Chapter 68 - I want it to.

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Chapter 68 - I want it to.

"Yes this is Stacy Grey calling in for Ella Stone... No, she will not be in school today. She.... has the flu. Nasty puke everywhere... Yes... Okay, Thank you." I blinked my eyes open, and the ached. I knew my eyes were puffy and red.

"I didn't figure you wanted to go in today. You want to talk about it?" She asked, I shook my head.

"I... " I cleared my voice, unable to talk past the roughness in my throat. "I'm just going to take a shower." I started to climb out of the bed when she stopped me.

"Baby gurl, just wait here. I'll go run you a warm bath, get you a bottle of wine. I'm not like regular mom, I'm a cool mom." She sent me a wink and left the room. I laid back on the bed, looking around the room. It changed very little, normally I stayed away from Nana's room, I'm still not sure why I decided to come in here. But something told me, I would spend the next few nights here.... I realized I was still in my clothes from school, and my phone was dead in my pocket. I climbed out of the bed, and made my way to my bedroom to plug my phone in. It turned on and felt a bitter sensation when I saw my background photo of Tyler and I. The texts from Bud and Payson dinged in slowly, I didn't even bother reading them. I felt betrayal churn in my stomach. They knew... the whole day, they knew. They said nothing, and let me go there without a warning. I felt tears sting my eyes. I started to realize, death was a much easier way to loose someone... Being put out of the loop by people you called friends... hurt a hell of a lot more. Granted someone being taken from you is a lot easier to understand then someone leaving by choice.

"Ella honey?" Nana stuck her head in the door and I turned to look at her.


"I have it all ready. Go to the master bath, its all set up." I felt my eyebrows knot together. How long had I been standing there? I shook my head and made it to the bathroom, that is better described as a jacuzzi. It was in my mothers bathroom, she insisted her life was stressful enough she deserved a one woman jacuzzi hot-tub. For the first time ever, I was happy to get in it. The water was so hot I had to stick my leg in first and adjust to it, before slowly putting in the rest of my body. It smelled like strawberries and apples. Mom bubble shit, she liked it. I love it, I let myself relax, when the over head music turned on it was several songs from my playlist, a playlist that I had named "words that say it for me.'. It meant that Nana was on the other side of the door, turning it on over the speakers.

"Thanks Nana." I yelled hoarsely, then my phone went off, I saw Bud's name on the screen. I felt anger build over my sadness, it didn't hurt so much to be angry. I pressed the green button and I heard both Payson and Bud talking.

"What?" I snapped.

"Ella, We are so sorry. We didn't know how to.."

"Is Tyler there?" I interrupted, after the stunned sliced I got a quiet no. "If he asks where I am, tell him my dentist appointment didn't go well, and I am to sick to go to school. You seem to have the hiding important details down to a T." I knew my voice was cold, but I was hurt, and didn't want to be in tears, anger held more.

"That's not fair..." I cut Payson off.

"What's not fair is that when I encouraged Ethan to go after you, it was because I KNEW he liked you back. Or Nick, when I encouraged him to come, its because I KNEW HE LIKED BUD!!! You guys have spent months telling me how Tyler is crazy about me, Ethan did to. So unless Ethan is as clueless in his friendship as he is in History, you all gave me some false hope!" My voice cracked, and tears ran down my face. "What not fair, is my two best friends, that I finally opened myself up, knew the whole day I was all shits and giggles, when you knew he was going to throw out my heart, before he even knew he had it. for Her." I heard the agony in my voice, and felt so stupid. "For HER!" I repeated. "And both of you knew, that I was going there 100% open and vulnerable, and didn't stop me, when you had all day to do it." By the time I was finished my voice went from angry to deflated and quiet. "That is whats not fair." I looked to the bottle of wine. "Nothing ever is." Still looking at the wine, I almost laughed at the painful irony, that I lost the second man I had the peach wine tradition with.

"Ella... " I snapped the phone closed to angry to listen to them. I relaxed into the bathtub, and let the music wash over me. When the piano kicked on, I remembered my cafe' session tomorrow, and realized there was no way to avoid Tyler. But if he approached me I don't think I could keep up the act. Not when my heart would be screaming to tell him. To tell him something that would end in rejection or worse.... him throwing away his dreams to be with the nerd. But I knew which one it would be, and I just couldn't face any more rejection in my life.

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Payson's POV

I looked at the phone and my beautiful mouth dropped open. Did she just hand up on me?! I felt guilty, but how the heck was I supposed to tell her? Ethan told me to keep my mouth shut, and let Ella talk to Tyler. Then again in the way of "bro's before hoes." Should I of pulled the 'chicks before dicks' card? Bud had tears well up in his eyes, and I pulled him into a tight embrace.

"Just give her some time, we both know she cant say nay to her gay." I soothed, he shot me a glare.

