twenty-three; trapped

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chapter twenty-three; trapped

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chapter twenty-three; trapped

Teddy held El close, keeping her steady as they walked out to Nancy's car. His hand wrapped around her waist while her arm drooped over his shoulder. She limped with each step forward, but not having to put her full weight down helped alleviate the lingering sharp pains. It comforted her to be in Teddy's hold, seemingly distracting her mind to focus on something good. El believed it was being in proximity to Teddy that calmed her... or maybe it was his voice. He tried his best to distract her by rambling. He did his best... at first, he didn't even realize he was doing it (until Max pointed it out to him). He noticed a tiny smile on El's face... and he wanted to keep seeing it.

Now, Teddy wasn't alone in his assistance. Mike stepped up too, his arm over her shoulder to evenly distribute the weight so it wasn't all on Teddy. He didn't even ask to help, just took upon himself to help his friends, and Teddy appreciated it, thanking Mike for his effort. Fixing friendship... no more jealousy between the two (hopefully). Max also contributed, standing on Teddy's free side in case he needed help (he still wasn't the strongest in the world.)

They finally reached the outside of the mall, and Nancy's car parked right in front (no need for parking spaces when no one else was there). Teddy still hadn't stopped talking, perhaps to the other's dismay... minus El. She loved it. He rambled on and on, "—and that is how teddy bears got their name. I told you I'd tell you the story one day. Today was that day. Now, I'm named after my great-grandfather, not the bear... or the American president... wouldn't that be weird? A Brit, an Englishman, named after a U.S. president. I dunno I think that would've been odd. Do you?"

Eleven laughed softly and nodded her head, but her slight giggles quickly turned to a grunt in pain. She whimpered, leaning closer to Teddy as the pain resurged inside. Well... a distraction could only go so far.

"El, you're bleeding," Max noted the small line dripping from her nose.

How did that happen? She hadn't used her powers recently. Concerned, Teddy whispered, "Are you all right? What happened?"

El gulped, slowly nodding her head again. "I'm okay."

Max broke away from the three, opening the trunk of the car so Teddy and Mike could help her in. Teddy guided El through their actions so she wasn't in the dark or suddenly surprised. He hopped in first to help El relax back. Mike and Max rested her against Teddy, much to her whimpers with each movement. But, she got in safely and was as comfortable as she could be with her hurt leg stretched out. Teddy pressed a sweet kiss to her temple and wrapped his arms around her again. "It's okay. We'll get going soon," he gently reassured her. El smiled up at him, burying her head into his shoulder.

It was then Teddy saw who joined them in the back of the car. Max rushed forward to get an actual seat next to Will and Lucas... leaving Mike to be stuck in the back with El and Teddy. (No shame to her, Teddy would also want a real seat and not the trunk.) Three in a trunk was crowded and it was... a little awkward. That was to say the least. Mike fiddled with his fingers and kept his head down, staring at his lap. Teddy avoided eye contact too, resting his chin against El's head.

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