guy turned toward us, smiling.

"My name is Nick, I go to a private school, you wouldn't of seen me." He explained. I smirked.

"Well you can hang with us, we were just celebrating my birthday."

"Well thanks!" He gushed. "Happy birthday by the way." I just nodded. His eyes were barley even looking at me, they just stared longingly at Buds exposed chest. However, the guy was more built than Bud.

"Bud is gay! That's Bud.... you could hook up with him" I said fast, excited to hook but up with someone. However, I forgot the other two guys with us... didn't know he was gay. Tyler and Ethan stared between me and Bud with wide eyes, and Bud was glaring at me.

"Fuck Me!" I yelled quietly.

"I will!" The new guy yelled. I blushed, Tyler glared at him.

"No you wont! She is my girl." Tyler practically growled. Nick rolled his eyes.
"I meant I will hook up with Bud... not fuck her." Nick looked at Bud, who was still glaring at me.

"You hang out with Nick, I am so sorry, I will explain it to Ethan and Tyler." I sent Bud pleading eyes, but he just turned to Nick, he nodded then turned away and Nick followed him. I turned to them, feeling very sheepish. I cant believe I spit out Bud's deepest secret.

"Haha, you guys are sooo funny." Ethan starts busting out laughing, and me and Payson just stare blankly at him. He realizes this and stops. "You are kidding right, your talking about the guy that gets more pussy than I do." Then seeing Payson glare at him, "I mean than I did" He corrected.

"I can't believe that." Tyler said, still looking shocked.

"You guys can't tell anyone, he obviously isn't out of the closet. The door is locked. If any of you open your mouth, I will cut off and shove your balls in it." Payson glared at them, and the immediately grabbed their junk. I gazed after Bud with a puppy dog look, I cant believe I did that. He spent years hiding it, and I just go and blurt in front of the two guys that could ruin it all. When I looked up at Tyler, he was already staring down at my worried expression. He grabbed my chin making me release the lip I had been chewing on.

"Don't worry. I'm not going to say anything. I mean its weird thinking he is gay, but it's no problem. Don't stress on your birthday weekended. Your not allowed to worry on this. " His eyes shined with a insistent stare. Ethan ruined it.

"I don't know, this is totally gossip worthy." He gushed. It would of been funny... had he been kidding. Tyler kept one arm around me and delivered a hard punch to Ethan's shoulder. Ethan groaned grabbing his arm.

"Shit, Man. Fine I won't say anything... God, you hit like a fucking truck." Ethan hissed. To my extreme amusement, Payson walked up to Ethan, making her eyes look big, and her bottom lip out.

"You wouldn't tell anyone, knowing it would hurt one of my best friends? Would you?" She batted her eyes, and Tyler stifled a laugh, as Ethan went wide eyed and shook his head no vigorously.

"Pussy- Whipped." me and Tyler said at the same exact time, I laughed and smiled at him. Still hoping Bud wasn't too mad at me. We walked over to the water, so we could actually get some swimming done. Bud and Nick were already in the water, splashing each other. As soon as we walked up, Bud glared at me, and turned around, his back facing me. I felt the smile on my face slip, and I stared at my feet. Tears stung at my eyes, but I wasn't about to cry. I just cant believe I hurt the closest thing I have to Ruby, and my best friend.

Tyler said something, and walked away. It wasn't until I heard shouting, did I pull out of my mind, that I had been stuck in.

"Grow the hell up. I'm with Ella, Ethan is my best friend. We aren't telling anyone, Ella loves you like a brother, stop being a dick, and go talk to her. This is her birthday weekend, she is entitled to make a mistake." Tyler screamed. I looked up to see, Tyler dragging Bud by the arm. Nick watching in amusement, and Ethan and Payson in shock. Tyler pushed Bud toward me, and seethed at him.

"Talk to her." Tyler placed a kiss on my head. "I will be over there swimming, when you guys are done, come and swim." Tyler said, and turned around before I could say anything. I looked at Bud awkwardly once everyone walked to the lake. The sound of the waterfall seeming louder than before. Bud sighed, and I was pulled into a hug.

"I'm sorry. I know you didn't mean to say it." I hugged him tightly.

