ten; catching a monster

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chapter ten; catching a monster

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chapter ten; catching a monster

""For a person to be diagnosed with PTSD, however, symptoms must last for more than a month and must cause significant distress or problems in the individual's daily functioning."" Teddy read aloud as he stared at the same book he started to read yesterday. He sat at the kitchen counters with his legs swinging back and forth. He reread the line multiple times. Did it apply to Will? Did it really effect him every day or only just recently? To that... Teddy didn't know the answer since he didn't like to probe into the lives of others, especially when it was this serious. He didn't like to talk about his past either... but that wasn't the point! He was trying to help Will.

Teddy studied since he got home from the arcade last night, defeated that Max didn't believe him and Lucas. It hurt him a bit that she thought it all to be a joke. It was real and hurt them all so much... and she just laughed. To be fair, it sounded ridiculous, but Teddy put his heart into that story for her to believe him. It crushed him when she joked about it all.

Thomas placed his hands on his son's shoulders, slightly startling the boy from his reading. The father muttered an apology to his son, forgetting in the moment that he didn't like to suddenly be jerked from thought. His eyes scanned down the page before saying, "Post traumatic stress disorder, huh? School project?"

Teddy didn't want to tell his father the truth about Will and the Upside Down. He told him enough last year. The boy simply shrugged, "I suppose so."

"I saw your homework from Mr. Clarke the other day and only assumed."

Teddy nodded his head and returned back to the book. The quiet nature of his son was normal, Thomas already knew that, especially when he got into his research... but... there was something off which the father could simply sense. He shifted to stand besides his son and rest his head against his hand as he leaned on the counter, "Any plans for today?" Thomas asked.

To be honest, Teddy hadn't a clue. Sure, he was with Lucas yesterday but they didn't talk about today. He hadn't talked to Dustin at all this weekend. He hadn't talked to Mike since school and Friday nor Will since the day before that. They were probably busy. He could figure out his plans. He licked his finger and he flipped the page of his book, "Oh, you know, might go hang out with Dustin or Lucas... maybe finish this book."

"No Sunday afternoon with your old man?" Thomas smiled his signature goofy dorky smile. He meant this more in a joking manner... but to Teddy, it was more serious.

Teddy forgot. It was Sunday. The ginger boy started to close his book with a worried expression quickly spreading across his face, "I—" He sputtered, ready to drop everything.

Thomas pressed a kiss to Teddy's temple and placed his hand inside the book to keep his son from losing his page, "kidding. I have work to do anyways. We can make up for it next weekend." Teddy sighed in relief. He didn't want to upset his father by forgetting about their time together... but they both seemed preoccupied with their activities. Well, at least they could stop and have lunch together.

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