three; my ellie, my teddy bear

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chapter two; my ellie, my teddy bear

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chapter two; my ellie, my teddy bear

A letter addressed to Teddy always brightened his day—actually, regardless of the time, a letter always improved his mood. He loved receiving letters. Why? Well, they were almost always love letters from El. Letters describing her day, her week, her life in California as if he was there with her. Teddy loved and cherished each letter he got like a prized jewel, each letter more precious than the last, each letter better than before but each held a special place in his heart. Every letter from El made Teddy Chambers the happiest boy in the whole world.

Every day, without fail, the first thing he did upon arriving home from school was check the mailbox. He searched for a little envelope with ♡♡♡Teddy Chambers♡♡♡ written across the front (initially, Joyce added his address below his name so the mail could arrive at his home. Soon enough, El learned it and she started to write it herself). That's how he knew it was from El. He knew her handwriting... and well... it was very obvious when something from her arrived in the mail. She loved to use sparkles, stickers, hearts, and even colored envelopes, so it always stood out.

When he would find the letter, he'd instantly become giddy and smiley. He'd squeal and jump for joy, holding the letter against his heart as if he were holding his girl. Sure, the nosy neighbors gave him an odd stare, but Teddy didn't care (not anymore). From there, he'd quickly grab the rest of the mail, rush inside the house, throw the magazines and bills from the stack onto the kitchen counter for his father to look at later, and sprint into his room to read the letter privately. It was practically routine. He'd spend a good hour reading the letter over and over again to himself.

El put so much of herself into the drawings. Aside from the decorations on the outside, she drew throughout the letter and signed off with a million hearts. Teddy loved it. He loved the drawings. He loved the hearts. He loved her imperfect grammar and her attempts to better her writing ("just for him!" she'd claim. She wanted to learn her writing with him but since she couldn't do that, she started to teach herself). He loved to imagine El reading it out to him, he could practically hear her voice in his head as he read each sentence. He loved everything about them, and since their phone calls were not as frequent as he would have liked, the letters were perfect.

One downside to the back-and-forth letter arrangement was the timing. They didn't call letters "snail mail" for no reason. It took days for their conversations to be shipped and carried across the country. That was the part Teddy hated. He didn't like waiting. He wished he could tell El how each day went on that exact day and time, mere moments after anything happened... but he couldn't do that. He needed to write it all down and be patient, which he could do, but he still didn't like it. So, while waiting for new letters, he reread El's previous letters to fill the void in his heart from missing his beloved girlfriend.

Despite it being within the early hours of the Friday before Spring Break, Teddy couldn't sleep any longer as he was far too eager to see El the next day. So, he sat up at his desk and reread her latest letter, the one he received the other night. Just like the other letters, they always started the same: my Teddy Bear.

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