"No, I'm sorry. I cant believe I just spat it out like that, but I just saw the opportunity to hook you up." Bud looked over at Nick.

"Well, he is a hella guy, and really funny. And its not like Tyler or Ethan will rat me out, and they don't seem homophobic." I looked at him with hopeful eyes.

"So, Forgiven?"

"Ella, You and I are like butt-cheeks, yea we have shit between us, but we stick together." I looked at him in horror, at the nasty comparison, but I couldn't help the smile that filled my face. Bud picked me up by my waist, and threw me over my shoulder, and tossed me in the water, but I was caught by Tyler.

"Thank you, Bud" Tyler said, once Bud got back in the water.

"Thanks Tyler." I said to him. He just smiled and disappeared under the water. And just like that the playful air was back, and everyone was dunking and splashing, but best of all we were laughing.


"Hey, we camping out here. Why don't you join us?" Tyler asked

"Yea! that's a great Idea. I have my phone if you need to tell your parents." Payson blurted. The guy just looked indecisive, I smirked.

"You can share a tent with Bud." His head perked, and he laughed.

"Sounds great. But I am in college, I don't need to call my parents." He laughed, and Bud smiled at him. I found it cool that they both looked and acted like guys. I never got why gay guys acted like girls... I mean if you gay isn't it for a guy, not a guy that acts like a girl... right? Anyway, that's how we ended up around a fire, Payson and Ethan, sharing a blanket. Tyler and I, and of course Bud and Nick.

"Okay, other than a prison guard what did you want to be as a kind?" I asked Tyler.

"A ventriloquist." He said without hesitation. Nick laughed.

"I could just see you in prison, as a ventriloquist. You wouldn't last." Nick sputtered on laughter.

"Why wouldn't I?"

"I could just see you being someone bitch. 'Come here puppet boy, make your daddy talk.'" This time when Nick laughed, everyone but Tyler joined in. He looked like a pouting little kid. I kissed his cheek.

"Aw. Calm down Puppet Boy." I cooed at him, he huffed at me, but still smiled.

"Okay, I am getting some s'mores." Payson said. Ethan gasped, and kissed her cheek, sending her puppy eyes.

"Of course you can have some, I brought enough for everyone." While we all made and ate the s'mores it came to that time in every camping trip, that people share stupid ghost stories. Unfortunately I was asked to go first, and I didn't know any.

"But I am terrible at making up stories." I whined, but they still demanded, I huffed.

"Fuck you guys. Fine! Jane wore a yellow ribbon around her neck everyday. And I mean everyday, rain or shine, whether it matched her outfit or not. It annoyed her best friend Johnny after awhile. He was her next door neighbor and had known Jane since she was three. When he was young, he had barely noticed the yellow ribbon, but now they were in high school together, it bothered him.

“Why do you wear that yellow ribbon around your neck, Jane?” he’d ask her every day. But she wouldn’t tell him.

Still, in spite of this aggravation, Johnny thought she was cute. He asked her to the soda shoppe for an ice cream sundae. Then he asked her to watch him play in the football game. Then he started seeing her home. And come the spring, he asked her to the dance. Jane always said yes when he asked her out. And she always wore a yellow dress to match the ribbon around her neck.

It finally occurred to Johnny that he and Jane were going steady, and he still didn’t know why she wore the yellow ribbon around her neck. So he asked her about it yet again, and yet again she did not tell him. “Maybe someday I’ll tell you about it,” she’d reply. Someday! That answer annoyed Johnny, but he shrugged it off, because Jane was so cute and fun to be with.

Well, time flew past, as it has a habit of doing, and one day Johnny proposed to Jane and was accepted. They planned a big wedding, and Jane hinted that she might tell him about the yellow ribbon around her neck on their wedding day. But somehow, what with the preparations and his beautiful bride, and the lovely reception, Johnny never got around to asking Jane about it. And when he did remember, she got a bit teary-eyed, and said: “We are so happy together, what difference does it make?” And Johnny decided she was right.

