Chapter 30- Dinner's Successful Disaster Part 1

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Joshua will be coming back into the story (For Refrence of Josh- Please see first chapter)

Chapter 30- Dinner's Successful Disaster Part 1

"There you are!!! You killed Mikey!!! Ruby is finally gone, this was MY chance!" Red screamed as soon as she saw me, the police men walked to me. I saw blood, and wanted to kill her. How dare she act as if Ruby was an obstacle in her way. But fear held me in place. Yes, people died in challenges all the time, but I hadn't beat him that much, had I?

"Are you Ellie?" The officer with dark hair and light eyes asked. I nodded, looking at Red who was glaring, and going into hysterics. Mr.Rakes was trying to calm her down.

"Ms. Red Haze, is exaggerating, she reported her boyfriend, Mikey Lakes in critical condition. We have people on the scene of the crime saying you were the one who fought him. They insisted that," He looked down to his notebook. "Blue is back". I tried to look relaxed, this wouldn't be the first time I had to get out of one of these situations.

"Blue? What does that mean?" I asked. And I found myself thankful I wore brown contacts.

"Ella, Please tell me this isn't true." The principle said looking at me, in hope. Mr. Rakes sagged in relief, when I shook my head no. I felt bad for lying to him.

"They said Blue meant your blue eyes." The officer said, ignoring the principle.

"Officer my eyes are brown." He looked closer, and then looked all over my face.

"I don't see any bruises either. What happened to your lip?" I raced through my mind, trying to think of something. Tyler's warm hand grabbed mine. The officer looked toward him,

"That would be my fault, I bit her." Tyler sounded sheepish, but he wore a smile that said 'I got caught with my hand in the cookie jar, but I secretly like that'. The officer huffed.

"This was your last wolf cry." He said turning to Red. She looked pissed. "She obviously isn't the girl who you said she was. Lets get out of here." He turned back to me and the principle. "Sorry for the time, You kids be more careful with busting lips." The cop laughed, and him and his partner, hauled Red out. She looked grief stricken

"But his face is all beat up!!! I can't date him like that!" She screamed, and I realized she meant, I killed her chance with him, not Mikey, himself. I sagged in relief, and Tyler's hand didn't retract from mine. He started pulling me to the cafeteria, Mr. Rakes voice stopped me.

"Ella, I would like you to come to my office before the end of the day, so I can talk to you." He said, his eyes seemed to hold relief, but I saw caution and speculation hidden in his blue eyes. I nodded.

"Yes, Sir, Mr. Rakes." He rolled his eyes. And shooed me off. Tyler still held tightly to my hand, I wanted to pull it out, because it was taking all my focus. But Tyler just frowned at me, and held it tighter. We made our way back to our table, and sat down. Payson and Ethan were laughing about something, and tried to contain themselves when they got back.

"So, El, your birthday is Sunday! I know you want to be alone on Sunday, but we need to do something Saturday night, all of us." At first I was relived we were leaving the incident with Ruby behind, but then I groaned, I was not looking forward to celebrating my birthday, and it wasn't because I was some prude. My birthday was something me and my dad shared. Every year on my birthday we had tradition. He woke me up with pancakes and bacon. We would go get a new dress for me, and he wore his favorite tux. And he would take me to a piano concert.

My birthday, had just become a constant reminder, he was no longer here to do any of those things with me. Bud snapped his fingers in front of his face, as if he had just come up with the perfect idea, and snapped me out of the sadness eating at me.

"CAMPING! I know you guys have the dinner with Tyler's parents, so we can pack everything before the dinner, and leave after. The stay tonight, and stay Saturday night. Then Ella can have Sunday to herself, because she doesn't want to celebrate on her birthday." Bud and Payson began to get very excited. Even Ethan decided to come. Tyler seemed lost in thought but agreed to go.


I had just sat down. The one class I had with Tyler, Bud, Payson, and sadly Scarlett all in the same period. The teacher was yelling at someone who hadn't done the math homework.

"Why didn't you do your homework!" he asked, obviously frustrated.

"It committed suicide, had to many problems." Everyone fell into laughter at his childish answer. The teacher huffed, and sent him to his seat. And before class could even start, another kid was being yelled at for being on the phone. He was an obvious nerd, I noticed it was, Joshua, one of my old lunch buddies.

