Chapter 3- Even TomBoys can Play Dress up.

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Song On Side is Recovery- by Frank Turner

Here is the next update!!! Im trying to go for, updateing every two days, or less. :D Dont want you waiting to long :) Snow storm is going crazy, but as long as i have internet, i will update :D

Dedication goes to: Jade 12334, For the Votes on the story:D

Chapter 3- Even Tom Boys can Play Dress up.

***Ella's POV***

"It was made for you" Nana gasped, As we both stared at my reflection in the mirror. She was right. It flattered all the curves I had. Thursday, was my "Dress up day" If you will call it that. I did my hair, makeup, and I dressed up. Even tomboys can play dress up!! The dress was perfect for me, and I loved it.

"It's even more perfect then you think, The bosses family will be there tomorrow night. And a bunch of other rich people, this way I will fit in more" I explained and Nana nodded but other wise her gaze stayed on my dress.

I had the perfect figure for the dress. I had a figure that was great, but I hid it under my very comfortable close. Because I didn't like the attention that came with it.

The dress was Elegant, floor length white dress. (On the side) Right under my bust line, rested a Silver stripe. It covered the top of my breast, showing that I did in fact have C-cup breast. But it showed no skin, of it. Which I was thankful for. I was looking for mature, not horny.

The dress hugged in the curve of my sides, and hugged my hips, and then it was loose the rest of the way down. It really was beautiful. My hair was in the bun, I wore everyday. My glasses still on, and I had no makeup. All of which I would change tomorrow night.

"It is so beautiful" I sighed, and turned around throwing my arms around Nana. "Thank you so much Nana, it is beautiful." When I pulled back Nana had tears in her eyes.

"Your father would be so proud of the beautiful woman your becoming." She explained, and I to had tears gather in my eyes.

"I miss him Nana, but being here with you, makes it a little easier. Especially after what I did, moving on, but not forgetting is the best bet." I replied, and she looked at me in sorrow. She knew what I had done a short two years ago.

"Amor, I love you dearly. No one blames you for what you did. You were in a very bad depression." She said, I nodded. But we both knew, someone did blame me.. My mom did. She didn't think I had the right to do what I did. Said even loosing my dad, was no excuse.

"Okay, out of the dress, before I pull out the water works. You have three months until your mom and Step-Dad get here. You need to have some fun. I do believe you have a piano to practice at. " She said whipping her tears and exiting the room.

The dress really was perfect. Another thing was, the piano at the Cafe was pure black Grand piano. My dress would stand out stark against it. My pale skin, did the dress well though. I took one last glance before taking the dress off and practicing the piano. Getting ready for singing and playing tomorrow. In front of the 4,000 people, that were expected.... It was a big Cafe

"I got a pocket,

I got a pocket,

I got a pocket full of Sunshine!!

I gotta Love and its all mine OH OH OH" I bellowed, Nana had just got me out of bed. I had 40 minutes to get ready fro school.. I planned on spending 30 of it in the shower.  I marched straight to my shower. and that brings me to now, Bellowing I Got a Pocket Full of Sunshine. And hitting the wall like it was a drum. ...

I started sliding in the shower, and well I have a big shower and...

"Shit, fuck, Son of a Bitch!" I yelled a string of profanities, as my feet collided with each other, and I fell to my death.. out of the shower. Okay, so I didn't die. but my ass hurt really bad... I groaned and laid on the floor.

I got up once I got to cold. And painfully got ready for school, and made my way downstairs, to feed my screaming stomach.

I was eating a pop-tart when Nana walked in, I was half sitting on my chair, as the other side of my butt hurt. Nana looked at me strange.

"What are you doing?" She asked and I shrugged, with a mouth of food, I replied.

"I fell outta show, my ass hurt" Was all I managed, she gave me a grossed out face before walking out of the room. I sighed. Today I had to deal with this mess. Apologize to Scarlett, and hope that Tyler wasn't mad at me for what I said.

I finished my pop-tart, and found Nana.

"Bye, I'm going to drive to school today" I said, pulling her into a hug. She kissed my cheek.

"I Love you child, have fun. Deal with Scarlett. Or give me a call, and we will fly to another country and change our names." She said, in an evil voice.

"Can we sell lambs?" I asked, my voice going low, as if we were discussing murdering the president.

"OH yes, and we will paint them pink and sell them to pig farmers" She said.

"And we shall fool all the farmers, and soon rule the world" We bother barked out evil laughs, before we fell into normal laughter, and she shooed me to school.

I walked out to my car, which I had more then enough money for any car I wanted, but I wanted a dodge charger, it was kick ass. Mine was all black, with green flames on the side. I climbed in, and started driving to school. On my way there, I saw a familiar duo walking.

Scarlett and Bud, were walking on the side of the road. I swallowed the intense need to drive in the puddle right next to them. Beside Scarlett and Bud were Payson and Josh. They new my car, figuring I could give them a ride,  I pulled up beside them, and Scarlett stopped and stared at my car. Payson and Josh opened the door, and got it.

Without another glance, I was speeding down the road to school.

"Thanks for the lift, I ate to much for breakfast, and now I don't think I would have made it to school" Payson groaned, rubbing her stomach. I laughed.

"Your lucky I decided to drive today.. or your breakfast might have landed on the payment." I laughed, and Josh joined in.

"You guys know, that stuff is going to hit the fan today right?" Josh asked, and we all went somber.

"I don't know what I'm going to do..." I sighed. To my utter shock Payson grabbed my hand and looked at me.

"Well you have two friends, so your not going at this alone." I had a smiled on my face, for the rest of the day.

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