Chapter 48 - Planes and Diva's

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A/N Updates should be coming more regular now, every Thursday will be an update, which is every 7days for those of you on a diffrent time zone. It is the same day everyweek. This chapter is kind of dull, but it will get better.

Chapter 47 - Planes and Diva's

"Oh my god Nana, I cant breath!" I yelled, she pulled away from me.

"Oh baby, please don't let your mother bother you. You enjoy your week with Tyler, and ignore her bitchy self." Nana sobbed. She was so dramatic. But she had always been this way, since I stopped drugs, she was uncomfortable with me being away to long.

"Yea, I mean not that I know her, but kick her twiggy ass." Payson said.

"Oh my darling thickness, your right." I rolled my eyes. Nana and Payson were stuck on this "thick is beautiful and sexy". Which it is, but Nana was way past thick, and Payson wasn't really overweight. I just laughed at them. Ethan gave me a hug, and kissed my forehead, which surprised me.

"You be careful, don't let Tyler eat to much candy, or drink beer. No sex without these." He reach in his pocket pulling out condoms. "He is allergic to peanuts and bull-shit. He doesn't like anyone but me pinching his cheeks. And take care of my baby!" He sobbed dramatically, before throwing himself at Tyler, and forcing his head on his chest.

"PLEASE! Be carebfull baby. I will miss you so much." Tyler struggled to get away, but Ethan held his face by his cheeks. "Such a  find young man, you will make beautiful babies." Ethan gushed. I rolled my eyes. Of course, he is more dramatic than any girl here.

"By Ella, have fun. And don't let him stress you out to much." Bud said kissing my forehead. I pulled him in for a hug.

"Have fun with Nick. Relax, you'll be far enough away, you don't have to hold back. " I whispered in his ear, I pulled away.

"Flight 44 last call." A voice came over the intercom.

"That's us." Tyler said, instead of letting me carry my bag, he carried it with him. Insisting, that I need to save my energy. We shoved our bags, in the cart and boarded the plane.

"Thank you for joining us." A flight attendant said handing us a pamplet. She was really pretty and sent a very suggestive look to Tyler. I stomped on my jelousy, but it seemed Tyler had other ideas.

"Thanks." He sent her a dazzling, flirty smile. But to my complete and utter shock, he laid his hand in mine.

"Come on, babe,  the plane won't wait. " I smirked, and laughed at the girl's sour face as she glared at me. I know he is good looking, but sheesh, does every girl have to hit on my... I mean him. We sat in our seats, and I noticed how tense Tyler was.

"Is this your first time flying?" I asked, he scoffed.

'Pfft, No. I mean I am just not use to sitting in first class." I narrowed my eyes at him, until he cracked.

"Okay, No, I haven't god. I have never been out of America." he huffed. I smirked at him.

"Don't worry. I will protect you Jock-strap." I teased, but his face darkened. Woah, what did I say. He turned to me, and pulled my face toward his, his lips met mine fast, angry, and perfect. He leaned his forehead against mine.

"I don't want to be just another Jock-strap. Asshole is better for me, as long as it what you call only me." He said fervently. Lacking any words, I just nodded. I smiled to myself, when he pulled back and turned the other direction. The flight attendants went through all the safety stuff, it wasn't until take off, did things get interesting. The obviously gay flight attended came swishing his hips down the isle

"Captain Craig has asked me to announce that he'll be taking up the big scary plane shortly, so, lovely people, if you could just put your trays up, that would be super." He stopped in front of an Arabic looking woman, who didn't move at all.

"Perhaps you didn't hear me over those big brute engines, but I asked you to raise your trazy-poo, so the main man can pitty-pat us on the ground." He said politely.

She calmly turned her head and said, "In my country, I am called a Princess, and I take orders from no one." She said, with her chin held high. However, obviously annoyed the flight attendant smiled at her without missing a beat.

"Well, sweet-cheeks, in MY country I'm called a Queen, so I outrank you. Tray UP, sweety." He said shoving her tray up, smiling and walking back down the isle.