"Who was that on the phone, your mommy?" The whole class laughed, and I kicked Tyler for being an asshole. Joshua snorted.

"No, It was yours." The whole class fell silent, but I just laugh.... and laughed.... and laughed. "Josh, if you saw his mom you wouldn't be saying that." I said laughing, Josh smiled at me. I had missed talking to him.

"Don't worry Ella, I saw her last night, the midnight hours aren't doing well on her." He sent me a wink, and turned back to the front. Tyler looked at me like I had grown another head, and a haunted look came over him.

"You dont like him do you?" He asked a few minutes later, when the teacher started telling everyone to pull out there notes. I looked at him in shock.

"Yea, I do." Why wouldn't I? I talked to him everyday at lunch, I wouldn't talk to him if I didn't like to him. Tyler glared through me, and turned to the front of the class. Bipolar much. I think he got hit to hard in the head with a football. Football season had already ended this year, but I know he still does it, with his friends from time to time.

Bud and Payson were giggling at something, and the teacher didn't hear them. However Scarlett did, and made it obvious.

"Mr. Zones, I cant focus with what ever is so daarrrnnn funny over there." Scarlet sneered sarcastically. Mr. Zones told Payson and Bud to quiet down, and Scarlett laughed.

"You know Scarlett, sarcasm is angry's ugly cousin. And I think anger causes stress, which causes wrinkles. And by the crows feet, by your eyes, you know where I am going with this." Payson sneered. Scarlett turned her hatred filled gaze, to her friend next to her.

"Like I said, to many freaks, not enough circuses." Scarlett huffed. I rolled my eyes.

"Like I said the world has to many strippers, and not enough condoms... don't you agree Scarlet? What was it you had again... a raunchy yeast infection?" I asked, purposefully pissing her off. Mr. Zones just sighed and sat at his desk, doing something on his computer. Obviously accepting nothing was going to happen as far as learning today. The teachers at this school were far to relaxed and lenient.

"Dating a stripper is like eating a noisy bag of chips in church... everyone looks at you in disgust, but deep down inside they want some too, right Tyler?" She said sending him a wink. Jealousy ate at me. Out of pure anger, and jealousy and being very immature I know, I smiled at her, and even though everyone was looking, I stood, up, and turned to Tyler, planting a full kiss on his mouth, butterflies in my ears, I turned to Scarlett.

"And everyone in church realizes that bag of chips, will make you fat, and have diabetes... or in your case, dating a stripper makes everyone see that you will get cheated on and have STD's. They throw away the bag of chips, for a full healthy meal. That you aren't ashamed to eat in front of anyone, because everyone will want the whole meal, before they get the cheap, air filled bag of chips." I placed a sneer on my mouth ,and sat down. everyone stared at me in shock, and Tyler just sat there with a shit-eating grin on his face. Scarlett flipped me off, I laughed.

"About time you took that finger out of your ass." Everyone in the class busted into fits of giggles. She opened her mouth and closed it looking like a fish.

"There are fingers that have been near my ass, I believe they belong to your boyfriend. " Scarlett sneered, her evil twins laughing with her.

"Hey Payson, How is Scarlett and a computer similar?" Bud said, cutting off the stream of cuss words I was about to deliver. Payson pretended to think.

"If you don't have any protection, you can get a virus?" Payson asked in mock thoughtfulness, everyone laughed.

"Nope." Bud said grinning. Payson snapped her fingers.

"Well, damn. I don't know."

"I never truly appreciated either of them, until they go down on you." Immediately the whole class room fell into fits of laughter.

"Bud and Cow... please don't..." Scarlett was interrupted with Payson raised her voice, cutting her off.

"This is an A- B conversation, so C your way out of it. Or fuck your way out of it, but either way Dis-A-Fucking-peare." She snapped, and the whole room went silent.

"Your just as temperamental, as your druggie killing friend." Scarlett sneered, to my utter shock, Josh jumped up.

"Oh my god! I just remembered something." Everyone looked at him, in confusion. Including me.

"Scarlett, I found your picture in the year book, from the school you went to before you moved here in 8th grade!" Scarlett paled, and I wondered what she looked like.

"Oh, you don't want me to share it?" He asked, and she shook her head no, in a fast motion. "Oh, well than perhaps, you should watch what the hell you call Ella, especially when you don't know anything." He sneered, and stormed out of the class room. Tyler, Bud, and Payson all looked at me. A question in their eye's.

