Chapter 84

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Okay, My days have been all messed up in my head, I could of sworn I updated last week... just realized I didn't, so I am posting this one, and am in hopes to have one ON TIME, this thursday.

Chapter 84

"You've been healing well, the test we took yesterday show great progress. You were healing the whole time in your comma to, so you have to keep in mind you have already had almost four weeks of healing time." The doctor started once we had Tyler and Nana in the room. He was about to take off my bandage, and let me see the damage, for the first time. Though I cant see the part on my back, I could see the smaller one on my stomach.

"We did your surgeries through the back and front, keep in mind that your front scar will be considerably smaller, though it was a large knife, only the tip of it went through the front." He began cutting through the gauge. "The stitches were removed about a week ago, the stitches farther down will dissolve with time." When the gauge was removed, I was shocked at how small it was. It was raised around the edges, a scab in the middle, but it looked no worse than the stab wound from Mikey in the fight.

"What does the back look like?" I asked, knowing it had to be much worse, and his face expression proved such.

"Much worse, the knife was very large. About five inches up and down, and an inch wide. I'll leave this off for a few moments, they will be coming in to re-wrap you, if you want you can have a shower. Cool water, and no soaking but a shower." I almost moaned on the spot.

"That sounds amazing." I smiled, he laughed,

"Well, we are setting up after care visits, diet plans, and such. As that being said, we are setting your release date next week, and I have given the okay for your performance, but thats it. No rides, no straying from your diet. By graduation you'll be okay for it. But don't expect this whole healing to be done for awhile, the body heals fast, and with all the proper precautions, you'll be back to working order within 2months, keep in mind thats three months of healing, one of which in a comma. Six month's, scars aside, you'll be good as new."

He was right, it did sound like a quick heal time in comparison to the threat on my life, but it also seemed so long. I wouldn't be good as new, until four months into my first year of college. But then again I would be in working order. The room weighed heavy in relief.

"No buts?" I asked, my voice betraying how relived I was.

"Just keep in mind you had organ damage, you could have complications from your Kidneys later. Aside from healthy eating, no Buts. You brushed death Ms. Stone, and you survived. Now its just recovery.

- - - - -

"You really arnt mad at all?" I asked, he brushed the invisible hair behind my ear, cupping my cheek.

"Fella, it only clears up some confusion, I just cant believe it was you the whole time." We laid facing each other on my small hospital bed, only five days until July 8th, aka I get out of prison. And four days after that, I play at the fundraiser. Instead of a piano bench, I'll be sitting in a wheel chair, since my performance and play will last a majority of the time.

"Your doing it again." He whispered, his breath fanned across me, adding to the intoxicating smell of the shirt he was wearing. I would shove my face there and smell him all day, but he is instant on kissing me, and I cant find it in me to complain.

"What?" His fingers traced back in fourth on my lip, his eyes following the movement. And I sat like a toad gawking at him.

"Drawing yourself back into that pretty little mind of yours." His eyes caught mine, the dark look of the day past, and a light of hope for the ones to come. "No wonder those brown eyes never fit you." His head came down and he laid two soft kisses to my eyelids. "No wonder 'Annabella' always had smiles in her eyes that said she was a mystery, and the smile on her lips that always said she knew something I didn't." He whispered trailing kisses across my face, until the last on landed on my lips, the frenzied butterflies I always felt where still there, but a new passion, a kind that showed how hormonal teens could be is what had my fingers tangling in his dark hair.

The Nerd Introduced to the Jocks Parents (In Editing)Where stories live. Discover now