eleven; mouth breathers get what they deserve

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eleven; mouth breathers get what they deserve

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eleven; mouth breathers get what they deserve

Teddy loved riding his bike into town. It was probably the greatest part of having a bike. The cold November wind blowing through your hair, flushing your face. It was a freeing feeling... but now Teddy had another reason he loved riding bicycles.

The best part now? He got to see El's face light up in bliss and curiosity at the surroundings she'd never seen before. Sure, El wasn't on the back of his bike, she was on Mike's (like always.. but Teddy wasn't complaining... yes he was, but not aloud) but Teddy could see her face from a mile away. He was elated to see her so happy and feeling free just like he always did on his bike.

Teddy sighed dreamily, nearly loosing control of his bike because he couldn't stop stealing glances at the girl–he needed to get a grip on himself... she was just a girl... but a girl he liked... that was no excuse to stare at her... but she was so pretty... no! Teddy nearly slammed his head into his bike handles so he would stop thinking... fine, maybe he did like her... a lot, but right now, they needed to get her into their school so they could find Will.

The boys parked their bikes on the rack at school and began their quick pace into the building. They needed to 'sneak in' and get into the AV room without being noticed... shouldn't be hard enough.

With a push on the main door, the boys filed into the hall, walking side by side. Obviously, the main plan of trying to sneak in was out the window... but they just needed to get to the AV room without anyone questioning them.
"Okay, remember, if anyone sees us, look sad." Mike directed.

El turned toward the other boys with a confused look spread across her face. Teddy, Dustin, and Lucas demonstrated to her what Mike was referring to as "looking sad". Frowns and eye rubbing were what the three showed her. Teddy pouted his lip for extra effect of sadness. El copied them, doing exactly that pouted lip and rubbing her eyes...

Teddy's heart swelled.
'She's.. so.. cute.' He thought, finding her absolutely adorable... she always was cute to him... no! No... no he didn't... maybe he did...
He blushed even at his thoughts, scolding himself for thinking that... He just told himself to stop... it wasn't a bad thought, just wasn't the time to think a girl was cute...

"Attention students, there will be an assembly to honor Will Byers in the gymnasium now. Do not go to fourth period." A voice, who Teddy then quickly realized was Mr. Coleman, announced.

The boys and El quickened their pace, trying to avoid the incoming crowd of other children flooding into the auditorium.
Mike, still leading the way, was the first in front of the AV room door. He gripped the lock, trying to turn its handle, only to it to not budge.
"It's locked." He told the group.

"What?" Lucas grabbed the lock to try it himself.

"Hey, do you think you can open it?" Dustin eagerly asked Eleven, "With your powers?"

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