Chapter 20 - It Slipped My Mind.

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Okay, No time for proper note... because  I have five minutes, and I have to go. For those I havnt replied on PM's to, I will get to you tomarrow....... Sorry Really Busy Busy!

Dedication goes to ready2helpUall for all the shared love, on the book, and with all the wonderfull Private messages.... I like her so much... She is officially a Wattpad Bestie.... which I only have one other of... So thats right, be jelouse everyone else!.. Or not... Whatever you want.... :D


Chapter 20- It slipped My Mind

I took a deep breath, looking at the large building in front of me. I knocked on the door. Tyler, sat in the car in the drive way. He had insisted, I shouldn't drive over here. But I had to see him. I knew he was probably thinking the worst right now. So I had to explain to him.

I sat on the steps for a little bit, before seeing a doorbell. I hesitated before pressing it. I was a little scared,  on how he was handling everything. First me, and then a family member. I pressed the button, hearing the bell go off. Hearing his voice on the other side.

"I'm coming." He sounded exhausted. Which was understandable. The door opened, after footsteps padded to the door. He took one look at me, and threw his arms around me. He had tears in his eyes, and his cheeks were red.

"Its will be okay." I cooed, as Bud wrapped me in his arms.

"I know, he is already back to being a dick." He muttered pulling back, but not letting go.

"How are you, I have some questions." He said. I nodded.

"Tyler is in the car, he didn't want me driving. Especially after what happened." Bud looked at me with wide eyes.

"You told him?" He asked, I shook my head no.

"He didn't ask, he told me, he wasn't going to push me." I explained. Bud smirked. Looking more like himself.

"I think he likes you.. a lot." Bud said teasingly I rolled my eyes.

"Yea, Okay. We both know, I'm just part of his life plan to get back at his parents." I said bitterly. Shocking myself of the venom that came out in my words.

"Did you have another needle?" He asked suddenly. I felt really uncomfortable answering him.

"Yes." I said, hanging my head. Bud looked like he was going to cry again. "I lost Red, I cant loose you to. You can go back to it!" He shrieked, worriedly. I looked at him in shock.

"I didn't take any drugs, I just left them on Reds grave." I explained, relief seemed to make his shoulder sag. I looked at him. It had only been a day since, Bud had found me. If his dad was okay, what had made him so upset?

"Bud, What is bothering you? If your dad is okay, why are you crying?" I asked, his eyes seemed to go hallow.

"Its just hard, going to her grave. I never went. I skipped the funeral." He sighed. All of a sudden I realized, I wasn't the only one with demons. I pulled Bud into my arms. Sobs wrecked his chest.

"We should go sometime. Not in sadness, but just to see her ya know? Bring some flowers. She loved Daises." I said, patting his back. Bud nodded his head, in my shoulder.

"That would be nice." He muttered. "You do know, you have your show tonight right?" Bud asked. And I felt the blood drain from my head. How could I forget. With Tyler staying at my house, the night before, and waking up, and hanging with him, before coming here. I hadn't even thought about that.

"You need to get home. I will be fine. I know we both will have our days like this. But I am going to be here for my mom. I cant come tonight. Payson got grounded, so she wont either." Bud explained kissing my cheek. I made my goodbyes, and trailed out to the car. Tyler seemed to be drumming on the steering wheel. I stifled a smile. With a jolt I realized, that when I got to school tomorrow, Tyler would most likley go back to being an ass.

And I wasn't sure If I wanted him to go back, or if I liked this side of him. I walked to the car, and opened the door, startling Tyler by me opening it. And startled myself, when a really loud son came blaring through the speakers. But what shocked me most, was to hear Taylor Swift singing 22. With one look at Tyler turning pink, I was on the ground next to my door, laughing hysterically.

"Its not funny!" Tyler yelled, as the music turned off, I continued to laugh harder, and tears fell from my eyes. I finally calmed enough to look at Tyler, who was glaring at me.

"You sing like her!" I barked, and started coughing on my laughter. I began coughing heavily, and my chest felt like it was caving. I mean Taylor Swift!

"At least, I don't cough on my own laugh." Tyler said pouting. I just laughed once more, before calming down enough, to get in the car, and driving down the road. Tyler dropped me off at my house. And after filling Nana, in on what had happened, I drug my feet up the stairs. To get ready, to be Annabella.


"Hey! Fella, I totally forgot, This Friday, is the dinner, I am setting up." Tyler spoke, as soon as I answered the phone.

"Okay, Hello, Tyler. I am doing great! Thanks for asking." I said, pulling on my dress, not that I was telling Tyler, that I was getting dressed.

"Haha, come on. I'm serious, I am going to be busy, tonight. But I wanted to tell you." He said, obviously not wanting to deal with my sarcasm. I sighed.

"Okay, Have fun, with what ever your doing." I said laughing, I knew what he was doing.

"Whats funny." He asked, I looked around in panic... What was funny?

"Um... I was picking my bellybutton, and I fell?" I asked, Okay, so I wasn't so good, when lying on spot.

"Picking your belly button?" He chuckled. I groaned.

"Bye, Jockstrap."

"Bye, Fella." I hung up, and resumed getting ready. I just picked a random song, one I knew well. Taylor Swift, weather many people hated her or not. Was someone I genuinely liked to sing. Not to mention, she was a much better idol, then all the drugged up stars. (And, No the Irony of not liking druggies, did not escape me).

I knew you were trouble, was actually a song, I had just heard today, on the car ride home today. I thought It was funny, and I didn't say anything, that would point out the fact, it was me. I looked in the mirror, I went for innocent and cute today. It had a light pale blue base, that covered from my collar bone, to my knees. But my shoulders, and bust line, was covered in a white lace, that still showed the blue. Then a large pull around bow, sat on my side.

It was more of an innocent, version of what I usually wore. But, also, I really liked it. After removing my brown contacts, and getting completely ready. I made my way to my car. Nana sent me off, as I thought about Bud, and how tore up he had been, and about Tyler, wondering if he would still be as kind, when I arrived at school tomorrow. But I put the stress behind me and looked to the act. Still wonder, I cant believe, It slipped my mind.





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