prologue; please be out there somewhere

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prologue; please be out there somewhere

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prologue; please be out there somewhere

They say "time waits for no one" and that "lost time is never found again." Teddy heard that constantly since the late of 1983. That he needed to move on and not linger on past events. Well... the fall of 1984 came upon the Chambers household faster than anyone could've thought. It had almost been a year since the events of the previous year... specifically the loss of Eleven. Almost a full year. Teddy himself could barely believe it. One would think time would be a useful tool to our dear Teddy for mending his hurting heart... last we saw him on Christmas, he appeared to be healing... slowly but surely... right? Well... not exactly. Not even a full year helped Teddy's broken heart. Sure, time slowly pieced it back together, but their was still a chunk missing that he couldn't seem to fill no matter what he did. Something kept him partially empty.

That hole was Eleven.

That strange and unusual girl made a mark on our little Teddy.

Everyday he thought about her. Everyday.

Teddy didn't understand why. His mind wished for her to be out there somewhere and he believed it... he believed it wholeheartedly. In his mind, it didn't make sense for her to disappear and since then has tried to see if she was alive: he tried calling out to her on his new supercomm (Thomas—Father Christmas—bought Teddy a supercomm for Christmas so Teddy could keep up and talk to his friends without constantly using the phone); he wrote notes for her to give her if she was alive; and about once a month, checked in the woods to see if she hid there... but the boy grew too scared to get far enough in for a real search.

Eleven still affected him now. Yes, he could function just fine throughout the day, and at school, and with his group of friends, but it was at nights was when it was hard... when he was left alone with his worried filled mind.

Teddy couldn't keep it to himself any longer. He expressed to his father his struggles of not being able to move on. The boy also added his distaste for therapy so... that was out. He explained to his father his worries about time and his continuous thoughts of the missing girl. Obviously, Thomas was no therapist, but he knew his son well. He always knew what to say to him. Thomas told Teddy a phrase he read from the novella The Little Prince: "It is the time you have wasted for your rose that makes your rose so important." That enlightened Teddy, so he took that phrase and ran with it. Eleven was his rose and she was so important to Teddy. He liked and cared for her so much, that he'd wait for her and hope that she was alive.

It was late into the night. Teddy wasn't a night owl but no means, but tonight was one of those hard nights. Nights full of anxious thoughts, overthinking, regrets and wishing things were different. He stood near his window, casually staring at the leaves falling from the tree as a distraction for his own mind. Perhaps the fall weather could distract him... but it was hard to hide from your own mind.

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