Chapter 10- You Are What you Eat

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I'm Not going to do the whole Dedication Challenge thing.... Because the first one, like Totally didn't work:D So I choose specifically all Dedications And this chapter will be xxXellieAXxx For Kindly adding my book to her Reading List!! Thank you So much!

So sorry about the wait (Though I'm not sure if it was longer than usual) But it felt longer so this is part 1 of my First ever Duel Update:D


Chapter 10- I Know What You Owe Me


"Ellie!!!" A voice yelled, and I grinned. Turning from my locker my eyes landed on Stephanie. My platinum blond cousin was running to me, and I threw my arms around her.

"Stephanie!!" I yelled. My Wednesday looking much better, already. "What are you doing here?" I asked, and she rolled her eyes at me.

"You forgot again didn't you?" She asked, and I looked at her in confusion. "Your Birthday...." She trailed off, and I sighed. My birthday was only a week and half-away.

"I was trying to" I grumbled and she Grinned. She slipped a CD case in my hand.

"Don't watch it until your birthday, but I wanted to give it to you now. I know you won't get excited, but it is important." She insisted. She was referring, to the fact that I don't get excited over presents. I chuckled, slipping the CD in my back-pack.

"How is college going?" I asked, and her expression turned dreamy.

"I met a guy" She sighed, and I made gagging noises, she smacked my arm. I flinched, the bruises from Tyler still fresh. Thankfully she didn't notice, or at least didn't question it.

"Fella!" I groaned, and Stephanie looked at Tyler's running form. Who was running at me with a grin. What did I do now?

"Who is the hottie, and who is Fella?" She asked, I sighed.

"Its Tyler, and I'm Fella." She looked at me in shock. But what shocked me most, was when Tyler scooped me up and span me around. I smacked him in the back of the head, as he sat me down.

"What the Fuck Tyler?" I yelled, fixing my clothes. Tyler stops smirking as he stares at me cousin.

"You must be wearing space pants, because your ass is out of this world." He said to her, and she blushed. Irrational jealously overcame me.

"Actually there softball pants, because her ass is our of your League" I snapped, and he grinned at me.

"Fella, I'm so happy. You cant ruin my mood." He smirked, and I rolled my eyes. Stephanie pulled me into a hug.

"Remember don't watch it until your birthday... That's in a week and a half" She added the last part for Tyler, and I groaned. She left.

"Your birthday is that soon?" He asked, and I glared.

"Why are you so happy" Fear grabbed at me, did he find out I'm Annabelle already? My fear was sent away, but a new fear grabbed me as he explained to me his cheeriness.

"Is this about me kneeing you in the jewels?" I asked cautiously, he glared, but it didn't stay on his face long.

"No, I guess I deserved that." He muttered, I narrowed my eyes.

"You guess?" I asked, he simply shrugged.

"Okay, then what did you want?"

"Oh, I finally figured out what you owe me" He grinned

"And here I thought, you would never figure it out." I added dryly.

"Whats that supposed to mean." He asked defensibly.

"Nothing, What do I have to do, so I no longer owe you anything?" I asked, happy to finally be out of debt.

"Calm down, don't sound to happy to get rid of me" He remarked sarcastically. But I saw a faint glimmer of hurt in his eyes. And that, had me wondering, if he was as confused at I was.

"Okay, I'm just curious" I explained.

"Okay So remember, I plan on not telling principle, ever, about you hitting me" He reminded me.

"I know"

"I need you to fake being my girlfriend. "

"what? Not just no, but hell no!" I yelled.

"Wait, I know I have to give more than what I am. I'm going to convince Scarlett to drop all charges, and have her mom eliminate your probation. You have to Admit Fella that is one heck of a deal. "

"Why do I have to fake be your girlfriend?"

"Don't ask, Do you agree or not?" He asked impatiently.

"I don't really have a choice, not to mention, if you can get Scarlett off my back, then I would do anything. But, Why would Scarlett and Her dad drop the charges, if your 'dating' me?" I pointed out, putting finger parenthesis on 'dating'.

"Well, Silly, as soon as she drops the charges, they cant be re-instates. Then I will break up with her publicly." He explained, as if it was soooo obvious. Wait.. I  thought he was marrying Scarlett.

