eight; teddy bears

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eight; teddy bears

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eight; teddy bears

Teddy started the next morning bright and early... not a usual sight from the boy. He just couldn't sleep knowing that today they'd go out on a search for their friend. That would keep anyone awake.

The boy walked out of his bedroom and into the kitchen as if it wasn't an earlier time. The sound of his father's voice caught him off guard.

"Oh! Someone's up extremely early." Thomas commented, casually sipping on his mug of coffee. The man was dressed for work–well half-dressed... his tie hung loose around his neck, buttons not completely closed with no shoes on... how any man would look before going to work. He wasn't in much of a hurry as he didn't have to leave for work for at least 15 minutes.
In honesty, Teddy forgot how early it must've been to run into his father.

"yeah, the other boys are going over to Mike's early this morning, so I just thought I'd get a jump start on today..." he answered, pulling out the milk and cereal to make himself some breakfast. He slowly returned to the breakfast bar and sat down before his father.

Thomas raised his eyebrow up slightly, leaning against the counter, "alright... you staying at school late again?"

"Probably..." he nodded, placing the bowl on the counter and filling it up with the cereal (because cereal always goes before the milk) "you know... AV is really important!"

Thomas sighed softly. The man knew something was off. He could tell. He knew his son. "Teddy..."

"Hmm?" He hummed, taking a bite of his breakfast to avoid any other question that followed. The boy noticed his father studying him, a sign that the man knew something.

"You aren't... hiding something from me?" Thomas curiously questioned.

Teddy nearly choked on his food. How would his father know? He never said anything to him... as much as he wanted to. The boy's face flushed, growing more and more nervous, "Of course not! Why-why would you think that?" He nervously rubbed the back of his neck.

"I know you wouldn't purposely not tell me something... but.. I just think it's a little odd that you're constantly out late during such a time when a child goes missing and he just happens to be your friend... why is that?" His head tilted to the side as he looked to his son for an answer.

His dad went investigation mode on him.
Oh no.
Teddy didn't like when his father went on investigation mode... he seemed to just get everything out of Teddy without really trying...

"Coincidence?" His innocently smiled, slowly shrinking into his seat.

"Dear, you're not good at hiding things..." Thomas told him. Teddy bit his lip and rested his head against the counter for a minute, knowing that he wasn't done with being questioned.
"what's going on? Truthfully."

"I-I..." Teddy freaked out. He knew he can't tell the truth about what he's doing... especially not about El. He needed something quick... and believable... he wouldn't lie... he'd just... leave some truth out, "I'm stressed and scared... about everything... and-and my friends are helping me through my feelings. Like.. At was a Mike's yesterday..."

Teddy Bear (STRANGER THINGS)Where stories live. Discover now