"Prepare for take-off." He said, before sitting down, and buckling in. When the plane started moving, Tyler's hand clamped on mine, I smiled at him, as he looked like a panicked little kid.

"What if we die?" He asked, I rolled my eyes. "I mean what are the chances of that." He whispered, I felt the need to pick at him. Well, I was in an elevator once, and it shook in the middle of the ride, the right engine went out, smoke was everywhere. Actually it was the same air line." his face turned pale. "I mean commuter airlines only have 10.7 million deaths every-year. But hey even in the accidents, like the 51% chance of pilot error, or the 12% chance of weather issues, or the 29% of engine error. Oh or the 9% chance that it was a sabotage. But really if you did hit any of those 24% chance of surviving the accident. Really you have nothing to worry about." I said, completely straight faced, as Tyler stared at me horrified. His skin looked slightly green.

"Is that true? Please Ella, tell me your joking." It was the use of my name that showed how scared he truly was, I fell into fits of laughter when the plane shook, and Tyler screamed. I couldn't control my laughter, everyone in first class was staring at us in amusement, others in annoyance.

"The flight is now in air, you are free to move and put you trays down." The flight attendant said. I continued to laugh.

"You were messing with me?" He asked horrified, and scared. I still couldn't stop laughing, so I resorted to nodding, as I clutched my stomach. 

"That is sooo not fair. Not nice. I will get you back." He threatened, I paled.

"Tyler, all those statistics were true, I was just picking on you. It was true, but the chances are slim to none." I said trying to reason with him, he just smiled, and put on his TV with headphones. I huffed. This was going to be a long ride.


"ANNA!" My mom gushed at the airport. My heart thudded, and I was thankful, i had Tyler wait until I let him meet my mom. How in the world was I going to convince her to use the actual nickname I had my whole life. I gave her a short-hug, glaring at my Step dad.

"Hello Jason." I said politely.

"Oh don't be so formal with your dad." Mom said laughing. This was why I disliked her so much.

"Mom, I know your condition on my college, and I want to say, I agree. If you promise to call me El, Ella, Elie, or any other nickname that has nothing to do with Ann, Anna, An, or bella. And to never use my full name unless you call me Ella as my first name." My mom bit her lip. Obviously not happy, but reluctantly she nodded.

"If you promise to find a nice young man, then I will do it." I grinned at her, which I think surprised her.

"Actually, I brought a plus one. I have been dating someone for awhile now. I wanted you to meet him." I found great pleasure in watching my perfect mom's mouth flop open in shock. "He is waiting for the okay. If you want to meet him." I said. She grinned at me, and nodded. Obviously so 'proud' that words escaped her.

"Tyler!" I hollered, drawling attention from a few onlookers, my mom for the first time in my life, looked unconcerned about those whom were starring. Tyler's head peeked around the corner, and he came carrying his bag with a huge grin. I think my mom expired right there.

"Hey Fell." He grinned giving me a swift kiss, and turning to my mom.

"Mrs. MaCallister it's such an honor to meet you." He said with his charming smile, he bent over and kissed her hand. I resisted to roll my eyes at him. Such the charmer.

"Oh please. Call me Clara." I was momentarily at loss for words, she never lets anyone call her Clara. She grinned at Tyler and turned to me, I was even more stunned by the wetness in her eyes.

"I am so happy for you A... Elie." She said smiling at me. I smiled at her, and suddenly it seemed as if maybe it wouldn't be so bad.

"Well, I am sure you guys are famished, and ready to unpack. Are you okay sharing a room? I don't want any funny business, but Elie, I know that your mature enough to make the right choice." She said, babbling.

"It's fine mom, we wont do anything, but were fine in the same room. He has held my hair, while I was sick, and I have nursed him after a fight. We have seen each other at our worst." I said smiling, my mom nodded. Tyler picked up my suit case, with his.

"Oh, and he is a gentlemen." My mom clapped her hands, and we made our way to the car. Tyler sent me a smirk.

