seventeen; the surprise no one saw coming: teddy chambers angry

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chapter seventeen; the surprise no one saw coming: teddy chambers angry

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chapter seventeen; the surprise no one saw coming: teddy chambers angry

Teddy Chambers was not an angry person. Far from it. He was a pacifist by nature, trying to avoid all conflict if possible. He didn't like to yell or scream or fight or anything of that kind, always trying to compromise or find a solution before things got bad. So, pray tell how serious something had to be to get Teddy Chambers red-face, spit screaming at everyone in the room.


How could this have happened? Well, all it needs is a simple explanation—Let's rewind.

The morning of July 4th started relatively peaceful, despite the circumstances. His sleep remained undisturbed (besides starting with a nightmare. Other than that, the rest of the night was fine). Teddy's eyes fluttered awake, slowly adjusting to the light and his circumstances. Instinctively, he reached his hand to rub his eyes, but found them around something... or, someone.

Teddy found himself curled up into El's shoulder, their "fort" mostly gone. The blanket wall collapsed and instead, blankets wrapped around El. Someone stole them in the night... and she also stole Teddy. She held onto him, arms around his torso to keep him close to her like one wraps themselves in a blanket.

Teddy blushed. The heat burning his cheeks a fiery red. Never in his life would he have imagined this. It was nice... and he felt safe in her arms... but he couldn't stay like this, even if he wanted to. Flustered and embarrassed, he slowly unhooked himself, slipping his arms out as gentle as can be as to not wake up the girl. El stirred a little, but rolled on her side and continued sleeping.

The boy slipped out of the room and to the bathroom with his bag to get changed and ready himself. In the little mirror, Teddy saw himself. Physically, he still didn't look the best, but much better than days previous. The cuts started to heal, the lip scabbing. His bags slowly shrinking from actually getting some sleep last night. Yet, his eyes made the biggest difference. He looked... happy. Confident. In love—no. His mind moved too fast. It wasn't that. Give it time. Teddy was on top of the world after finally letting his heart free from the jail he trapped it in. Like he could fully express himself for the first time. It was amazing.

Teddy returned to El's room to see her sitting upright on the floor, rubbing her eyes. He wonderd if he had woken her up, but he didn't say anything about it. "Good Morning." He greeted with a tiny smile. El slowly turned her head toward his replicating his smile. "Breakfast?" He offered.

El perked up, rubbing her eyes once again, "Eggos?"

"'re out. I checked already." Teddy had checked before returning to the room. How she ran out so quickly baffled him, but if she liked it, he wouldn't question it. The boy had another idea, something sweet, "but-but I think I can make you homemade waffles instead!"

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