"Did you not hear her? She all bet fell apart just trying to talk over the phone. And El has more guilt than anything, she wouldn't ignore Ruby's brother for anything, unless she truly couldn't see past whatever is upsetting her. She does anger, annoyance, and even happy sometimes. She never does just sad. She didn't sound angry, she sounded broken and only knew how to show it through being mad." He sent a look to the phone. Ethan and Tyler made there way to the table, Tyler looked confused when I glared at him. The super skank came up and stuck her STD tongue in his mouth. I picked up my curvy ass away from my plate, and sent it a lingering look before i stood up with it, walking toward them. Then that pesky little air acted up and tripped me. And my plate landed all over Scarlett. Opps.

"Ur MUR GURD! I SUR SURRY!" I drawled. "You know what they about you..." I pretend to think. "I mean what they say about Karma." I shrugged. "Not much of a difference, your both a bitch. But at least Karma is fair, and less.... used?" Scarlett glared at me.

"You cow! God damn it!! This shirt costs a lot of money." She shrieked. I winced at the comment, but glared at her.

"Men want some meat on there bones, not silicone, Barbie." She turned bright red and I heard Bud snicker.

"Ty! Don't let them treat me this way." I raised my brow at him, and he actually shocked me.

"Payson set your ass down, leave Scar alone." My gorgeous re-painted mouth flopped open.

"Fuck you asshole. Just because your daddy made you a deal, doesn't mean you should turn your back on your friends. Or did you not notice Ella is missing today?" I snapped at him, his eyes were ice-blue.

"Pace, Babe. Please leave him alone." Ethan sent me a pleading look, and despite what I like to think, I was weak and melted at the look. But I did stop to glare at Tyler.

"She is sick at home. When your done with Barbie, why don't you make sure 'your' Fella is okay. Or shove that jock-strap, up your Jock-Ass." I hissed, before dropping my tray at the kitchen area and gave Ethan a kiss.

"Enjoy lunch, I have a few things to do." I told him. I sent a smirk to Scarlett who was trying to clean her top, and stormed out with Bud hot on my heels.

"Bud... Now that Tyler stopped his whole thing with the nerd, you don't have to anymore." Scarlett said. I sent a worried look to Bud, when he froze. I pushed the blonde strand out of my face.

"Scarlet, the day you decided to pull your head out of your over-used ass, and realize some people have actual friends. Not followers who are to scared to tell you what a narcissistic ego-maniac you really are, you will see its not a show... its a friendship." He turned on his heels and took the lead, I sent her a smile. Take that Scarlett Stripper Barbie.... if she wasn't so mad, Ella would like that name. 

*Ella's POV*

I was reading through the e-mails my teachers had sent with my homework, and doing the homework, when I realized that the beautiful puppy on my lap, was a joint project.

"He gave me up Saph. He just let it all go. You know what sucks?" I asked her. The little husky just growled softly. "I can't hate him for it, and I cant stop loving him." She looked at me with those blue puppy eyes, eyes that didn't understand. I turned from my homework, unable to keep going and crawled into my bed. It had turned dark outside anyway, I let the soft music I had been playing lul me to sleep. The next morning, I skipped school again, and stayed home playing piano, and that night, I gave the saddest performance of my life. Mrs. Peterson requested up-beat songs, and my mouth sang it, but my heart never felt it.

Mrs. Peterson, surprising me, gave me a tight hug at the end of my show, and apologized for whatever had me in such low spirits. Tyler had been there, but I left before he could talk. I played hookie from school, for the rest of the week. ON Sunday, I climbed into bed, unable to sleep. I heard 'love hurts' so often, but how come when I was with Tyler and loved him, did it feel so great? I thumped my head on my pillow, dumbass. Love does not hurt, not getting it back does, rejection hurts. Part of me was angry, not just at Tyler, but at myself for being like every other fucking girl you read about, that falls in love with a player and you sit there the whole time like 'WTF bitch, you know he just wants in your virgin tight panites.' But Hell, he did not even want to get in my pants, he just wanted to use me to piss of his parents.

And anger was not all I felt, frustration, that I could not just thump him in the fucking head, and keep hitting him until he loved me back,. Sadness, because I knew he was with Scarlett right now, and most of all, I felt shame. I had been so rude and mean to him the past week, and he did nothing wrong. That was the worst part, that I wanted to be nice to him, because he was not in the wrong, he never promised to love me, or that we were a real thing.

Well, he did ask me to prom, which is now shot. But I was so ashamed that even though he was a good friend, I would never be able to accept it, because the thought of being beside him, but not with him, was a pain more intense than the urge to drown my sorrows, until I was to far gone to recognize them. Which was why I had Nana making sure I did not leave. Of cource she could not do that by her-self. Her sherrif friend was down stairs, with my window locked. Because in the pain I felt, I didn't trust myself. Its funny how earth never comes up and swallows you, when you want it to. And.... I wanted it to.

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