one; first day jitters

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chapter one; first day jitters

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chapter one; first day jitters

Teddy thought he adjusted quite well to living in Hawkins. By 'adjusted well' that meant, he went out on his bike for a quick ride or stayed inside practicing an instrument or watching tv. No meeting new people—no talking to others.
So, technically, he didn't adjust that well but he was getting there.
You can't blame a boy for trying.

Truthfully, he started to like the town. It wasn't as bad as the thoughts plagued him with.
Yet, there was still one thing he dreaded:

The first day of school.

The first day of school was the main thing Teddy was now afraid of. Other children might make fun of him or something. Maybe they'd hate his accent! They'd find something about him to mock.
Teddy hadn't met anyone new. He only had been there for a week and he didn't exact go out of his way to make new friends. But this would be a fresh start and Teddy hoped things would go well.

The morning school started, Teddy awoke with the feeling of dread. He glanced at his calendar across the room and in big bold letters on the date was:


He sighed softly and rubbed his eyes. He'd better get up to start the day so it wouldn't be so bad right out the gate.
(Teddy didn't want today to go terrible—he was just afraid it would.)

Teddy rolled out of bed and sluggishly walked to his door. But something was already off...
He could smell something. The smell of breakfast cooking to be specific.
That's odd. Thomas always left for work early. Teddy rubbed his eyes again and stumbled out of his room toward the smell.

"Good morning dear." The voice of his father snapped Teddy slightly more awake.

There was his father—standing in front of the stove making sausages and pancakes with a kettle of tea piping next to the food.

"what are you still doing here?"

Thomas rubbed the back of his neck with his free hand, "I thought I'd make you breakfast before school. Since you've been so nervous, I was going to be here this morning. I already called in for the day."

"You didn't have to. Really, you didn't.. you just started your new job—"

"Teddy, I wanted to stay home." He affirmed to his son, positive he was going to be here for him.

A small smile appeared on the boy's face. At least he wasn't alone this morning. "Thank you."
Teddy shuffled to a seat at the table and watched his father finish cooking breakfast.

"So are you ready for a brand new school?" His father asked, trying to get the boy talking.


"I appreciate your honesty, but why not?"

Teddy sighed, banging his head against the dining table. "Because." His voice muffled against the table.

Teddy Bear (STRANGER THINGS)Where stories live. Discover now