sixteen; my hero

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chapter sixteen; my hero

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chapter sixteen; my hero

Teddy stayed silent in his own world as himself, Mike and Dustin got back on their bikes to continue the search for El. He could hear Dustin and Mike converse about something all the lines of what was happening and Mike's best friend? Teddy didn't really know, his mind was too cluttered to care. Their plan was already going to shit:

Lucas refused to go with them.

Teddy understood the boy was still upset, but the fact that neither Mike nor Lucas could come to an agreement is what made Teddy slightly upset. Act civil and move on. That's all the was needed, but both still decided to act like children, too prideful to admit they were wrong.

But that wasn't even the worst part.

As the boys biked through town, they still couldn't find a clue on where Eleven decided to hide. Not a single clue. Teddy's heart sunk with each passing minute with dreadful thoughts of never finding her. Those same thoughts were stuck in his brain all morning and the only way he'd calm down is if they found El...

Teddy snapped away from his thoughts when both Dustin and Mike slowed their bikes down as some commotion was happening up ahead. The boys came to a halt before the supermarket. A large crowd gathered round the main entrance door while two police officers stood talking to them. Glass shards littered the floor, clear the front door broke due to some force.

What could've done something like that?
Teddy's mind immediately thought of El. It was a reasonable explanation. The police and how extreme the shattering was of the door. Nothing normal would've caused such a disturbance.

"Woah..." Mike gasped.

"You don't think..." Dustin trailed off.

Teddy nodded his head, confirming all the boys' thoughts, "Yes... she must've come by here. What else would've done that?"

"A stray shopping cart?" Dustin suggested.

Mike rolled his eyes, "Yeah, a stray shopping cart broke through the doors and that's why the police are here." He sarcastically quipped.

"Just saying, you never know!" Dustin chimed.

"Let's go, she can't be far." Teddy told the boys.

All three boys pushed off on their bikes, down in the direction of the grocery store unaware that they were being watched...

Dustin, Mike and Teddy found themselves searching through the forest, walking with their bikes beside them. The boys shouted a chorus of "Elevens" with Teddy sprinkling in his yells of "El" in hopes she'd answer or come out to find them.

Currently, the boys had no luck, getting no response whatsoever. But turning around wasn't an option. Teddy wasn't going to give up. Not now or ever. El was so important to him that he'd scour the ends of the earth to find her. That's how much Teddy cared about her. His heart ached to no ends last night and that morning when she wasn't at Mike's.. he'd do anything to find her and make sure she was okay.

Teddy Bear (STRANGER THINGS)Where stories live. Discover now