A/N: Here is my next chapter, and thanks to Wattpad's New form of My Works, I can see just how far down my reads are, like my first chapter has 1k reads and now these last few only have a 100, which is still amazing, and makes me feel great. I just want you guys to promise, to let me know that if my chapters become being disappointing, or no longer fun to read, please let me know. As much as this book is for me, I really do rely on your opinions to show me how well, or how un-well I am at it.
Chapter 53- 4 Days: 5 Dates; and Some Movies
It was slightly cold when the alarm went off, just enough for me to want to curl into the blankets more. When I sat up, I realized the coldness was because of the lack of body heat next to me. A note sat where Tyler should of been. I picked it up in confusion, what in the world is he doing? I opened the letter, and scanned over the still shockingly good handwriting.
Dear Fella,
Good Morning Beautiful. I set the alarm a little later, to give me more time, and you more time to sleep. Your first task is to go into the bathroom and put on the clothes I have laid out for you! Yes, you have to. If you don't, you will ruin my whole plan, which took a lot of work. You have an hour, upon your wake up time. So until 11:30am. Then you will find a hint, as to what you have to do. (Have to test your intelligence).
Hint 4 Hint; Your hint is under your clothes in the bathroom.
Your loving, and only
I grinned feeling like a giggling little girl, nothing I ever wanted to feel like, but still found myself grinning like an idiot. I stopped short when I saw a soccer uniform, sitting on the bathroom counter. I remember he told me that each date would be like a movie scene, the soccer uniform reminded me of nothing. I knew when he brought up the romantic movies, that I would not know a lot, but I was hoping he knew even less, and would have not time to plan it. I shrugged, and climbed in the shower. It never took me long to take a shower, so I lingered a little longer than normal. When I was finally done getting ready, I still had a few minutes to spare. I opened the hint that was sitting under my out-fit, and scanned over it.
Today we will have 4 Movies in total. The catch is you have to get at least two of them to win.
Hint: You may be able to see right through me, but in tints I can hide so much.
Since I am invisible, to lean on me, takes a leap of trust.
Protects from the wind, but not from the sky. What am I?
Go to the Answer. The annoyance ends, when you scream the movie name.
Your Jock,
I laughed and mentally scoffed at his terrible attempt at a riddle, it was obviously a window. A jock trying to outsmart a nerd? I laughed, only in Hollywood, JockStrap. I laughed, and made my way to the large wall sized window of the room, and looked out, down toward the pick-up part of the hotel.
"In your eyes; the light the heat
In your eyes; I am complete; in your eyes"
I smacked my forehead, Tyler stood on the Lamborghini, with a boom box, blaring Peter Gabriel's "In Your Eyes". I opened the part of the window, that opened. Everyone that stood around him, were staring at him like he was nuts. It didn't surprise me, the song was terrible, and Tyler looked like a dip-shit on the car, but he was my dip-shit.
"Say Anything! Now shut the song off, before I hit you!" I screamed while laughing.
"Your a born romantic! Now get down here!" He yelled, climbing down from the car. I rolled my eyes, and moved from the window, and made my way down the stairs, not liking elevators. When I got outside, Tyler stood holding he car door open.
"That was the worst riddle, I have ever heard." I teased when I got closer to him. He shocked me by reaching out and grabbing my waist, and pulling me to his chest. He smirked down at me.
"I can live with that. But I can't live without this." Then he swept down, and gave me a swift, loud kiss. I grinned like a love sick weirdo, and climbed in the car. Tyler walked around the car and climbed in, starting it.
"So, four movies?" I asked when he pulled out of the drive-way, pick-up spot. I wonder if they have a name for it, I thought absentmindedly.
"Yea, you got one of them already; Say Anything. So you have to get at least one more, and there are three of them!" He sounded extremely excited, I noticed a Monster, and three energy drinks.No wonder he was practically bouncing.
"How long have you been up?" I asked looking at him, with wide eyes. He smirked.
"Worried? About me? I am touched, want to be my nurse? In that case, I have been up to long!" I glared at him. Wanting to bash his pretty little face in.
"Tyler." I warned. He huffed, sticking his tongue out, but not taking his eyes from the road.
"I have been up since six in the morning. I was lucky to get that much sleep, I was really excited to do this, and I wanted to get it all ready." He explained, one of his hands reach across, and grabbed my hand, and rested our joined hands in my lap. "Seeing your face, smiling through the window was worth it." I smiled at him. "Well, and I used your moms card, and got myself a bunch of energy drinks. Speaking of..." He let go of my hand, to grab something from behind my seat, while keeping his eyes forward. He pulled up a bag, and handed it to me.
"Something to wake you up." He grinned at me, but quickly looked back to road. I pulled out a bottle of ice-cold Mountain Dew and a Sprite. I put his Sprite bottle, in the cup holder on his side, and took a drink of mine. As soon as I sat it down, he grabbed my hand again. I found myself unable to stop the constant smile on my face, and felt rather goofy at the same time. I had never been such a happy person, not since my street-days. For the first time, I felt like I could be happy, having fun without the help of drug pick-me up's.
"So what are we doing?" I asked. Tyler chuckled, as if I said a joke, I narrowed my eyes at him.
"I am not telling you." He teased. I huffed.
"I don't like surprises." I sulked. Okay, I like them, I hate waiting for them, but I was not going to grant Tyler that information. His ego would puff up like a blow-fish that got poked repeatedly. Tyler just continued to grin, and thwart all my attempts at finding out where we were going. It was a very long ride, and it was again one of those moments where I wondered how I could be so annoyed by one person, but like them so much.
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The Nerd Introduced to the Jocks Parents (In Editing)
RomanceThe Nerd Introduced to the Jocks Parents Every stereotypical star football player, has the typical blond slutty head cheerleader girlfriend. However, what happens when a not so typical nerd intercepts a note, and makes the jock look twice? How about...