six; winner

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chapter six; winner

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chapter six; winner

His Ellie loved wildflowers, Teddy knew that. His Ellie's favorite color was yellow, he also knew that too. He knew he needed to greet his girlfriend at the airport tomorrow with the nicest bunch of yellow flowers, the best surprise gift ever. Now, the easiest way to come about this would've been asking Eva to drive him to Bradley's Big Buy and purchase the first bouquet he saw. But that wasn't personal enough for Teddy. No. It needed to be from the heart... and besides, El loved handpicked flowers. Luckily, Teddy knew the best place in Hawkins for picking wildflowers (as he spent an entire afternoon out there with El before she left for California), the original mounting place of Cerebro, the highest point in all of Hawkins, Weathertop.

While Eva waited in the car where the road ended, Teddy and Max trekked on through the grassy valley and hill. He didn't want to do it alone, so he asked Max to tag along with him. He thought it was rude to leave Max alone in the car (well, not quite alone as Eva was there) as he invited her to hang out with him. Also... his Walkman batteries died, and he didn't want to be alone in the area without any noise (but he'd never tell Max that).

But more importantly, Max was still his Love Doctor. She still knew best about romantic stuff (at least, Teddy still believed that) and could contribute and correct Teddy on his bouquet-making skills if need be.

Teddy's eyes scanned the grassy landscape, searching for the vibrant hues of yellows, the color that made his Ellie's eyes light up with joy—a color Teddy thought captured her essence perfectly. Now, he didn't just want to give her yellow flowers. He remember El mentioning she also liked purple... and Teddy loved this, not only because El liked it but because purple and yellow were opposites on the color wheel, and thus, it would look fantastic together. Max's keen eyes contributed, pointing out flowers in the distance that she thought El would like.

The mission was far from quiet despite Teddy's immense focus on finding flowers. The interaction between him and Mike and Dustin still bothered him, nagging in his mind. He just couldn't wrap his mind around how it went down, how his friends couldn't understand how important this game was... also the dark side comment itched him the wrong way too. He couldn't keep quiet about it to Max and ranted on and on about it to her. "The dark side? I mean, come on. This isn't Star Wars! This is a basketball game. A High School basketball game. Boring, sometimes, yeah, but not like... evil. And it feels wrong to call the side with Lucas "the dark side" Obviously it wasn't meant like that but..." Teddy let out a deep sigh, shaking his head back and forth, readjusting the flowers he already picked in his hands. "I-I don't know. Am I overreacting?" He wanted an outside perspective and knew Max was the perfect person to provide that for him.

Max clicked her tongue against the roof of her mouth, thinking over everything Teddy told her. "I'd say your reaction was fine. They're being dramatic. It's just a board game." Now, Teddy could play devil's advocate and say that Dustin and Mike could retort with the same thing... but he wasn't interested in defending that. Not now at least.

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