six; the strange and unusual girl

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chapter six; the strange and unusual girl

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chapter six; the strange and unusual girl

The four boys zoomed down the street toward Mirkwood in hopes to start their search for their friend. The moon should've been shining down on them, but the dark storm clouds slowly moved across the sky, keeping the light from reaching. Darkness was upon them and they needed to get searching.

Teddy held onto Dustin's shoulders, keeping himself balanced as the curly hair boy peddled down the road. Teddy tried to stay far enough back and keep his hands loose as he didn't want his friend to feel uncomfortable...
Dustin assured Teddy multiple times that he was okay with the boy in the back of the bike... he would tell him otherwise if he wasn't.
(It was simple reasons like this Teddy loved his friends)

The three bikes stopped before a large blockade on the side of the road leading into the forest. Teddy slipped off the back of Dustin's bike as Mike and Lucas parked their bikes. By the looks of it... this wasn't safe... or a good idea. The woods were dark... extremely dark and scary

"Ah man, this is it." Lucas said, glancing down into the forest.

A crack of lightning roared, causing Teddy to jump. His limps trembled as his foot tapping began at a quick pace. The boy wasn't a huge fan for thunder storms... especially when he was outside.

"Hey guys, you feel that.." Dustin reacted his hand out into the air, but the raindrops hit him right in the face.
Teddy mimicked his motion, bringing his hand out, letting the rain hit it. His breath hitched as he slowly turned his head to the sky. He didn't want to be out in that dark... scary... forest in the rain.
He didn't like this idea... he still thought it was crazy... but... maybe... they'd find Will in there.
"I think maybe we should go back." Dustin suggested.

"No. We're not going back... just stay close." Mike told the group, walking down into the forest, "c'mon. Just stay on channel six. Don't do anything stupid."
Lucas nodded and followed behind Mike, leaving the ginger and curly haired boy behind.

Teddy and Dustin shared a concerned look. Neither wanted to go through with this now with the impending storm... but both wanted their friend to be safe.

Teddy sighed and cleared his throat before speaking to Dustin, "I mean...If I was Will... I'd want to be found.. like-like...this is a stupid decision because we were told not to and we're practically breaking the law now! So.. like... I-I... I guess I'll be a criminal if it means we can find Will..." he flashed a nervous smile, still trying to convince himself he was okay... he then jogged to catch up with Mike and Lucas, leaving Dustin at the road still.

"Hey guys wait up!" Dustin yelled, throwing his bike on the floor, "wait up!"

"I wasn't going to leave you..." Teddy said, stopping in his place to wait for the curly haired boy to catch up.

Dustin sprinted down the incline toward Teddy at full speed. Upon reaching Teddy, Dustin bent down to catch his breath, "thanks." He panted, breathing in-and-out slowly.

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