Chapter 45- Explanations and Expectations

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A/N Unedited, so if something sounds stupid, and you cant make out what it was supposed to be just ask. I have been battling some heavy depression latley, its just hitting me hard right now. SO please excuse the time waiting, and if it isnt as good as you hoped.

Also, I am doing a re-program on my computer, because of a virus. So the next update may be a little late. But I will have it up and written ASAP

(Hope this makes up for it)
Chapter 45- Explanations and Expectations

***Ella's POV***

"UHHHH!" I moaned loudly. Tyler turned bright red.  "Oh god!!! Tyler!" I made loud moan sound.

"Wow! You get it Tyler!" Whoever was on the other side of the phone said. Tyler had been trying to talk to whoever was on the other line for about 10 minutes, but every-time I interrupted him with loud noises.

"I'm not having sex! I just wanted to warn you, to stay away from dad..." I jumped up and grabbed his phone. "Andrew!!!!" I yelled. I laughed when I heard him cussing about his ear.

"Hey, stay away from your dad, he beat the crap out of Tyler. Ty Ty is spending spring break at my house, don't worry about him. Love ya, Bye! Don't call again, we are going to be sooo..." cue moan. "...busy."

"Okay, by Nerdy!" He hung up and I turned to Tyler. He looked like he wasn't sure to laugh or cry.

"There! Now can we go to Bud's house! They are all waiting!" I huffed. Tyler smiled. Then my phone began ringing. I looked down and groaned.

"Hold on, Its my boss." I said, and walked to the bathroom.

"Hello. Annabella speaking." I said quietly, so Tyler couldn't hear me.

"Julliard, Darling. I was so worried about you, you never showed up, and that's not like you. Are you okay honey?" Mrs.Peterson said, I knew she wasn't worried about me. She just lost money and is pissed.

"I had a large family emergency." I said nervously. "I will be their Tuesday though." I heard her heave a sigh.

"Okay, but if it happens again, I won't hesitate to find someone else." She continued to talk. But a loud, husky, voice hissed threw clenched teeth. "Shit, Ell..." I opened the door, and kicked him in the shin, before he could finish my name.

"I am baby-sitting, the kid just hit her shin. I will have to talk to you later."

"Okay, Bye, Annabella." She said, and hung up. I turned to look at Tyler in triumph, but as I looked up, I was tackled to the floor. I gasped when my cracked rib hit the floor.

"Shit! I am so sorry." He lifted my shirt up, and looked at the rib. The bruises had already began to heal, I had always had  a strange way to heal from bruises quickly. I had ointment and cream on all my bruises and cuts, to further the healing process. Tyler looked really guilty. I touched his face, and he dragged his eyes from my bruised ribs to my eyes.

"It's fine." He searched my eyes, and nodded. We had already called Bud, Ethan, Payson, and Nick. Part of me was thankful, that Nick was there, and Ethan, because it meant Tyler would be treating me like his girlfriend. I didn't plan on dreading when his bet was over, even if it was fake to him, I was going to enjoy having a boyfriend.

"Hey, Fella!" Tyler called, as we walked out the door.

"What?" I asked, throwing the stuff in his truck.

"Do you know your ABC's?" I nodded. "Gucci, Cause I'm about to give you the 4th letter of the alphabet."

I rolled my eyes. Wait a second. "Did you just say Gucci?" I asked. He laughed and looked like he thought he was awesome.

"Yea. IT means good, but its sounds cooler." He said from the other side of the truck. I threw a duffel-bag at him. He just caught it, and laughed. When we jumped in the car, a song I had only heard a few times turned on. Halo by, Bitchyasay... Wait that's not right. No! Its Beyonce. I think. Tyler was mumbling the words, as we started driving, I just waited till the chorus, it was all I knew anyway.

"Baby I can see you A-hole!" I yelled when the chorus came. Tyler swerved the truck, almost hitting a car. I gripped the dash-board and looked at him with wide eyes.

"Sorry, your words kind of freaked me out. You were so quiet, I forgot you were there, and then your words shocked me." I laughed at him,

"Why did the words freak you out?" I asked, he rolled his eyes.