Johnny and Jane raised a family of four, with the usual ups and downs, laughter and tears. When their golden anniversary rolled around, Johnny once again asked Jane about the yellow ribbon around her neck. It was the first time he’d brought it up since the week after their wedding. Whenever their children asked him about it, he’d always hushed them, and somehow none of the kids had dared ask their mother. Jane gave Johnny as sad look and said: “Johnny, you’ve waited this long. You can wait awhile longer.”

And Johnny agreed. It was not until Jane was on her death bed a year later that Johnny, seeing his last chance slip away, asked Jane one final time about the yellow ribbon she wore around her neck. She shook her head a bit at his persistence, and then said with a sad smile: “Okay Johnny, you can go ahead and untie it.”

With shaking hands, Johnny fumbled for the knot and untied the yellow ribbon around his wife’s neck.

And Jane’s head fell off. " I smiled as they all fell into fits of laughter.

"It was supposed to be scary!" Tyler complained, I smacked his arm, pretty hard. He held it, and gasped, glaring at me.

"Okay, Okay, I have an actual scary one." Nick announced. I just smirked, most likely the only person who will get scared, is Ethan and Tyler... maybe Payson. Nicks voice went into a deep rumble. "You know, it was on a night just like this when a little girl went missing in these woods. The rangers say her name was Cassie, and she had gone camping with her girl scout troop. That first night, when everyone was gathered around the campfire, the little girl ignored what she had been taught about sticking with her camp buddy. She heard a little rustle in the nearby brush, and thought she just might catch a bunny to keep as a pet. She quietly snuck off after the sound."

"It wasn't very long until her camp buddy noticed that the girl was missing, and she told the scout leader about it. The rest of the girls were ushered back to their cabins, and the scout leader and a few of the moms gathered their flashlights, and set out to look for the girl. A lone flashlight shining in the dark woods"

"A short time later, a terrible thunderstorm blew in, making it impossible to keep looking for the missing camper. The moms decided it was best to turn back and continue the search after the storm had passed; after all, the little girl wasn't one of their daughters. However, the scout leader refused to give up. With her hair plastered to her face by the rain and the lightening flashing all around, she bravely walked into the woods, calling the little girl's name. The sound of her calling could be heard, over and over, until it faded away." I thought it was horrific, that she was left out there.

"When the moms arrived back at the cabin, they discovered that the little girl had found her way back on her own and, except for a few scratches, was none the worse for wear. The violent storm continued through the night, but all was still again by morning. However, there wasn't sight nor sound of the scout leader. The moms alerted the park rangers and a search party was formed, but not a trace was ever found of the missing leader." Nick's voice went very quiet and very soft.

"That was ten years ago, but some people say you can still hear her ghost calling out the little girl's name, "Cassie, Caaassieee..." Listen, you can almost hear it now..."

We waited a few seconds, straining our ears for it. When

"CASSIE!." Bud shrieked, making all of us scream. I threw my burnt marshmallow at his face.

"You ass fuck!" Nick took the marsh-mellow off of Bud's face who was whimpering about it being hot...However it had been cooling for about 15 minutes. Nick stuck his tongue out, and ran it over Bud's face, cleaning it off. I laughed, at Bud's disgusted face.

"EW! That's just nasty. You smell like s'mores breath." I laughed at him

"Now your face smells like that to!" I teased. "But at least it doesn't smell like Scarlet!" I added, Bud looked horrified.

"Who is Scarlett. I take it you don't like her." I snorted.

" Let's just say, if Scarlett was a frog. She wouldn't say ribbet, she would say Ri-bitch."

"Wait. Scarlet is a frog?" Nick asked. I shook my head.

"Were your parents fucking siblings?"

"Yes, and they were goats to ." He drawled sarcastically. "Okay. Time for the real game time." Bud said, interrupting out argument. Or at least was sure to be an argument. "Truth or dare bitches!" Bud yelled. Payson gasped, and pulled out a bottle of a clear liquid .

"And Russian Vodka, so if you arn't willing to do your dare, or answere your question, you have to drink!" Payson chimed in. She looked around, and cursed. Her and Ethan went to grab shot glasses out of the van. Tyler, had his arm wrapped around my shoulders, and the blanket draped around us.

"I'm going to swoon you." Tyler whispered in my ear. I turned to him, our faces almost touching.

"What?" I asked, smiling. He grinned, and kissed my nose.

