ten; it's back

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chapter ten; it's back

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chapter ten; it's back

This was a code red situation: the Mind Flayer returned. The monster they believed El banished back to the Upside Down... was back in Hawkins. 'God,' Teddy thought, 'couldn't they get a break?' No. The Mind Flayer had no care if it was summer break for these children, it thirsted for revenge. No vacation for them.

Teddy's perfect ideal summer was destroyed in a matter of seconds, but at least he could check off saving the world again to his summer bucket list he jokingly made with Dustin.

There was no time for any actions to be taken that night. They'd need help from the girls, and there was no way they'd answer. Far too late. So, the boys decided to go home to try to get some sleep in. As fearful of what was to come, it was the best course of action.

Teddy hesitated returning home. He knew what was there. Not worse than the Mind Flayer, but it was still horrible. And at the same time, he didn't want to bother any of his other friends... so, he sucked it up and crossed his fingers for the best possible outcome: his father was home. When he did go back, his mother was no where to be seen and his father rested on the couch. The ginger thanked whatever mystic power existed for listening to him.

Another thing Teddy did find was all of Eleanor's luggage (that reeked of cat piss again no thanks to Dewy) by the front door with a simple, and elegantly written, message from Thomas:


There was more but that was the biggest text at the top and what Teddy took away from it. A wave of relief crashed over him, she would finally be gone. He knew better from the other day, fearing her angry storming back in the house to pick a fight... but, that never happened. No, Teddy and Thomas slept peacefully all night long.

The next morning, Teddy found it all to be gone with no protest. Odd... especially since it was his mother. He knew her. Eleanor Wright always loved to put up a fight and a ridiculous show... but, this time, she didn't. She left... when asked. Teddy didn't even ask his father why—he actually couldn't because the man wasn't even home when he awoke, claiming in another note that Joyce needed his help with Hopper... for something. Teddy didn't know, some adult business he figured. What he did know was Eleanor was gone and the Mind Flayer was up to no good.

Teddy tried to dump all remaining thoughts of his mother out of his mind, but the physical reminders stayed on his body. He reminded himself to focus on the matter at hand... 'she was gone, she was gone, she had to be...' he soothed himself. He'd need to be calm to even help address the Mind Flayer problem.

Teddy, Lucas, Will and Mike gathered back in Mike's basement the earliest they could. Will and Teddy didn't talk about their conversation for last night, even when Mike tried to ask what it was about. The ginger wouldn't tell. That would be for another time, and even so, it was far from Teddy's place. The boys sat on the couch around Lucas, who had been trying to call his girlfriend on his supercomm. They needed the girls, they needed Max and El if the Mind Flayer truly was back. "Do you copy? This is a code red." He paused, waiting for a response. The other line's static hissed. Max didn't copy. It was still early, maybe she was sleeping and they couldn't reach her. With no answer, he continued his spew of pleas, "I repeat this is a code red. Max, do you copy? This is a code red!"

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