five; operation find will

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chapter five; operation find will

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chapter five; operation find will

Teddy's heart rate skyrocketed through the roof the minute he was ushered into the principal's office with the police right behind him.

Who wouldn't be extremely nervous when the police come to the school? Especially when they ask specifically for you...

The four boys were lead into the principal's office and asked to take a seat for questioning... questioning about Will Byers.
Teddy's initial reaction was to panic:

What happened to Will?
Are they in trouble?

The ginger's foot bounced rapidly up and down as those thoughts raced through his mind. He didn't do anything wrong! He just saw his friend bike away last night! That's it!

"We aren't getting arrested... right?!" Teddy blurted causing everyone in the room to pause and look at him. "We didn't do anything!"

Chief Hopper sighed, rubbing his hand along his face, "no. You're not getting arrest... and I know you didn't do anything... just–"

"We just need to know somethings about your friend William Byers." The other police officer said.

Teddy's face flushed to a bright red color as he sunk into the couch, trying to hide himself in his jacket, "Oh.. okay.. um.. sorry.." he mumbled, bringing his finger to his lip.

Dustin patted Teddy's shoulder with a soft smile, a sign that everything was okay. Teddy tried to return the smile, but it wasn't very genuine. He was scared... so scared... and he didn't know why. These were men who could help them find their friend, but Teddy was just so intimidated by them, he couldn't see that they were just trying to help and do their job.

"So.. what can you tell us about what your friend could've been doing last night?" Hopper questioned the boys.

Mike, Lucas and Dustin immediately spring into action and told the chief exactly what normally happened... except all three boys spoke at the same time, overlapping each other, causing the officers not to understand what was being said.

"Okay, Okay, okay... one at a time! All right? You." He pointed his finger at Mike, "you said he takes what?"

"Mirkwood." Mike replied simply.

The Chief of Police raised his eyebrow at the boy, confused, "Mirkwood?"

Mike nodded his head, "Yeah."

"Have you ever heard of Mirkwood?" The Chief asked his partner.

"I have not. That sounds made up to me."

"no, it's from Lord of the Rings." Lucas clarified.

"Well, the Hobbit." Dustin corrected his friend with a smile.

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