Chapter 35- Sweat and Deodorant

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A/N: If you have started to notice, I have less videos and less pictures on the side. I am going to go through and do alot of that. I have been slacking, I know. So I will be going through and making sure every chapter has it.


Chapter 35- Sweat and Deodorant

Previously On TNITTJP

What was about to come out of his mouth? Would it change everything? I know he could change everything, but the possibility ate at me, as he laughed and smiled... until he looked at the screen. It seemed for the first time in years, had I ever met those eyes, when they weren't in the mirror, but in the man whom gave them to me.....


*******Tyler's POV******

"Shut up." I spat, gritting my teeth. However, Ethan would not stop! I swear his mouth had no filter, as my Grandpa would of put it.

"I'm just saying that Mr.Player seems to be turned into Ms.Pussy Whipped. I am shocked you are even going to practice some football." I glared at him. "I mean does Ella carry your balls in her backpack? Or did she let you keep them for practice?"

"Ethan! Shut Up! I will be their at 6, I have to get everything ready." I growled, completely fed up with his constant teasing.

"But its only noon! Does it take 6 hours to unwrap yourself from her finger. I mean don't......" I cut of the phone before he could even say anymore. I mean who does that ass-hat think he is? That I am pussy-whipped, I didn't even get any pussy. I sighed, and started unpacking the bag from camping.

What was I going to do about this Ella shit, hell I can't even walk away. This whole situation just flew way past my head. I only planned on using her, to piss my parents off. Well, I succeeded in that, but I wasn't supposed to become friends with her. I continued to grumble to myself as I unpack, and fix something to eat.

"Wow, Finally going to play Football? Here I thought your charity case didn't want you to do that. I mean can you even play well enough to go to college?" I turned from my sandwich, to see Scarlett, looking like she just had sex, snorting unattractively. When Andrew walks in, it all explains the freshly sexed look on Scarlett.  Andrew seemed to tired to even notice I was there.

"Why don't you leave him alone? I think Ella was right, you are just wanting the last name." I snapped. Saying Ella felt wrong in my mouth, I like Fella more. Scarlett rolled her eyes.

"That nerd is just a whore, and is obviously trying to get herself some real boy." Scarlett smacked her lips. I shivered, I mean really my brother is right there.

"Yea... Excuse me while I got eat my sandwich" I drawled, while walking away. When I got to my room I realized my deodorant was gone, I sent a quick text to Fella asking if she happened to have it. I also sent her a piggyback text, 'I'm a zombie, cant I eat you?'... She never answered. I wasn't sure why I was doing the pick-up lines. But watching her face turn red from blushing, and then red because she is so easy to piss off. I laughed remembering her looking like that... Fairy.

"Bella?" Nope, that's not it.

"Bell?" Close.... Tinabell?

"TINKERBELL! She looked so red, like Tinkerbell." I grinned at how smart I am to have figured it out. I know, I'm cocky.

"Shut the fuck up, We all know your a Fairy, but no one cares about your cartoon." Andrew yelled, while passing by my room. I flushed, why the hell did I scream that so loud?

The Nerd Introduced to the Jocks Parents (In Editing)Where stories live. Discover now