Chapter 12 - Cold sweats, Tears, And Nightmares

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Okay guys, this is a change in pace, This chapter is very upsetting, to me anyway. But it will clue you into why Ella is so traumatized by her accent. Please bare with me, I promise next chapter will be more upbeat. I just want you to see, her life has a dark side.. Which is why she is how she is.

Dedicated to: beguhlk3924 For the vote, and adding my story to their reading list :D Thanks bunches

Song on the side is Last Kiss by Pearl Jam (Love this song)


Chapter 12 -- Cold sweats, Tears, And Nightmares

The tires screamed, and the breaks screeched. Everyone screamed, the blinding light of headlights filling our car.

Flashing lights, and sirens, and the drugs wore off, and we all knew, we had gone to far.


"Man guys I'm like... really really high." Ruby slurred. I laughed, turning from the road, to her.

"That's the point of it" Micheal barked on his laughter.

"No I mean more than usually" She whined.

"Lucky Bitch, enjoy it then." I threw back, but she wasn't listening, her and Micheal began making out.

"Ellie, Go Sonic" Red scowled, and through my high, I though I saw jealousy when Ruby began tongue fucking Mikey. But it was fleeting, and the heroin had sunk in, I wasn't bothered. The thrill of going sonic sent everyone into cheers.

"Yea!! Ellie hit that gas harder than a whore on Friday!!" Mickey slurred, and took another swig of the vodka before passing it over.

I pressed down on the gas, the ice on the road, made us go much faster.

"Holy Shit!!" Ruby laughed, her Red hair splayed around her, and everyone joined in. I pressed harder on the gas, come on, sonic style!!. Mickey and Ruby cheered me on, Red stuck her head out the passenger window. I turned to look at Mikey in the mirror.

"Ellie! look out!" Red screamed from the passenger seat, but it was to late, A Semi was coming from the intersection, screeching breaks, bright lights filled the car, blinding my eyes....

"Oh my god!!!" I heard Ruby scream. My head slammed forward, the wheel jerked. I couldn't grab it, as it started spinning fast. Our car spun in circles, I found it soothing, before I felt our car mold around a tree, the door slamming into my side.  But I could feel the pressure of my bones cracking under the door.

Glass shattered above me, sticking into my skin. I screamed, but fell into blackness, before I hurt to much...


"Ellie? Ellie, are you okay?" I heard sobbing, but my ears flooded with the sounds of metal on metal, and glass shattering. Red's bright green eyes looked down at me, fresh tears rolled down her cheeks. My side hurt really bad, but the sharp warm pain from my leg, hurt the most.

"Ellie please, talk to me. I'm scared" A huge run of scarlet ran down Ellie's face. I groaned as I tried to reach out for her. My arms didn't move though.

"Babes why you bleeding?" I whispered, but it burnt my throat to talk.

"Oh thank god Ellie, Ellie, Ruby's... Ruby's" She raised a shaky finger to the backseat on the driver side... As I looked back, where Ruby was sitting, I remember as the Semi hit right into the backseat door.

I gagged, as I looked back. Ruby was pale, her arm crumpled, and part of the door stuck in her side. Ruby gasped, crying out.

"Ruby, Oh God!!! Ruby?!!" I screamed trying to move, but I looked down and red covered my white dress. A tree limb, lodged into my leg, My scream died in my throat, as panic crawled inside me.

Mickey sobbed as Ruby stopped breathing. "Please baby, Please" He said, and before the darkness came over me again, I saw Mickey give Ruby the last kiss he ever would.... The buzz no longer making me loopy, tears mixed with the blood on my face. What have we done?

I slammed out of bed, sweat pouring down my face, I steadied my breathing. Walking to the window, on unsteady legs. I opened it, greeted by a gust of cold wind, and the night sky.

The nightmare had gone away for a few days, but I knew, it was never far behind. I knew I had a right to still be messed up, but I wondered how long till I moved on. Did Red ever feel like this? I mean she walked away as good as Mickey did, me and Ruby were the only ones who were majorly messed up.

Ruby died, and I spent a 13 months in Intensive care. By then I was just a month over 17. And now 12 months later, and two years after the crash, it still haunted me... A short four months ago, I had gotten out of physical therapy, and had the okay, from a therapist. To go back to school.

Red had gotten a concussion, but Mickey, only had a broken heart, and whip lash. But after 2 years if I couldn't move on, would I ever?

"No, Because that's why I love you, you are so responsible." Ruby's voice whispered to me. I shivered. Closing the window, I climbed back into bed.

"I'm sorry Ruby" I whispered, to no-one. As I laid wide-eyed, until the first light of dawn shone throw my window.


Hey!! Sorry, it is so short, but I wanted a certain mood for this chapter, and couldn't add to much to it.





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