"Its I can see you halo, not A-hole." He said in a duh tone. I huffed. How come I always mess up song lyrics. After a few moments of silence, Tyler grabbed my hand, intertwining our fingers, not taking his eyes off the road.

"I think its cute." He reassured. I smiled, but didn't say anything.

"Sober Bitch is Back!" Payson screamed, running out of the house and about to run into me, when Tyler stopped her by standing in front of me and taking the brute hit. I knew his dad did a number on his ribs, so I know it hurt him.

"Hey! Jockstrap! You Ruined my surprise hug!" Payson huffed.

"Her ribs are cracked, you have to be careful." I put my hand on Tyler's arm, and he faced me.

"Tyler's ribs are hurt to."

"Fine!" She huffed again, but she gave me a small hug, and ran in the house.

"How is your rib?" I asked. Tyler smiled.

"It's fine." Something seemed to be unsettling him, so when we grabbed our bags and started walking in. I got his attention.

"Yea?" He asked.

"If we were in a circus or a magic act. You would be my assistant, and the act would be sword swallowing." I said, trying my best to make-up a pick-up line. I kept walking with a triumphant smirk, as he stood their staring at me. Well, more like gaping at me. I kept walking until, I felt strong arms wrap around my knees, knocking me over Tyler's shoulder. He went barreling into the house, with both of our bags.

Everyone stopped talking when we got in, and they laughed at us. I shrugged from over Tyler's shoulder, and he threw me on the couch. I stuck my tongue at him.

"Your just jealous mine was better than yours." I smirked. He placed his hands on either side or the couch, caging me in.

"Please, mine are so much better. Want me to prove it?" His face was mer-inches from my face.

"See if you can." I challenged

"First why don't we take a hot shower? Its like a normal shower, but with you in it." I laughed at him, even though it was good,  I wouldn't admit that.

"Please, that's not better than mine... It literately made me roll my eyes, so far I could see my ass." I mocked.

"Are you from Tennessee because your the only ten I see. '

"Nope, overused." 

"Do you like short love affairs? No, Well I have all weekend." He smirked, I just shook my head.


"Got two nipples for a dime?" I stifled my laugh.

"Corny." He huffed.

"I put the STD in Stud, all I need is U."


"I just want to be friends....with your insides."

"Creepy." He looked frustrated to all get out, it just made am smile.

"Fine you say one!" I chuckled, he was already close to my face, so I grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him closer to me.

"I tried to send you something sexy to wear, but the mailman told me to get out of the mailbox."

"Your right." He breathed against my lips. "You are better." I pushed him off of me, and onto the couch.

"I know."  I said laughing as I made my way into the living room. Tyler got up following me, and when we got to the kitchen Bud was laughing.

"IF you guys want a good pick up line. Ask Payson." Bud said, in seconds Tyler was having her whisper it in his ear, when he pulled back, he was very pale.

"What is it?" I asked, Tyler shook his head, I assumed it meant t\he wasn't going to tell me. Unfortunately Payson decided to share it.

"Do you like tapes and CDs?  'Cause Imma tape this dick to your forehead so you CDs nuts." She said, I wrinkled my nose and threw the apple on the table at her. It hit her right in the face.

"Hey! You asked Dweeb!" She fumed, I just laughed at her. Nick jumped on the table making all of us laugh at him. Bud twinkled up at him.

"I got a pick up line....!" And that's how our night started. And an hour later, we had popcorn, sweets and pop all around us, going over any pick-up line we could come up with. The person who took more than a minute to come up with one, was out of the game. Tyler, Ethan, and I were the last people standing.

"Okay, Okay! I got it!" Ethan said. He turned to Payson, who was still recovering from the last round, looked up at him with her eyes shining.

"Is there a keg in those pants? Because I would love to tap that Ass!" Ethan said laughing.

"I thought Bud was the one that wanted ass." Tyler said laughing. Payson threw popcorn at him.

"Gay Hater!" She said in mock outrage, I just laughed at them. Tyler pouted.

"I support gays!" He huffed.

"What are you secretly gay?" Nick asked, almost seeming as if he was genuinely curious.

"No, He liked Ella to much for that. He must be Bi." I laughed at Payson and threw popcorn at her. Tyler turned to me, picking up my hair and twirling it in his fingers.

