one; birthday surprise

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chapter one; birthday surprise

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chapter one; birthday surprise

Birthdays, for many children, are the best day of the year. Presents, cake, friends singing "Happy Birthday", it was a joyful day that was full of smiles, a celebration of life. And unfortunately for Teddy, for much of his young childhood, he couldn't believe that statement. It wasn't true, not for him nor his family. His belief stood for one reason, and one reason only—his mother.

When he was young, he didn't have parties. His mother wouldn't let him. Birthdays were days of belittlement and shouting matches between his parents. Thomas secretly bought a tiny cupcake and a candle, bringing it to his son's room at night for them after his wife passed out to softly celebrate. Birthdays weren't happy, not in the Chambers household. It stayed like this for years until Thomas scrounged up enough courage and money to escape his wife... and following was the divorce.

For Teddy's eleventh birthday, something changed. Birthdays turned into something new. Something enjoyable. Something full of love. Thomas did everything to make Teddy's birthdays the best day of the year, trying to overcompensate for years prior. Decorations, a large cake, whatever presents he wanted. He tried to get some other children over from school but Teddy typically was not a party person... and, to be fair, back in London, he didn't really have friends... so the day still consisted of him and his father.

Teddy loved his birthday now. It was a summer birthday after all, meaning he could do what his heart desired. This year, he wanted to be with all his friends. He was the youngest of the party, with his birthday being in late June of 1971, in comparison to his friends who all had spring birthdays in the same year... or birthdays just a month before him. Max and Dustin teased him about being the baby, to which Teddy immediately brought up the fact that he now stood taller than both of them. "How's that for baby?" He'd remark. That made them quiet (and made Teddy apologize profusely)

Teddy turned 14-years-old in 1985... Thomas could barely believe it. It was only yesterday that it was June 25th, 1971–"It was the best day of my life," Thomas would happily muse anytime Teddy mentioned his birthday. Thomas was young when he had his son, almost 21, just barely finished his second year of university. He didn't go much into circumstances around that time (for obvious reasons, mostly to protect his child) but his life changed for the better with his son. Thomas never wished for his life to be any other way.

Teddy was his world and Thomas only wanted his son to have the best special day.

A party was planned for Teddy's 14th birthday. He didn't want to do much, just spend time with all his friends... that meant all of them. He hand-wrote invitations for the occasion (even though he clearly didn't have to) and even delivered it to them. Overkill? Perhaps, but he wanted it to feel like a normal birthday party. He planned the whole thing to keep everyone involved and having fun. He wanted others to enjoy the day as much as he did.

That morning, Teddy awoke bright and early like usual... but this time, Thomas already was entering the room, placing a tray on the desk before his bed. The boy couldn't quite see what it was in his morning daze. The man returned to sit on the bed as his son rubbed his eyes, trying to wake himself up properly. Thomas peppered a bunch of kisses along Teddy's face and top of his head. "Happy birthday Teddy Dear."

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