Chapter 37- The Jock's Fun?

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Chapter 37- The Jock's Fun?

"No!! It's not happening. Its like eight at night. We have school tomorrow. I am not doing this!!" I yell at Tyler. After he called up Ethan, Bud, and Payson, Tyler dragged me out of the house, insisting we were having some fun. After the realization, that I actually did like Tyler, the hand holding made more since.

However Bud had started everything off by bursting through my door, looking horrified.

"Something absolutely terrible happened!" He gasped as soon as he saw Payson and me. "I saw these four really HOT army guys at the gas station and was thinking 'thanks for serving our country, but thanks even more for having nice ass while you did it.' and they started blushing and smiling... I SAID IT OUT LOUD! I almost DIED of embarrassment. Then one of them winked at me. And I just almost passed out!!" Bud groans and falls back on my couch. Me and Payson just continued to laugh at his misfortune, as Tyler and Ethan looked at Bud like he had a new head attached to him.

Payson's voice brought me back to the present. "Please! Don't be a stick in the mud!"  Payson whined/yelled. I sighed, and grabbed one of the eggs cartons.

"WOAH! Ella is loosing her rebel virginity!!!" Ethan said happily. We all walked up to the cash register, each one of us holding two cartons of eggs.

"You have to pay cash for these type of things, so that our names aren't tied to it." Bud explained. He probably sensed my unease. I hadn't done any crazy stuff, since my Drug days.

"That will be $20.56." The cashier says, eyeing Tyler, I glared at her. Throwing the cash in her face, before Tyler even got the money out of his wallet.

"If you want to get your job done faster and better, you could look at the shit your scanning, not eye raping my boyfriend. You missed a carton of egg, dip-shit." Everyone choked on laughed, while Tyler just looked amused, and the girl looked offended, and horrified, before shyly giving me my change back. I glared at her, and turned to my friends.

"Lets do this." I said.

"YEAAAAAAAAA>" Ethan and Payson yelled. I was sooooo going to regret this.


We were running, and it all was going good, when a hand clamped on my shoulder, pulling me to a stop....

****2 Hours Earlier ****

I can't believe we are doing this.... I laughed as Bud and Ethan skipped happily.

"Hey! Tyler!." Bud whisper yelled. "Green 5 speed, Front down." I looked confused. Then Bud tossed a egg, through an open window, and it landed right in the seat with a SPLAT! As me and Tyler passed, he did the same thing. I think it was then I started to enjoy it.

"Hold on guys, lets turn left up here. Then we can go to the highway." I said smiling. Everyone nodded, but all gave me questioning glances filled with curiosity. I just smirked. When we turned, after we used about  6 eggs on different peoples cars, I walked up to the house, of someone I very much hated. I grabbed an egg, and sat it in the mailbox, right where it would fall on them, when they opened the mailbox.

"Ah man. That's fucking genius. Why didn't I think of that?" Bud groaned. I smirked at him.

"Because I am genius. Get ready to run." I said with out an explanation, everyone looked at me oddly. But I think it sunk in when I splattered two eggs on the house, that I was currently enjoying my torture on. Three eggs, One on each window, and one on the door. Then when the lights kicked on, I ran as fast and as hard as I could.

The Nerd Introduced to the Jocks Parents (In Editing)Where stories live. Discover now