"I thought you were engaged?" I asked, raising my eye-brow. Tyler grinned.

"That's what I plan on fixing" He said, throwing his arm on my shoulder, which I hrugged off grumbling.

"Don't worry Fella, I wont make you fall for me too hard" He chuckled, walking away. I wanted to be mad at him, but I couldn't help but be great-full, that he was going to get rid of Scarlett..... I couldn't stop the smile, as I made my way to class.


"You mean he is getting you out of everything?" Payson asked, disbelief etched into her face, I nodded.

"Yep, and I  couldn't be more relived." Lunch had came around, and I explained this morning to Bud and Payson. Bud, looked at me in amusement.

"He wants you to be his fake girlfriend?" He mused.

"Yea, that has me worried." I confessed, and his look of confusion turned to concern. He patted my back.

"You will be okay, Surely it wont take him to long, to love you" He laughed. Just at that minuet Tyler and Ethan walked up. Payson instantly brightened up.

I had never been a romantic type, but it was undeniably cute, when Ethan bent down and placed a kiss on Paysons cheek. The seat arrangement was kind of strange. The circle table, was small, so it was a tight fit. Tyler and Bud sat on either side of me, Payson on the other side of bud, and Ethan sat between Tyler and Payson.

Tyler got uncomfortably close to me, I was ready to chop off his balls.

"Back the fuck up Tyler, Its called personal Space,invade mine again, and I will invade yours and chop your balls off. " I snapped, as he scooted his closer again. I don't know why I was so mad, but my mind got flustered, and anger just kind of fallowed.

"Your kind of scary, when your all bitchy." He sneered, but none the less scooted back.

"Your such a pussy." I threw back.

"I am what I eat." He smirked. I groaned.

"I know your a dick a lot, but I wasn't calling you one this time."

"Oh so you want me to be a dick..... frisky?" He gave me a flirty, yet mocking look. Laughter sounded and we looked up, from our glare contest.

"You guys bicker like an old married couple." Bud laughed. A blush filled my cheeks, and I blocked out the group and examined the cafeteria, as I did at lunch time, more often then not.

However, I was brought back to my table, a little while later.

"Don't you agree Fella?" Tyler asked, I looked at him in confusion.

"About what?" I asked, and he chuckled.

"Do you relive in God?" He asked, I wrinkled my nose in distaste. How did they get to religion... wasn't the rule for safe topics like no Religion, Politics, or Rights?

"I don't know, I don't talk about religion much." I shrugged.

"Come on Fella, God is Badass" I glared at him.

"What is so great about him?" The need the disagree with him, overwhelmed me.

"He made Coke Pepsi, me.. And I'm sexy" He chuckled. "He made rivers, and lakes, and Mountains... and he made you." He said smirking... Me? Was that a complement? I blushed, and then my face contorted in anger, when he finished. "But we all make mistakes."

"Your such an idiot" I groaned. Bud looked at me and smiled.

"I'm very smart" Tyler defended.

"Lets not bring your IQ into question, my respect for you can only go so low, lets not try and aim for lower." I sneered, and his eyes turned cold.

"And your a bitch, not my fault you have no life, it spend working on your intelligence." He ground out. "And I'm still kind of trying to figure out, you were really defensive on the bra stuffing comment... so if a bra is for boobs why do you wear one?" He asked, mocking me. Bud tensed.

"Why do you wear pants?" I asked, before Bud could throw a punch.

"Well I don't most the time." He smirked, his eyes still hard, his jaw clenching.

"Yea, that's because your and STD with legs" I growled. Ready to chop his god damn head off

"Yea, but one leg is bigger than the other two." He said coldly.

"Well, God obviously didn't make your brain, because you think with your dick... DICKBRAIN!" I yelled, the cafeteria turning to me, as I stormed out of the room. My Wednesday went from great, to terrible.

Seemed to be the effect, Tyler had on my life. I mean I was still glad Scarlett would be out of my hair, but still. I was drawn up short, when Scarlett and her two lap twins, stepped in my way.

For some stupid reason a circle formed around us, as we stood in the middle of the room, my eyes firmly glaring at her blond head.

