eight; the dilemma

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chapter eight; the dilemma

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chapter eight; the dilemma

There was now a dilemma in Teddy's mind. Dart was gone and Will's issues were getting worse. All things that were now completely out of his control. He didn't like that. It kept him awake for some time that night, and the thoughts of Eleven on top of that. As sweet as the thoughts of the girl were, his anxious thoughts overrode them. For part of the night, he paced around his room with Boy Scout close to his chest.

Where did Dart go? What if he escaped the school area? What if he snuck into town and caused chaos?! Does any of this really have anything to do with the Upside Down? ...was Eleven alive?

It wasn't very fun for Teddy to think about, but he couldn't help it and continued to worry. He wanted to calm down and come up with a new plan. Yet, the boy thought he'd need a little help. And who did Teddy go to when he sought help?

The next morning, Teddy set his alarm to an early hour to catch his father before he left for work. Like clockwork, the boy's body awoke minutes before the alarm blared (regardless of when it was set, it was like his body knew to awake moments before it went off. It's just how he was.) He turned the alarm off after the first ring while rubbing his eyes. He didn't bother getting ready yet as it was way too early to do so. Instead, he went out to find his father.

"Hey dad?"

Thomas sat on the couch with a cup of coffee on the table and the morning paper in his hand. It was his only alone time he ever got... not that he didn't mind the time he had with his son or work, but sometimes people liked to wind down alone or just enjoy the morning. He looked up from the paper, only his fluffy perm and his eyes showing to Teddy. He lowered the paper completely to rest in his lap as he flashed a soft smile to his son, "Awake again early, aren't we?"

"Do I need a reason to spend the morning with you?" Teddy asked, shuffling over to the couch and rubbing his eyes.

"Of course not dear." Thomas put his newspaper to the side and opened his arms for his son, knowing the boy would more than likely want an embrace. Thomas knew his son all too well. Teddy joined his father on the couch in his arms and rested his head in the crook of his father's neck. He wasn't completely awake from his slumber just yet... and to be honest, just like when his father would hold him. It was comforting from the anxious thoughts that kept him awake the previous night. Teddy always knew he was safe in his father's arms. Thomas pressed a soft kiss to the top of his son's head and offered, "Breakfast?"

"I'll grab some fruit when I leave for school." Teddy assured him and continued to relax in his father's grasp. Thomas sighed contently and returned to reading his paper. The silence was comforting, just the two Chambers men enjoying each others company and waking up.

Teddy slowly unhooked himself from his father's arm and sat back on his legs, still on the couch. Now that his brain was awake, he could ask some advice... though, he needed to be unsuspecting with it. He couldn't outright mention monsters to his father. Sure, Teddy spilled his guts to his father last year, but he didn't want to scare the man again by saying they released some monster into Hawkins. No, instead he opted for a situation that could be applicable: "What would you do if your pet escaped?"

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