"I am bi-sexual. I will' buy' you a room, and then get 'sexua'l." He wiggled his eyes, I pushed his face away laughing.

"That counts as one! Means its Fella's turn again." Tyler said when we all calmed down. I thought for a second. I turned to Tyler.

"I can win this the easy way or the hard way. Wait! Never-mind we can do both. I will be easy and you can be hard." I said, laughing by the time I got the whole thing spat out. Nick and Bud were curled up together, clutching their stomachs.

"Your turn, fatty." I said to Ethan, he looked offended, but soon gave up on trying. He had officially run out. Payson jumped up.

"Okay! Final Death! Tyler and Ella, you stand up, facing each other. And we will pick who goes first." Payson said, clearly excited. I sighed and groaned.

"I dont want to get up!" I huffed. Tyler who had just stood up, grabbed my hand and hauled me up. I smiled at him,.

"Okay, I am thinking of a number between 1-10." Payson leaned over to Ethan, apparently whispering it in his ear, but he pulled her down, to sit on his lap. She glared at him, but stayed where she was.

"8!" Tyler said quickly.

"6?" I said, unsure what to pick.

"Tyler losses, it was 3. Tyler you have to go first, and the rule of the game is you have to stay on one pick-up line, but keep turning your response into a new one." She said excited once more. I smiled at Tyler.

"I am so going to win." I smirked.

"No way, your going down." He said grinning.

"You wish." I snickered.

"Okay, I got it." Tyler said, then in a really cocky voice, that sounded like sex and sin he said. "Baby, I wish you were soap, so you were rubbed 'all' over me." He started. I pouted my lips, and went for a disappointed but alluring look.

"If I was soap I would be to clean, to be 'all' over you." I pouted. Payson snickered. Tyler got right in my face, his voice sounding full of a vary bad kind of promise.

"Well then I wish you were mud, so I could roll all around in you." He said with a devilish smirk. Bud let out a low whistle. I realized this was the look of the player that no girl could deny. I ran my fingers up his chest.

"Well, I wish you were dinner, so I could have you inside me." I purred. Tyler's eyes were lit with amusement, and something I couldn't describe.

"Oh baby, I can be dinner. I will be hotdog, and you can be the topping."

"Well, unless we buy you one, where am I going to get a hotdog?" I asked, in coy innocence. Ethan laughed.

"Ouch bro! Whats a fire and why does it... whats the word?" Ethan asked, with a short paused, before singing the end of his line. "bbbuuurrnnn." I laughed, and turned back to Tyler.

"Sweet thang, you could sell hotdogs. You already know how to make a wiener-stand." he retorted. Okay, now that was really good. I raised my hands in defeat.

"That one deserves a trophy!" I said, Tyler grinned and bowed as everyone applauded him. I just laughed, when he swopped me down, and planted a wet kiss on my cheek. "Don't worry, you have the best shelf to put my trophy in." I laughed and smacked him in the head. Unfortunately I hit his bruise, and he dropped me to the ground, and I gasped when my ribs vibrated. I scrambled up to say I was sorry, but apparently he had been doing the same thing, and we clucked each-other right in the for-head.

"Shit, Sorry." We said at the same time, we looked at each other and just fell down laughing


"I'm soooo hungry." Bud groaned, with Ethan chiming in this time. He had said it like a hundred fucking times. I finally paused the movie, and uncurled slightly from Tyler. I threw the remote and hit Bud right in the head. He cussed, and started clutching his head.

"Your bored not hungry. Learn the fucking difference." I growled. How many times could he interrupt the same movie, for the same damn thing! We had been watching a movie called The Village. which so far was not scary at all. Even Nick, who had been crying during The Conjuring, just stared blankly at the screen.

"But Ella!" Bud whined. "I am sooo hungry!" I was about to throw my phone at him, when Tyler grabbed my hand, and placed a kiss on my fingers.

"We might as well cook something, he is not going to shut up." I nodded, stunned at the sweet action. Bud and Ethan cheered. Making Nick and Payson roll their eyes.

"Thanks mom!" Ethan said, running to the kitchen with Bud.

"Hey Payson, lets run upstairs and get all the blankets and pillows, we can all use the couches and stuff." I said, putting Sapphira on the ground, who barked happily, and followed Nick and the boys into the kitchen.

