four; trick-or-treat!

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chapter four; trick-or-treat!

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chapter four; trick-or-treat!

Thomas dropped Teddy off in the Maple Street cul-de-sac at 6:45 on the dot. Teddy claimed they needed to be there early, as always, Teddy didn't like the thought of being late. It stressed him out. Of course, Thomas obliged. (Also, Teddy wanted his father to drive him after almost getting struck by a speeding car on his way home... but that wasn't important)

What was important was getting as much candy as possible.

Thomas stopped the car right at the end of the street where Mike's house was. Lucas, Dustin and Mike sat on the grass in his front yard, waiting for their other friends. Teddy waved from his seat in the car to his friends. He couldn't wait to start trick-or-treating, but he knew they needed to wait till 7 for Will (and possibly Max if she took them up on their offer) He reached down where his feet were to grab his pillow case for his candy and his costume to swing over his head.

Thomas turned to face his son, "Come home as soon as you're done. If you need me to pick you up from Mike's, I will."

Teddy nodded his head and opened the car door, "All right." The boy just wanted to get out there and get some candy. Candy would distract him from whatever problems lied within his mind.

"Make sure you save me Snickers!" The older called out with that goofy grin.

Teddy giggled, reciprocating that same smile. (Thomas and Teddy had identical smiles, both infectious to each other) He swung his costume over his head, "of course." With that, he closed the car door and ran up to his friends.

Lucas, Mike and Dustin jumped to their feet and pointed their proton blasters at Teddy upon his arrival at the porch. Teddy threw his hands up in the air.

"You can't haunt this house ghost!"

The boys burst into fits of laughter and giggles. The ginger was glad the friends quickly got over the little argument about costumes that morning. Now they could completely enjoy their evening and feast on all sorts of candy while they were at it.

Not long after Teddy's arrival, Jonathan's car pulled up to the house. The car honked at them with Mike and Lucas pointed their blasters toward it.

"Hey! Will!"

The boys made their way into the street, waiting for Will to leave the car. The other boys started to play fight, Lucas whipping his pillow case at Mike and Dustin egging him on. As much as Teddy wanted to watch, instead, he ran up to the car to be the first to say hi to Will's face. The two talked about Halloween during History for the past week and neither could wait. Teddy lifted the sheet off his face, something he realized he'd have to do all night... and smile toward Will. Hiis gaze fell the the thing in the other boy's hand.
"Woah! Ace camera!" Teddy exclaimed.

Will grinned, "It's Bob's." He told him. Teddy furrowed his brows at the name. It sounded familiar, but he couldn't put the name to a face, "my mom's boyfriend."

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