epilogue; snowball of '84

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epilogue; snowball of '84

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epilogue; snowball of '84


This was it.

December 15, 1984.

Tonight was the night.

The Big Night.

The night Teddy Chambers believed would be the best night of his life. It had to be.

It was the night of the Snow Ball.

The night where Teddy and El could finally dance! Though... now that he thought about it, he never officially asked El to dance with him. He got too scared. There was only that suggestion a year ago. That didn't imply any dancing together. He'd have to do that there then. Just a small dance. He didn't expect anything from her. She didn't have to be his date or to kiss him (but that would be a nice bonus...) Teddy just wanted a small moment with the girl he liked at the biggest night of the school year. That's all he wanted.

Would that be hard to ask for?

In honesty, Teddy didn't know. He didn't think it would be too hard, contrary to what his anxiety induced thoughts would tell him every-so-often anytime the idea of the Snow Ball popped into his head. Other kids did it all the time. It couldn't be that hard. He could be like other kids.

Nothing could rain on his parade, his confidence was higher than it had ever been before. Yes, tonight was going to be the best night of his entire life! Teddy Chambers just knew it. He could feel it.

"Holly Jolly Christmas" played throughout the Chambers' home, filling the home with even more holiday cheer. That time of year again meant the Chambers household was once again decorated top-to-bottom in Christmas decorations. It was bright. It was joyful. It smelt of gingerbread. It made Teddy feel all those good feelings.

A little voice hummed along to the music, tapping feet against the bathroom tile echoed throughout. There, Teddy danced around in the bathroom, preparing himself for the night ahead. He donned a green checkered shirt tucked neatly into black trousers with black suspenders hugging his torso as he held his black tie in his right hand. His father helped him pick out the outfit. Not the tie. The tie was a surprise.

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