Chapter 23 - Well, Shit.

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Dedication foes to- XxinsercurityxX, for the comments, and the votes :D THANK YOU!

And a huge thank you to all of my readers, who I apologize for the wait. You all were very understanding, and I am sorry about all the waiting. I have just gotten out of an Oral Surgery, but that isnt an excuse. But thank you all for being so understanding about the wait.


Chapter 23 - Well, Shit.

"I'm on my way."

That was the first words, that I heard over the phone. I had completely forgotten about the fact, that Tyler was coming over, to discuss, the plan for our Friday night dinner. I was still fuming over what Scarlett had said. I knew that the only way to get back at her, was to step up the plan.

"Good, We need to add someone to the list, of people to piss with." I seethed, jabbing at the steak Nana had cooked for dinner yesterday. A heavy sigh sounded from the phone.

"I know, I figured you would of come up with who you were pinning the murder on already." He laughed. I couldn't help but laugh back. But something about his laugh sounded off.

"When are you coming over?" I asked, We didn't have to long, I had to get ready for my show, as Annabella.

"I am out front now. I have places to be soon, so we have to speed through this." He said voicing my thoughts.

"Okay, dont bother knocking, I'm at the table by the door, eating." Before I could even finish the sentence, He was walking through the front door. I heard the click on my phone, as he closed his.

"Well, If it isn't my partner in crime." I said, standing up to dump the rest of my warmed up left overs away. I turned expecting to see Tyler, but that wasn't the man who was smirking at me.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I snarled. How the hell did he even know, where I lived, let alone, how he is using Tyler's phone. I looked down, and realized there was no caller ID, that it could of been anyone. I had assumed it was Tyler. However, the guy in front of me, was definitely NOT Tyler.

"Oh, Come on, shouldn't you be more welcoming. I am a guest after all." He teased. I wanted to pounce on him, and tear his hair out.

"What do you want Andrew? Where is Tyler?" I asked, annoyed. The color seemed to drain from his face.

"You know who I am?" He asked, Is he stupid?

"Your my boyfriends brother, why wouldn't I know who you are?" I snorted. My phone jingled, and I saw a text appear, this time from Tyler; I'm coming inside in a few minutes. I smirked at Andrew.

"Who was that?" He asked looking at my from warily.

"No one." I said with fake innocent. His eyes trailed down my body, I looked down. I was wearing black tights, under a very large sweater, that was brown, with pumpkins and black cats on it. It was a Halloween sweater, and even though, it was September, I still liked wearing it.

"Nice Costume." He mocked.

"Nice Face." I sneered. He chuckled, and I couldn't help but think he was Tyler's complete opposite. I mean, They had some similarities, but I wouldn't of pegged them for brothers. Where Tyler had dreamy blue... I mean awkward.. weird blue eyes. Yea that's what I meant. Anyway, Tyler had blue eyes, and medium brown hair. Andrew had black hair, and equally dark eyes. Andrew seemed as if he was only, a year or two older than Tyler.

I knew he was a freshman to college, with a little research.

"Are you done checking me out?" He asked, and I was shocked to see he looked nervous. I snorted. This guys was still a douche.

"I was trying to find something that looked similar to Tyler. Unfortunately you dont have anything in common." I said rolling my eyes.

"Whats that supposed to mean?" He asked defensively. I thought of a poem.... and giggled.

"Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, Your brother is sexy...." I trailed off.... "What the hell happened to you?" He went from confused, to pissed off and two seconds. Of course, then Tyler walked in. I smiled at him.

"Baby." I shouted, putting on the show of a lifetime, I flung myself at Tyler, and gave him a kiss on his cheek. "I was just telling Andrew here, how some kids dont get good genes." Tyler looked at me with wide confused eyes. I gave him a 'Play a long' look. He grinned, and pulled me into him, resting his arm on my shoulders.

"Okay, Andrew, what are you doing here?" Tyler asked, and I thought he puled the jealous look off very well.

"Just talking to our girl, Ella." He said, using a suggestive voice on; our. I forced a smile. How did I end up in between two brothers. "Yea, Don't forget Scarlett, is probably waiting for you. Your going to the show tonight aren't you?" Tyler asked.

"Yea, I'm sure she is waiting, but I have my eyes set on something much more interesting." Andrew said, his eyes slithering to me. I stomped on the urge to strangle him.

"Okay, Well, I have to go upstairs and get ready, Ella isn't going, so we are spending time together before I go." Tyler boasted. I smiled at him. Andrew seemed to bristle. To my utter shock, Tyler leaned down, and pressed his lips against mine, in a bruising, very un-PDA kiss. My eyes closed as soon as his lips touched mine. Sparks went off in my head, and my hands instantly went into his hair. When he pulled back, his eyes were as wide as mine. My heart was beating widely in my chest. I forgot about Andrew, when Tyler swooped down to kiss me again, but a cough from Andrew, cleared the haze.

Tyler sat me on my feet, and mumbled out something, about seeing me when he was done. I was breathless, and I held my fingers to my lips. The kiss still lingered on my lips, and I smirked. Wait.... Tyler just... Kissed me. I think I would of fell down, if I hadn't scene Andrew glaring after Tyler. The kiss was insane, and my brain was working well enough, to process it.

"Well, even stunned you look beautiful." Andrew said. I glared at him.

"Do you use that line on everyone?" I sneered. He smiled.

"None that called me on it."

"Well, There is the first for everything." I snorted. Andrew got closer to me, and I backed up a step.

"Your to cute for Tyler, why dont you drop him, and come with me?" He asked, I looked at him in shock, my hand reach out and I delivered a punch to his pretty boy face. He stumbled back holding his face.

"I dont know who the fuck you think you are! I am not Scarlett, and I will not cheat on Tyler. Your one hell of a scumbag, to even suggest it. HE IS YOUR BROTHER!." I screamed, appalled. He looked up at me, a cut blistering under his eye.

"You need a mental examination! I dont know what your problem is, but I am damn sure its hard to pronounce. I want you to get the hell out of my house!." I screamed. I was so pissed. Really? I mean I saw he was with Scarlett once Tyler and her were over. But moving in on the girl, who is allegedly his girlfriend?

"Well, He finally got himself a girl, worth keeping. If he fucks it up, this is on him." He said, and to my shock he smiled, still clutching his eye.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" I seethed.

"Your the first girlfriend, that said no. Congratulations, you passed." He said, without explaining his cryptic message, he was out the door. Leaving me standing at the door, wondering what the hell I just passed. If it wasn't for that kiss, I would be able to know what he meant..... My mind flashed to Tyler's kiss.... his lips.... I groaned. Why had it effected me so much? I knew deep inside, but I pushed it out of my mind, not ready to think about it. A thought hit me, Tyler is upstairs, In my room, where my dress his hanging on the closet.

 "Well, Shit."





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