nine; the truth isn't some fairytale!

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chapter nine; the truth isn't some fairytale!

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chapter nine; the truth isn't some fairytale!

Teddy overthought. That was a given and every single person who ever interacted with him already knew that. He already knew that. But what happened yesterday bothered him... he just couldn't shake it. Max practically hated him and Will was having issues with the Upside Down again—great.

He wanted to call Max up and apologize... but he realized he never got her home phone number. He also wanted to call up Will and make sure everything was okay... but the line was busy. Even better.

To distract himself from growing more anxious about the situations, that Saturday Teddy kept himself away in his room, doing exactly what Mike told him to do and one of the things he liked to do most during his free time—read. Rather, reading to learn facts. After school, he went to the library and meticulously picked out books about anything he thought to be helpful: one about pollywogs (as it was the only book about the reptile left) and books about PTSD and its triggers.

Now Teddy sat on his bed with books sprawled out around him. In his hands was the book of pollywogs while multiple books about the mental illness pilled on the corner and his Dungeons and Dragons manual rested against Boy Scout the bear. The information in the book wasn't anything new to him so he slowly closed the book. "What do you think Boy Scout? Look at the manual or start the PTSD book?" Of course the bear didn't reply. His chocolate eyes of the bear stared back at the boy. Teddy just liked talking aloud to Boy Scout as if someone else (Eleven) was listening to him. It brought him comfort. He smiled softly, "PTSD it is then."

Before Teddy could even started reading again, a voice called out to him. "Teddy? Teddy? Do you copy?" It was Lucas calling on the supercomm. What was so urgent? Did he have an update on Will? No matter, Teddy wasn't going to leave him hanging.

He placed the book down on his lap and reached over to his side table where his supercomm was and held it in his hands, "yes, hello, I copy."

"Why'd you answer like that?"

Teddy furrowed his brows and pressed the button to talk, "Like what? With yes, then hello? I was answering your question to if I copied and then I was being polite by greeting–"

"Just... listen." Lucas said. Teddy could listen. He sat upright on the bed and held the supercomm close to his ear, "I think we screwed up with Max."


"Like... as a group of friends."

"Oh," Teddy paused. Yeah... they were definitely bad friends to Max. The guilt bothered him still. He nodded to himself, "definitely. We should've included her. I feel so bad."

"That's what we need to do now."

"Do what? Include her?"

"Exactly. She'll more than likely being going to the arcade today and we need to tell her everything. And I mean everything."

Teddy Bear (STRANGER THINGS)Where stories live. Discover now