"We will just make spaghetti, its good and easy." Tyler said. I nodded. Tyler seemed indecisive, before giving me a swift kiss, and walking stiffly into the kitchen. I blushed when Payson stood their batting her eyes and making kiss-y faces. I pushed her away from me, laughing.

"Lets go get the blankets.And change."

"You guys can change into your Pj's white your cooking!" I yelled, and we made our way upstairs ,with our bags.


When we get back down stairs, holding the blankets and pillows, we looked into the kitchen, but inside the kitchen, the seen made me sick to my stomach. Tears threaten to burst from my eyes. Tyler and Bud had one hand on Sapphira next, and Tyler had a pan raised in his other hand. In Buds hand was a sharp and large knife. I gasped at the worst part, the very big and spreading pile of blood on the ground. Tyler, Bud, Nick and Ethan stared at us, and looked back at what they had done.

10 minutes ago
Tyler's POV

"Hey Bud can you pass the sauce?" Ethan asked while Bud was cutting peppers. Bud grabbed the sauce, and trying to look bad-ass, slides it across the counter. I was about to boil the noodles, but was just holding the pan at the moment. The sauce cluttered to the ground, with a loud crash. Sapphira ran to the pile of glass and sauce to eat it.

"No!!!" I went to grab Sapphira, and Bud was at the same time. We both picked her up by the color at the same time. With a really loud, horrified choke of  a sound. We turned to the door. Fella and Payson stared in the door-way looking at us in horror, and tears. I looked down to where we were, and realize how bad it looked.

Ella's POV

"Lets order Pizza." Bud said, pulling Nick into the kitchen. Ethan and Payson sat curled up on a recliner. Tyler was still rubbing my shoulders, helping me calm down. A wet and clean little Sapphira sitting in my lap. Tyler had explained everything, but everyone was shooken up. Payson and I gave her a bath, while the boys got dressed in their night-clothes.

We pulled the couch into a bed, and Nick and Bud called it, since its his house. Me and Tyler were sharing the couch, that didn't turn into the bed. Payson and Ethan planed on using the reclining chair, which almost went flat. We decided Pizza sounded fine, and soon with full bellies, and lots of laughter, watching Yes Man, we fell asleep. Tyler was laid down almost flat, and his arm holding me close to his side, to stop me from falling of the couch. I looked up at Tyler, whom was lightly snoring.

I ran my fingertip over his lips. He really was good looking, an ass, but a good looking one. When I spread my hand out,against his cheek, he started murmuring.

"Scarlett." He said loudly enough I could hear it. Hurt laced through me like a whip, and I pulled my hand back.

"Harlot, Hmph." I giggled. Scarlett the Harlot. Tyler's eyes drifted open, his blue eyes shining in the dark. He looked down at me, smiling with sleepiness.

"Whats so funny?" He asked quietly. I shook my head, not speaking.He kissed the top of my head, pulling me closer to him. "Sleep." He said, and then fell back into light snores. I rolled my eyes, but then a very odd song started coming from the phone, not far from me and and Tyler.

"They see me mowing,
My front lawn,
I know they're all thinking
I'm so White N' nerdy."

It seemed as though the ringtone was not going to stop. I huffed and tried to grab it, Tyler was draped across my body, cradling me in his arms. Which made it very difficult to reach up to the phone. My arm just barley got high enough, eliciting a gasp from me. Searing pain shot from my ribs, and the just sealed cut from Mickey. I groaned and took a deep breath, trying again. This time I succeeded and turned it off.  IT was Buds phone.

I saw an adorable picture of Nick and Bud holding hands at a store. The store wasn't something I had seen before. I assumed that they went somewhere far enough away, that no one could recognize them. But if that was the case then why are they not looking at the camera or smiling. Also, who would of taken the picture? Thats when I noticed it had been part of a text, and said 'restricted' as the contact. When I saw the message, red hot, burning anger filled my chest. In taunting letters a dangerous message flashed on the screen.

'I am straight, you are not, You act straignt, cuz ur rep. is all you got, I know who you are, I know your disgusting lie... who am I?'


The Nerd Introduced to the Jocks Parents (In Editing)Where stories live. Discover now