four; put some pep in your step

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chapter four; put some pep in your step

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chapter four; put some pep in your step

Pep Rallies were weird. Very American—that's what Teddy believed and how Sully described them to the British boy. Despite being in America for two years, he never experienced a pep rally firsthand. Yet, he was in high school now... and high schools in America loved their pep rallies. Hawkins High was no exception. The SGA jumped at any opportunity to hold one, for big events like Homecoming, or small events like it simply being the fall season.

Now, don't get Teddy wrong, he didn't hate them. He just... preferred the planning process rather than attending them. Planning only required his time and attention after school. The room was quiet-ish and the only people in attendance were the board and its members... it was a comfortable atmosphere. During pep rallies, the whole school gathered in the packed space of the gym. People talked, clapped, cheered, screamed and the band always played the Hawkins High Fight song... or any other song they knew. The noise rang in Teddy's ears, echoing far too loud in his mind. The setting overwhelmed him.

This pep rally for the basketball team's achievement of making it to the state finals was no exception. As this wasn't Teddy's first rodeo with going to pep rallies, he knew how to keep himself relaxed. He already got an exemption to sit in the crowd and not stand on the sidelines with the rest of the board (no thanks to Sully's help). As he entered the already-loud gym, he kept his Walkman headphones on guard, ready to be pulled over his ears if the noise became too stimulating for him.

He recognized Dustin and Mike in the crowd (hard to miss with their Hellfire shirts), saving two spots for him and Max. Even though Max rarely hung around the whole group, they always tried to make her feel welcome. Teddy smiled, bidding Dustin a small wave, and moved with the flow of the crowd to his spot. However, just as he started to head up the bleachers, a voice shouted: "Hey, Teddy!" That was an unrecognizable voice to Teddy. Confused, the boy spun around trying to figure out who called him (which earned him some harsh stares from other students trying to find seats on the risers).

"Teddy Chambers!" The voice called again. It was closer this time... and that's when it hit Teddy. It was Chrissy Cunningham.

Chrissy Cunningham, head cheerleader and the dubbed "Queen of Hawkins High", was calling him. Teddy did a double-take, staring back at her with a confused look from his raised position. No way. She wasn't calling him... was she? In front of all these other people? He pointed at himself to ensure she referred to him and mouthed, "Me?" for clarification. Chrissy hid her laughter with one pom-pom and nodded her head, beckoning him down with her second pompom.

"I-oh!" Teddy didn't want to keep her waiting. He slipped around the flow of the crowd, nearly tripping over his own feet as others pushed against him. He stumbled out of the crowd with a bright blush on his cheeks and shuffled over to the part of the main gym floor where Chrissy waited patiently. "Hi, Chr-Hi Chrissy."

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