"What do you want?" I asked, venomously.

"What I have said, over and over. Stay away from Tyler, You Four-Eyed Bitch!" She sneered.

"I dont want him, Now all of you get out of my way, You Herpe Hording Whores!" I snapped. My uncanny talent, at alliteration coming in.

"So are you leaving Tyler alone?" She asked, her voice high. I looked to Tyler, who was begging me with his eyes... Why was begging? Before I could think of a come-back. I remembered me and him would have to 'date' soon.

"No, I am not leaving him alone. You think he real wants you? Let me tell you thing. Your like the first piece of bread, in a bread loaf, everyone touches you, but no one really wants you" I said sweetly. Not paying attention to when, or why the crowed laughed.

"STAY AWAY FROM HIM! He wants me, your just sad, I know how to have sex, and you have never been kissed." She said, as if talking to a child. Then the bell rang, I moved to walk past her, but she made no sign of getting out of my way... I cant be late! Dammit.

"Well, Aren't you the lady of every-mans one night stand" I mocked.

"Well, Aren't you the Nerd, of every mans STALKER! Tyler told me that you were even fallowing him!" She lied. The crowed busting with laughter, I stepped towards her, challenging her.

"Your the overgenerous, under paid hooker, that people call the Loose Tramp, And I'm the Four-eyed Mary, that has a real brain, and gets good grades, where everyone knows your mom slept with the principle, just so you could pass your classes, leaving no Legacy but leaving a sure mark of your Tramp Stamp on every boy in your class. So Go give out your public goods to someone, and get out of my hair, I am trying to get to class!" I sneered, and pushed past her.

Tyler looked at me in shock, Bud and Payson in Pity.. Ethan looked... He looked like his attention was only on Payson. I smiled at all of them, before rushing to get to last period, as did everyone else.


"Fella!" Tyler yelled from behind me. I groaned but turned to look at him none the less.

"What do you want now?" I snapped.

"I wanted to say thanks for not blowing the plan, while Scarlett was being a big old bitch" He said, "No need to bite my head off" I grumbled.

"Well, Whatever, I have to go to class." I said, taking off back towards last period, but he was still beside me when I got there.

"Are you stalking me, or what?" I asked, and he laughed.

"Don't flatter yourself, we have the same class Fella." He smirked, walking into class. How did I forget that? 'get a hold of yourself Ella.' I mentally chastised myself, as I walked into last period, and sat at my seat.

"Oh Fella, I almost forgot, I'm going to your house today, so we can go over the plan." He said smirking, and turning around before I could answer. My mouth fell open... I face-planted on the desk groaning, and everyone turned to look at me.

"Stop looking at me, I'm running out of places to hide bodies" I snapped, and they all just went wide eyed.

What the hell was I going to tell Nana? I never have boys in my room, except for Bud. But he's gay. And How the hell was I supposed to clean up all proof of me being Annabella from my room?


"Bud, Payson!!!" I yelled as soon as I walked outside of the school, running to catch up with them. I breather in and out, panting once I  caught up to them.

"I need... your... help" I panted and Bud laughed.

"Your so out of shape! What do you need?" He asked, as I narrowed my eyes at them.

"Tyler wants... to come to ... my house...To go over the plan." I explained, catching my breath. Payson looked confused.

"So?" She asked. Bud playfully smacked her forehead.

"All her posters, pictures and Annabella dresses are there" He said, in a duh- voice. Understanding lit her features, as I nodded my head.. I really was out of shape.

"Well, Lets go then!" Payson exclaimed. I looked at her in shock.. they were going to help me? Payson looked amused before throwing an arm on my shoulder.

"You think you were in this alone? We are best friends, were here for you as quick as you would be there for us" Payson said smiling. I pulled Payson and Bud in for a group hug.

"Thanks you guys" I said sincerely, and I realized, how much I had given up on the idea of friends, since I lost Ruby. Bud looked at me in sympathetic understanding, as we made it home, to get rid of all proof of Annabella.


<Sorry if there are any spelling/grammar mess-ups, you can message slap me, if you notice any. And I will fix them:D >





The Nerd Introduced to the Jocks Parents (In Editing)Where stories live. Discover now