fourteen; traitor?

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fourteen; traitor?

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fourteen; traitor?

Teddy and the boys found themselves walking down the railroad track flopping between looking up at where they were going and keeping their heads down, eyeing the compasses. Their quest to find the gate and their friend had commenced and Teddy couldn't be more thrilled. They were actually doing it! Finding Will! And also finding a portal to an alternate dimension! How cool was that?! It was a scary thought... a portal to an alternate dimension that held one of his best friend captive, but an amazing one too for anyone who loved science... but that's not what was important! What was important was following their compasses and finding Will... (but how cool was science? Teddy thought it was cool)

Of course, Teddy and Mike walked beside Eleven while Lucas and Dustin led the pack. (Specifically Dustin who kept his eyes on his compass... as did Teddy, but he also tried to pay attention to El as well... multitasking as he called it) Teddy noticed El was acting more standoffish than usual, constantly wiping her nose, but the boy didn't question it.... maybe she was just getting sick or had an itchy nose? The ginger tended to only think the best of people...

Teddy's mind raced with the possibilities of what was to come when they found the portal. Would they be able to get Will out immediately? How would they do that? Would they get in trouble?–that question scared Teddy the most... what else would they find in this portal?

"Teddy, Mike." El said, pulling at Teddy's jacket sleeve, snapping the boy away from his thoughts on the portal. Both boys turned their heads to look at her, humming out some sort of response like 'yes?'
"Turn back." She told them.


"Why?" Teddy asked, a concerned look growing on his face "is something wrong?"

El sputtered for a moment, trying to figure out what to tell the boys... she couldn't tell them the truth of why they needed to turn back, "... I'm tired." She answered.

Mike sighed, "Look, I'm sure we're almost there. Just hold on a little longer, okay?"

Teddy took hold of her hand and gave it a quick gentle squeeze, "We'll find the gate then find Will in the Upside Down. And you can nap with Boy Scout when we get back to Mike's. Maybe the nap will come before actually getting Will out.. but... It's still a good plan, yes?" He suggested with a tiny smile, hoping she'd return it. He loved to see her smile. But El didn't say anything or react at all to the ginger. She only sighed and kept her head down.

Teddy tilted his head toward the girl... was something wrong? Did he do something? He needed to engage her in this activity so she wasn't so pressed to turn around. He tapped her shoulder, causing her to slowly raise her head to look at him.
"Do you want to hold the compass and I'll explain how it works to you? I mean... it only says North right now, but it would be helpful if you knew as well."
El shook her head 'no' and put her head down. Teddy retracted, slightly surprised by her coldness. "Oh... um... okay then."

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