"I thought Happiness started with an H, so why does mine start with U?" Tyler asked. I snorted, and laughed.

"That's a great pick up line." I rolled my eyes. However, by the time Payson got back, Tyler had told me six pick-up lines. I mean SIX! It was driving me crazy. I was thankful when we gathered on the ground, and began the game.

"Who goes first?" I asked, everyone went silent. Nick smiled, and spun the bottle. It landed on Payson.

"Truth or Dare, Payson?" Nick purred her name. She laughed, and her eyes held confidence.


"Go to the tent and change, you must "go commando" for the rest of the game." Everyone fell into giggles, except for a jealous looking Ethan.

"Please, I have had that dare more times that I can count." However she didn't move. Silence droned on.

"Well, you have to do it, or drink." Nick said, clearly confused.

"I am already going Commando" She said rolling her eyes, Ethan's eyes went wide-eyed, actually everyone other than Bud and I went wide-eyed. I whistled, and everyone laughed, before Payson spun. A few turns went, before it finally landed on me. Bud smirked evilly, and I paled. If their is one person who knows things that would burn me, it is him.

"Ella. Truth or Dare."


"Would you have sex with Tyler?" He asked suggestively, I felt Tyler turn to me.

"Dare." I shouted, Tyler huffed. I smirked triumphantly at Bud.

"I dare you to make out with Payson." The smirk fell off my face. That fucker! Bud dangled the Russian Vodka in the air. Everyone knows how nasty and strong that shit is.

I huffed, and walked over to Payson. Stupid boys, Ethan and Tyler were practically drooling. Even Nick leaned forward. Something screamed that he wasn't gay, but more Bi. I leaned into her ear.

"I will plan out how to make it land on Ethan, and dare him and Tyler to do this." I whispered. The bright side of being a nerd, is I know all the math to make it land on Ethan. When I leaned back, she was grinning. "We can do this." She said.

I leaned in, and pressed my lips against hers, which were very soft, and plump. I heard the guys hooting and yelling about how hot it was. I grabbed her by the hair, and she grabbed mine, I started laughing while we were kissing. We pulled back, to see the guys wiping drool of their face. I walked back over to Tyler, and he wrapped his arm back around me, pulling me into him.

I spun the bottle, and as planned it landed on Ethan. I smirked.

"Truth or Dare?" He smiled.

"Dare!" I smiled.

"I dare you to make out with Tyler.... and if he doesn't .. you both take a shot." Ethan's face scrunched up in disgust, I felt Tyler tense beside me. However, it wasn't until they started getting close, that I found myself extremely jealous, that Tyler was about to kiss Ethan. I grabbed Tyler's hand and pulled him back.

"I change my mind. Kiss Bud!" Tyler looked at me in shock, but sat down next to me. I felt so stupid being jealous, its not like he would of liked it. Payson just smirked. She faked coughed and threw in 'Jealous'. Tyler smiled, and then his face fell. However, within a nanosecond a smile was back on his face, but it looked forced.

"Great thinking! Ethan couldn't doubt that." Tyler whispered in my ear. I felt the smile drip from my face. The plan ... right. How could I get so caught up in the day, that I forgot why Tyler was acting so... compassionate. Within the process of me remembering the plan, I missed the kiss between Bud and Ethan. However, from the gloomy look on Bud and Nicks face, To the grief stricken one Ethan had, all the way to Payson on the ground laughing her ass off. It wasn't something I should of missed. I pushed Tyler's plan out of my head, I was going to enjoy this, damn the consequences.

Ethan was guzzling his pop, and spun the bottle. It landed on Tyler. Ethan smiled, a slow very evil smile. Tyler looked horrified

"Now Ethan, that game was just for fun. " Tyler said in a soothing manner.

"The last game we played, you made me kiss Andrew!" Everyone fell in fits of laughter, and just as we started to contain it. He added the worst part.

"With my tongue." Everyone was hooting after that, and coughing on our breaths.

"But please..." Tyler began, but Ethan cut him off.

"Take off your shoe and suck on one of your toes. If you cant get your own toe then you have to...."

The Nerd Introduced to the Jocks Parents (In Editing)Where stories live. Discover now