eighteen; fugitives

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chapter eighteen; fugitives

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chapter eighteen; fugitives

This was insane–that was Teddy's current thoughts which contributed to how his state of mind was... not good. The poor boy's heart raced and his mind flooded with anxious thoughts. He couldn't stop thinking about what just happened... how he could've just died... he should've died! They all should've just died!

He couldn't see that his breath was extremely erratic and water resurfaced in his eyes. This concerned his friends as the boy curled up into a ball on the floor just as everyone else sat down on the dusty floor.

"We're all gonna die" and other phrases along those lines were uttered by the ginger as his friends surrounded him, unsure of how to help. Teddy's hands laced in his hair, tugging at it to try to come to terms with what was happening as his breathing quickened to the point he was gasping for air through his sobs.

Mike, Dustin and Lucas rubbed on the boy's shoulders, telling him that everything was fine, they'd figure out what to do and there was nothing to worry about. El even dug through Teddy's backpack to retrieve Boy Scout, but instead of the stuffed bear being for her, she brought it out to help Teddy, wiggling it into his grasp and wrapping her arms around him to comfort him. They cared about him and wished to see him calm down. Teddy almost cried more at the rush of care from him friends–god he loved them so much.

The boys and El managed to calm down Teddy from the brink of his panic attack, but the boy was still shaken up with this. He dealt with the possibility of the Demogoron and the Upside Down, but running from these bad men was his toppling point that caused his bottled up emotions to finally release. He thought he could've handled it by himself since he never could've told his father about any of this–there was no way his father would believe him about any of this. Chambers Men were logical people and this... this definitely wasn't logical at all.

The group resettled in a circle, El staying close to Teddy to make sure he was okay, even still holding his hand the same way he did to her while she was scared. Teddy appreciated the gesture and held onto El's hand tight.

Lucas drew in the dirt before them, sketching a little square to represent what he'd seen while on his search for the gate, "This is Randolph Road, right here," He pointed his finger to the edge of the model, "the fence starts here and goes all the way around. And this–" the boy reached to the side to grab hold of an old can of soda, placing it in the middle of his drawn model, "is the lab right here. The gate's gotta be in there somewhere... it's gotta be."

"Well, who owns Hawkins Lab?" Dustin questioned.

Lucas answered, "The sign says Department of Energy."

Teddy gulped, speaking in his normal voice for the first time since calming down, "If this helps.. um... those vans chasing us said that too... Hawkins Power and Light which all fall under the Department of Energy." He added.

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