Challenge/Reward/Christmas Gift to Readers

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A/N: Please Skip to Bottom for Challenge, or read through :)

MERRY CHRISTMAS FROM BILLY!!!!!! Update should be up tomorrow! But what kind of world would I have created if the people in it did not say Merry Christmas???? *Host Voice* Cast and Crew of the Billy World of Weirdo's come on down!!!!!

Ella: You can have a merry Christmas, or happy Hanukkah, or Happy Fucking Holidays. While you eat some big meal, wake up to early in the damn morning, and open a shit load of gifts. I will be dealing with Tyler. You guys get gifts, food, and shit, I get a Jock with a cocky mouth and an ego to match. I got the shit side of this bargain.... so why am I so excited.

Payson: Hey Biotches! Have your self a merry little holiday. Don't hold back on the love, and don't hold back on the food. Ya want to be sexy and curvy like me? Well, eat up some Holiday din din, and snuggle with your man... or woman... or teddy bear... or computer... You know what fuck it, just eat, cuddle with the damn food.

Bud: God Payson, if your head had a brain in it, and not a meal, you would be awhole lot smarter.

Payson: Eat a bag of tits and dicks, they love this curvy bitch.

Ethan: I do Anyway. But seriously. Happy holidays everybody!!! Don't listen to all these crazy people, they are not the brightest crayon in the shed.

*Everyone stares at Ethan, for thinking he was smarter than anyone*

Tyler: Brah, you sound like a dip-shit. Have a merry Christmas! Weather your building snow-women with big tit's, or those sand castles with naked people in front of it... You guys are some sick mother fuckers. I saw this picture.... "

Ella: Oh my god Tyler! Billy said, say Merry Christmas, not use some wanna-be-swagga talk, and then ramble on about something...

Scarlett: Oh my gawd! I am not staying with you sluts, unless Tyler is coming with me. To all you whores, I don't give two shits if you have a merry Christmas, kiss my perfectly toned and tanned ass.

Ethan's Little Sister: And that's how the Cookie Crumbles!!! *Giggles* I hope you guys left Santa some cookies. Unless you don't believe in Santa, then just leave cookies for someone, cookies are good! Happy Season and have a happy new year!!!

Mikey...*Stops sneering at Ella* Fuck off. I have no idea why Billy brought me here. No one wants to hear me say Happy holidays... However... I do have something planned, for the new years.*Smirks like the asshole he is*

Ella: You look like a bitch. How is your face feeling? Okay. Can We end this Billy?

Billy: God, I cant get any of your to get along long enough to tell my readers to have a happy holiday. So sad. But on that note. I have a gift for my readers! Well, one luck winner, I have a prize for.

CHALLENGE: Your chance to win, an answer. Not just any answer, and answer for any question with-in reason. It can be about my book, about me, about anything. However no asking some outlandish request, like "How will the book end?" You win a Yes or No questions. Now how do you qualify for this question?

I want you to try to guess one of these questions:
1). Who do you think is sending the text's to Bud?  2.) A previous not-to-popular character will be making a show soon, guess who? 3.) Do you think Tyler has feelings for the one and only Ella... or is Annabella the one he has his sights on?

Attempt each question, and the one who is closest to the most, or has the closest answer to any, I will offer their choice of a Yes or No answer. (with-in reason)

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