three; boo!

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chapter three; boo!

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chapter three; boo!

"Boo!" Teddy jumped out from behind the wall in the kitchen as his father entered early Halloween morning to make himself a cup of coffee. The ginger bore a white sheet over his head... just a sheet, no holes in it yet. It was a ghost costume... well, it was going to be a ghost costume. He usually wasn't behind on his Halloween costume, which is why he was awake early to get it complete before school. He didn't know why this year he was so behind... (perhaps he was dreading the basicness behind the costume or maybe other things preoccupied his mind)

Thomas over dramatically gasped, pretending to be scared to amuse his son. Though Teddy knew his father wasn't actually frightened, it still made the boy laugh. He was glad his father would play along with him occasionally. Teddy's giggles softened as he swung the sheet off his head, holding it in his hands, "The costume isn't quite done yet. I'm gonna cut holes where the eyes are... maybe to be original I'll cut it like Charlie Brown..."

"Not a bad idea." As Thomas took a cup down from the cupboard, it hit him that his son was wearing a sheet, but the man couldn't remember buying an extra sheet, "Wait. Where did you get the sheet?"

A blush grew on Teddy's face upon realizing he didn't ask his father to use the white sheet for his costume. "...the closet..." He mumbled

Before Teddy could even sputter out an apology, Thomas assured his son that no one was even using the sheet. It was fine for the costume. That was enough for Teddy. As Teddy scrambled through the drawers, looking for scissors, Thomas peered over his son's shoulder, "Do you need help?"

Teddy shook his head as he found what he was looking for, "No thanks. I think I've got it."

Silence fell upon the Chambers men in the kitchen, only the sounds of Dewy's claws scraping the ground as he entered the room, the cutting of scissors and the pouring of coffee could be heard. They didn't mind the quietness. It was early and each needed to do their own task.

Dewy soon joined Teddy. The fat cat jumped up on the counter, sitting right on the sheet Teddy was working on. Teddy sighed and tried pushing his cat off, but Dewy didn't budge. It frustrated the boy who resorted to resting his head against the counter to try to calm down. Thomas finished filling his mug and turned around to see his son looking distraught and the cat ignoring everyone's presence. Thomas was about to ask if something was wrong, but Teddy already picked up his head. The boy had something on his mind bothering him, "Dad... is it bad I feel weird? Like... like.. I just... I feel like I drew the short straw..."

Thomas didn't quite understand what his son meant. "Short straw for what?"

Teddy lifted the edge of the sheet he was working on slightly up in the air for emphasis, "This."

Thomas slowly sipped from his mug, "Dear, what are you complaining about? Halloween is one of your favorite holidays! There's nothing to complain about when you get free candy."

Teddy Bear (STRANGER THINGS)Where stories live. Discover now