"Love you." I blushed, but he rolled his eyes "Olive juice." He said loud enough fro em to hear, I realized when you say olive juice, it looks like Love you. I flipped him off. Asshole.


"When your done unpacking, I have a list of the cars the hotel has for rental, just pick one. It come free with the room. Also, We just had dinner, so you guys can order room service. If you don't mind tomorrow we will have dinner together. I have work tomorrow morning, and you should enjoy the romance of Italy." We said our goodbyes, and Tyler and I made our way to my room.

"Your mom doesn't seem to bad." Tyler said. I rolled my eyes. "She is okay around people. She seemed oddly nice today. I am normally only 30minutes in, and she tells me what a disappointment I am. Tyler, nodded, and we began unpacking the clothes.

"Anything sound good to eat?" Tyler asked. I smiled at him.

"Just order me whatever your getting. They will bring up a bottle of wine, ask them for the pink sparkling 1944 vintage. Its the best one here." I said, grabbing out some pj's to wear. I needed a hot shower.

"You know wine?" Tyler asked. I smiled.

"My mom and dad took me to Italy a few times, and it was the only thing my dad would let me try. Not much alcohol in it. The few times I have been here since my dad died, I always got a bottle. Pretend I was drinking with my dad. But your here, I know he won't mind." I said smiling. He nodded thoughtfully.

"I worry sometimes. My dad hates me, I am just an asset. But I should be thankful, mine is still here." He looked like he was mentally scolding himself, I sat next to him on the bed.

"Don't feel bad or guilty. I wouldn't trade who my dad was to me, just to have had him longer. A better dead dad, is better than a dick live dad." I said smiling at him. He nodded. I smiled at him, not wanting him to be down.

"You know looks don't matter." I said, standing up picking up my clothes. Tyler looked up to me confused. "I'll just wrap you in a  flag, and fuck you for glory." I saw his smile, before I closed the bathroom door, and took my shower. It was only about 15minutes into my shower, did Tyler knock on the door.

"Food will be here in about 15minutes." He hollered. "Okay!" I yelled back, hurrying my shower. I grabbed my pants, before I realized I completely forgot under-where. Fuck my life. Okay, I will put my shirt on and wrap myself with he towel. But grabbing my shirt, I realized my sports bra, was also something I forgot. God damn it! I wrapped the towel around my body so I can cover as much as I can. I walked out, trying not to seem shy or freaked out.

"Shit!" I heard, Tyler immediately turned around. Why didn't I just ask him to turn around.

"I forgot my clothes. I am so sorry." I grabbed my clothes, and ran into the bathroom. When I got out, we ate and awkward meal, finally Tyler broke the tension.

"Life is a garden, Lets put you tulips and my tulips together."  I laughed.

"Thanks. Tension is hard to break through."

"That is a terrible pick-up line Fella." He teased.

"Are we going to do this again?" I asked, He nodded.

"I hear you're good at algebra.....Will you replace my eX without asking Y?" I said, he smirked.

"I am good at math, I love numbers. But for some reason I don't have yrs. " Tyler came-back with.

"My number wont do you any good, if you cant come to my house. And surely your license has been suspended."

"Why would my license be suspended?' He asked.

"For driving girl crazy." He rolled his eyes.

"I'm sick, will you be my medicine?"

"I don't need a spoon full of sugar to swallow you." I said referring to Mary Poppins.

"Hey, do you know what winks and makes love like a tiger?" He winked at me, I rolled my eyes.

"Boy, are you the tiger from the Frosted Flakes box? Because you’re looking "Grrrrreat!"

"Do you sleep on your stomach?" He asked. I shook my head no.

"Can I?"

"Okay, OKay, I would have to do research to have anymore." I said in defeat, Tyler laughed, and soon we were going to sleep. cuddled up together, and I was wondering what this week held in store.

The Nerd Introduced to the Jocks Parents (In Editing)Where stories live. Discover now