"I have no Idea what the hell just happened." I muttered, and just then I was called down to the office. I sprinted out of the room, after Josh. But when I got out there, he was gone. He talked as if he KNEW about my old life. But that wasn't possible, I ran through my mind, trying to remember if he was someone I remembered from before being lunch buddies, and nothing rang any bells.


"Ella, so nice of you to join me." The principle, Mr. Rakes said as I sat down in his office. "It isn't everyday I have crazy people claiming my student killed someone." He laughed. "Anyway, this isn't what the meeting is about. I wanted to say I am very happy to see you didn't have to go everything Scarlett had planned for you." I nodded, because I knew he wasn't done. "But." he started, I groaned internally... not the 'but'.

"I know your very smart, so I hope you know, what your doing with Tyler." I sighed.

"I know what I am doing..." I trailed off. "Well, I thought I did." He laughed.

"It's High school, I am just saying be careful, your a star student, here with your Julliard trip ahead of you, your cant afford to loose it. Which brings me to my second topic." He paused, making sure I was keeping up. "The school board needs some way, to raise money, and a piano concert would be the best way to do that. We have a proposition for you. In three months, we want to have a big music day, and if you are willing to play. We will choose you as the student we endorse for the College choice."

"Mr. Rakes. I have a full scholarship, I don't need the endorsement." I explained, before I could say I would do it anyway, he stopped me. He grinned brightly, which just showed how handsome he was.

"I know, which is why I talked to the board, and Julliard. Who are willing to use the endorsement, to pay for your room and board, and all your books. Which will save you a lot of money. Not to mention, you will have one of the first choices on a dorm room." My mouth fell open in shock. This was big, this was enormous.

"I ... Thank you, so much. I would love to do it, I even have a few people who could do duets with me. Make it even better." I said getting excited, he smiled again.

"Great! I have to figure out the details, I just know it will be in three months, I will e-mail you the details, with your school e-mail." I smiled standing up, and after we talked more, and I left. It hit me, I would be playing... in front of the school, in front of Tyler. Which only meant one thing, that if he didn't figure it out before then, in three months times, Tyler would know, that I was Annabella. Which also reminded, me that in a short six months, I will be graduating.

Just as Bud had planned, we had packed everything! Five O'Clock came, and we had gotten everything into Ethan's van, that he borrowed from his mom. Now, here I was in thick frame glasses, that covered my whole face. A pencil skirt with suspenders, and a plaid shirt that did NOT match the skirt. My hair was pulled in pigtails, and frizzed up, and I had fake zits on my face. I looked very comical, and Tyler said I looked perfect. The whole dinner was planned out, and I couldn't wait to play it out. Tyler laughed again, from the drivers seat.

"I still cant believe you can look even nerdier than you already did." He choked on his laugh, and I glared at him furiously, he didn't notice. "However, before you had that whole, nerd who could secretly be hot, but now its just a nerd who secretly has bad grades." I flushed, when he said the secretly hot part, and he seemed to stop laughing when he realized what he said.

"Here we are." He said pulling into a gated driveway. Okay, I was in a pretty wealthy house, but this was like mansion. Tyler caught my awe-struck look, and huffed. "Yea, when your dad is willing to sell his son in marriage for a good business move, he is definitely one, who wants the money. That would be my father." His tone was bitter, and I felt bad, and wonder what his parents were truly like. The small amount I knew, as Annabella and as Ella showed the were monsters. We had planned on covering my busted lip, but we decided to leave it. I even had fake braces in, I couldn't help but laugh. We got up and walked to the door, and Tyler took a deep breath, and opened it. We had arrived exactly 30minutes late, something his mom would hate.

"It is about time, Tyler we have been wait...." Mrs. Peterson's words were cut off by a scream. "What is that!" She yelled looking at me, I put on my dorkiest smile, and snort-laughed. She flinched, Bingo!

"I am Ella! I had meant to be here on time, But I had to get my homework done." Cue second snort-laugh.

"This is her?" She asked Tyler, in horror.

"Yep, the girl of my dreams." He kissed my cheek, and I snort-giggled. By the look on his moms face, this is going to be a good night. That was until we realized Andrew had brought a date.... with blond hair, and a bitchy attitude. Yep, Scarlett was sitting at the table.

The Nerd Introduced to the Jocks Parents (In Editing)Where stories live. Discover now