twelve; i don't want to die

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chapter twelve; i don't want to die

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chapter twelve; i don't want to die

Loud noises startled Teddy easily. That was a given fact on a normal day. But when that noise was a growl that belonged to a known monster, the anxiety within the poor boy started to spike up. The protection around the bus reassured him in the moment that they'd be okay and he had people by his side that would keep him safe.

The three left on the inside of the bus scrambled to the window to try to get a glimpse of Dart eating the raw meat. The junkyard appeared empty just how they left it before the sun went down. Now, some fog crept in, but besides that, there wasn't much to see.

"You see him?" Dustin asked the two around him. Teddy had good eye sight, but even he struggled to see anything possibly looming in the area. He squinted his eyes and even stood on his tiptoes to try to help see anything... yet, there was nothing in sight. The ginger shook his head while Steve responded with a simple 'no.'

Since no one on the ground floor could see anything, Dustin called out to his friends on the roof, "Lucas, what's going on?"

"Hold on!" Lucas shouted back.

The three wait on Lucas's response and continue watching out the window. Dart must've been out there. They heard him grow. Right? Teddy's anxious mind didn't make that up to stop talking about Eleven... right?

A low growl echoed across the junkyard. Nope. Definitely didn't make that up. But where was that monster?

"I've got eyes! Ten O'clock! Ten-ten o'clock!" Lucas yelled out, his voice cracking a little.

Ten o'clock... ten o'clock. Teddy's eyes darted around as he stared out the window. Where did ten o'clock even refer to? Eventually, Steve pointed his index finger against the glass in a specific direction before them, "there."

In the distance, a shadow of a four legged creature stood out in the fog. It didn't seem to be actively moving forward, just standing in place menacingly. "What's he doing?" Dustin questioned.

"I don't know."

"Possibly circling the prey." Teddy pipped up. It wan an obvious observation in the boy's mind... it took away from the fear eating away inside of him. "It's part of a technique called pursuit predation. It's when the predator chases—"


The ginger stopped his ramble and looked over to his curly haired friend. "Yes?"

"Not the time." Dustin shook his head with a sympathetic smile, "Interesting. But not the time."

Teddy shrunk back into his sweater. Right...right... he needed to stop that even if it made him feel less stressed in the moment. "Okay... sorry." He mumbled, his eyes returning to look back at the monster in the distance.

Here was the odd thing... it didn't move. It continued its prowl in place.

"He's not taking the bait. Why is he not taking the bait?" Steve questioned.

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